So what does Sup Forums think about Josef Mengele, the camp doctor of Auschwitz-Birkenau?
>graduated in anthropology at Munich
>joined Nazi party and SS
>performed genetic research at Auschitz camp
>particularly interested in working on twins
>fled to Argentina after WWII
>eluded Mossad agents until his death in 1979
"The Angel of Death"
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He wuz a good boy he dindu nuffin
He was autistic
did nothing wrong
Literally 0 proof he did any of the experiments (((they))) say he did.
A sick, sick, sick Stormfaggot.
what is this?
what about (((Lavrenti Beria))) of the (((KGB))) in the (((Soviet Union))) days? How about that fellow named (((Berg))) in the Soviet Union that invented the carbon monoxide vans that 'gassed' dissenters to (((their))) rule in the (((Soviet Union)))????!!!!!! Redpill yourselves on these critters that made (((their))) horror in the (((Soviet Union))) communist dictatorship possible
He was sadistic, and thus degenerate.
I also despise people that hurt children, can t stand that shit.
Also. I have opinions that are quite differet from the rest of pol.... for istance I don't hate jews, why should I?
The community in my country has always been positive, costructive.
In modern days jews are targeted by the left for the same reason they despite us.
Because they are White (or White looking if you prefer) and because they are stick to their tradition. Also they proven to be quite succesful.
There is no reason to hate them in my opinion. They are not going around the streets at night raping girls, murdering innocents.
I despite leftists, modern leftists regardless of their religion. I would also like my country to be ethnic, as it has Always being....
Wasted quads.
You’re a faggot and your sentiments are proof.
But sir, jews are not people.
His closest brazilian neighboors said he was an exemplary citizen and hardworking farmer, eager to help anyone in need. He said who he really was and that he was defamed by liars.
Evidently, the media didn't exactly like this pov from his neighboors.
I didn't choose the digits, the digits choose me for a reason. I am right in my statement.
I don't understand why you hate jews, they are one of the least problematic minorities in my country...pheraps inyour they degenerate, but it happens in USA all ethnicities become extremist in there
Still alive
Is most powerful man on earth
Busiest man to ever exist.
Is there any proof of his experiments?
> excited about arrival of jewish dwarves
> performs sadistic experiments on them
> literally all 7 of the dwarves survive the Auschwitz death camp with no physical signs of being experimented at all
> professional story tellers who go on to own a theater in tel aviv
> tell stories like "We witnessed two newcomer dwarfs being killed and boiled so their bones could be exhibited in a museum. Mengele also filmed this"
some autistic weebs autism fantasy
he was a jew
>least problematic
That depends on your definition of a problem. You don’t get booted from everywhere you go throughout history without being a problem.
Just because they don’t rape and murder doesn’t mean they aren’t an issue. We wouldn’t even have half the nigger and Mudslime issue if it weren’t for their usurping and deception.
Man, I want all nonwhites killed, but Mengele was unnecessary cruel
These Jews were made for burning, and thats just what I'll do. One of these days I'll burn every, fucking, Jew.
Jews really, really, really hate Mengele for some very scientific reason.
Had a pretty cool song about him desu