Alabama election salt thread
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The democrats did this to themselves when they aligned their ideologies with the SJW's on the left. We would rather elect a pedo than a liberal.
here we go.
Poor MSM brainwashed libtards - HAHAHAHAHA
the bread ive been waiting for
I thought he lost....
lol dems can't smear campaign for shit anymore
This desu. It's bad enough the dems forced us to vote for child killers, recently they have to make them super obnoxious sjw too. Not good
>reddit actually thinks there's going to be a blue midterm in 2018
>all it takes is one claim, which was confirmed forged, and all of a sudden you are a confirmed pedophile
Projections not looking great for our guy...
The thing I'm most bothered by is the idea that if you're attracted to someone post-pubescent but under 18 you're a pedophile.
It's real in their minds
why are so many liberals so faggy? Like I honestly belieb that a large portion of liberals are in the closet
He's currently ahead by six points, but we're still at less than half the results in.
I remember this feeling.
>100% of kikes are inbred pedophiles
Really makes you think
Low T count.
That was a good night. Manys praises, keks and shadilays were had.
Why are any of you concerned? It's Alabama. He won't lose lol.
thanks for the new wallpaper senpai
saving this one, its going to now be a pol classic. I hope the poster jumps off a building knowing they created a meme
The Alabama Democratic Party accidentally sent out an email to party members today telling them to "vote tommorrow". They trolled themselves! No wonder they keep losing.
Now he's only up by 3
Still gonna be tough for Jones to catch up
>using 4:3 resolution
GET OUT but not befoe checking these
Shows how stupid pol tards are. Jones is killing it by +10 over the 2012 election that Moore lost. It is over.
>not understanding the level of Democrat fraud.
Could happen.
I'm seeing 7% with 58% of vote in
>Democrat campaign strategy will now consist of paying half a dozen women to say the Republican candidate touched them, get MSM to repeat the narrative for a few weeks, and sit back and watch the mob do its work
give me one off and moore wins
Catholics here me now.
The Pope in Rome is the anti Pope.
The real Pope is Rodrigo Duterte
lol at 90% they were bursting in their pants
its now back to 68% for jones theyre about to kill themselves
Careful user being gay is going to be outlawed by the next decade
Pretty much all the rest of the votes from here on out will be democrat
moore lost
Moore is kill. Fuck. Now every Republican will be called a child molester.
>The Pope in Rome is the anti Pope.
Considering the pope can't resign (or be forced to) he is not the pope. The guy is an imposter planted there. The real pope is being suppressed
charge your damn phone
Is he going to win?
Yes or No?
oh fugg what did i do, fix this right now with singles KEK
a fucking leaf
go suck castors sons dick he'd like that
>be leftist
>lose election
>call up "election supervisor"
>spaghetti leaks out of their end of the phone
Moore. Is. Kill.
isnt he accused of kissing 14-17 year olds? Wouldnt that not be considered a pedophile?
Jones is behind by 40000 votes
I'd say we can probably call this a night
>people will choose an alleged pedo over a lefty
The absolute STATE of the left
>Trusting kike polls
I don’t get it. Over 60% of the vote is in, he is leading by about 50,000 votes, and they have Jones winning by two points. How?
How the fuck.
>posts reddit
>posts phone screencap
>posts a reddit phone screencap
I hate you faggots so much
Not over yet faggots
Cause big cities arent done yet.
KEK is real.
Spoke too soon, trumptards. we are having a Sup Forums salt-mining thread in reddit soon. see ya there.
Look at the county map leaf.
The cities still have to be counted whereas many of the rural areas' results are already in
Sup Forums is jumping the gun on this one
Lol hot
>There's nothing wrong with pedophilia
>REEE a pedo is getting elected!
Gotta' love the leftie doublethink.
What's so special about this election?
Apparently Bill Oreiley has some very wealthy big name Democrat supporters or some shit recorded trying to get people to say so and so Republicans and the President even did sexual assault stuff.
Pretty Bigly if you ask me.
Impeach Trump and shit
NYT still saying jones has 65% chance winning
Just like the election last year
No one wanted to admit that Hilary had lost. It took them like 2 hours to call it even after Trump won PA
It shows that how gullible Americans are to unproven sexual allegations
Sounds like you need to listen and believe.
OOPS here's the right pic
>accusations based on forged documents
>no trial; innocent before proven guilty
The prediction for 2016 trended towards Trump the entire night, moron.
OOOPs heres the right image
It's projected by the amount of voters available.
Niggers aren't voting though.
Did you know that Alabama has the second most retards? Right behind Louisiana. Source cdc Prevalence rate * of mental retardation, by state --
United States, 1993 +
So when will we know? I don't really care about this election or have a horse in this race but I either want to mine salt from Sup Forumstards or from libtard redditors. I'm not really interested so much in the process as the outcome.
When will we know?
because the lefties think cities will be 70% democrat which is never the case, usually like 55% at most in bama
basically they fucking think wishing and manipulation will make a difference at this point..8% at 67% means its over
moore won
libs need to face facts for once in their miserable lives
Hello newfag
Getting a little better, but nothing to write home about
I have a feeling that's it's reddit going to be posting Sup Forums salt screenshots by the end of the night
i fucking hate how reddit is 90% "republicans are [insult]"
how do you look at that and not think
>oh shit i'm in a cesspit and i need to open myself up to other opinions
Literally the safest of spaces
I don't think they know what the word pedophile means
Do you know what "trended towards" means? Over the night it gradually went in Donald Trump's favor.
>he was obviously baiting
am i doing it right?
>Republicans have no Empathy, so sad...
Really makes you think
moore hasn't won yet you shitlord
he lost
Thread theme
The left likes to redefine words a lot. Pedophilia, racism, justice, etc. It's supposed to introduce a measure of control.
Whelp. Turns out even fucking Alabamians are gullible to unproven, bullshit sexual assault allegations
What the FUCK?!?!?!
I think Sup Forums may have shot their load too early on this one
go suck castro's sons dick before america frees us and sends him to Gitmo