Anybody who wants to take us back to the stone age take heed. All you need to do is start snipping undersea fiber optic cables.
Anybody who wants to take us back to the stone age take heed. All you need to do is start snipping undersea fiber optic cables.
Undersea cables conduct nearly 97 percent of all global communications, and every day an estimated $10 trillion in financial transfers and vast amounts of data pass through the seabed routes. Satellites, once crucial but now limited in speed and bandwidth, handle only a tiny percentage of global communications.
yeah, i'll get right on that
The world's navies won't let just anyone mosey on down there to cut the cables
it wouldn't shut down burger internet
I sort of would like to see what the world would do if this happened
There was a time, back when AOL was huge, when 2/3 of Amerca's Internet traffic went through a single manhole in front of AOL's headquarters.
You could trash America's internet and not even get your feet wet.
Do you know why you never hear about how much we need to protect this piece of critical infrastructure? Because we already do. SUNSHINEBOX, look it up. You aren't the first one to think of this.
anyone got a submarine I can borrow?
There's more than one undersea cable, you know. There are many, and the internet will work more or less the same unless you snip a good amount of them.
t. software engineer
only if i can play hunt for red october with the commies trying to cut the cable
They cant gaurd thousands of miles of cable dipshit. They cant even protect the borders and those are on dry land. Another hreat thing is theres no fear of electrocution while cutting fiber optic cable
Did you know if you want to shut down the internet you can blow up all the nukes and destroy the earth? It's just that easy
Nothing on jewgle about sunshinebox
Packet switching protocol automatically re route around damaged lines. The internet itself was designed to withstand a nuclear attack. It was originally a department of defense project to keep the lines of communication open for generals out in the field so to speak.
t, telecoms software dev.
How'd they even get cables down there and how are they protected against pressure and cheeky fish
There's a special boat/anchor thing they drop that buries cable out there
pic super related
How do you get down there though?
Don't worry, that crazy Jap nigger that post all of the 9/11 shit posted this one night. I have to admit, it was abot spooky reading then, now i am shitting my pants.