Sup Forums, could I get some genuine chimpout vids? This includes fighting, destruction, shooting, beating, domestic violence ect. Police beat downs on them work great too. I wanna build a collection of videos to show how these animals really do behave in the real world.
Sup Forums, could I get some genuine chimpout vids? This includes fighting, destruction, shooting, beating...
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Educate yourself on evolution /thread
might have too.
will dump all my webms. not sure if they are what you are looking for but should be fun at the least.
african street festival
parenting skills.
he dindu nuffin
fun prank. look at how he displaces his anger. his primitive brain can't comprehend what has happened.
saved this chimpout for last OP. hope you enjoyed.
here we see future doctors and engineers preparing to migrate to europe
Is that a dude in the wedding dress?
and answers
check them trips. First of all, how dare you assume that nigger's gender. Secondly, not a dress but an authentic african tribal gown used to display leadership and tolerance. Not at all a wedding dress taken from a white family that was butchered and raped and robbed.
checked and saved.
They do enjoy their clubbing.
Yes, he's wearing it because of a superstitious belief it will protect him from bullets. See also: General Butt-Naked.
thanks for the (you). Here is a specimen that enjoys the rhythmic beating of his people he transformed his arms into drumsticks.
He was a mad mother fucker.
I wonder what he stole to get that punishment?
no clue but I would guess he stole something twice.
gonna keep posting what I can
planet of the apes is a documentary about white people
burn the coal pay the toll
Segregation ended, destroying black businesses.
Niggers reproduce like cancer
So, nigger removal must be the answer
why? because then they had to compete with white businesses? hahaha.
Or seeJewish influence, along with the shabbos goys in the federal government.
lol 'member when they released sneakers with literal shackles?
segregation at least.
Unironically jewposting
Thats Jarmeekweeus Jenkins activating his ultimate transformation: Mega Nigger Monkey Mode
oh my fucking god I have never seen this sort of coonery before. Fucking Kek'd
have a poem.
and another
Yes they had to compete with (((corporations))). Similar has happened to white business ownership rates when yiu take out the jews from the sample. Jewish business ownership rates are doing just fine for some reason hmmmm
Imagine being a Jew.
Imagine having your dick mutilated right after you've finally calmed down from the whole traumatic experience of birth thing. Imagine a 50/50 chance the guy who mutilated you will immediately suck on your dick and taste your blood. Imagine being ugly, with an overbearing mother who coddles you to the point of making you neurotic, and a religion that says you are Chosen and better than everybody else. Better than the handsome athletic smart goyim, better than the pretty goyim girls that ignore and reject you. Imagine that insecurity and the manic emotions in response. Imagine that inferiority/superiority cognitive dissonance branded into your mind. Imagine being conditioned from birth to be a paranoid malignant narcissist. Imagine the passive aggressive hatred for the society around you. Imagine the joy you feel as your network of Chosen People elevate you to the heights of your career. Imagine the exhilaration as your network picks a goyim to destroy, and the feeling of triumph and community as you all profit from your successful hunt. Imagine that predation ever-expanding to encompass all that makes you feel inferior, and consuming the flesh to feed your feelings of superiority. Just as your flesh was torn from you as a baby, just as you were violated by a freak's mouth with your mother's betrayal, just as your blood was feasted upon. And so you do unto others as was done to you. Imagine being a Jew.
this pasta is getting stale seen it a bunch lately. This thread is turning into a JQ thread though.
ritual murder through the ages
Cool i am the original writer amd only posted it twice before, neat to see it catch on.
Nigger hate thread: axsept the fact that based blacks are great allies and have superpowers vs lefties.
they need to be removed from jewish influence, after that things might be different.
also that was really good stuff, kudos.
Awww someone mad /hisguy/ Roy the Soy Boy lost? Burn in Hell you trumptard child-fucker.