Why are (((they))) outraged when Asians and whites mix but then spam hundreds of blacked threads a day promoting black and white race mixing?
Is it an IQ thing?
Why are (((they))) outraged when Asians and whites mix but then spam hundreds of blacked threads a day promoting black and white race mixing?
Is it an IQ thing?
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Supreme gentlemen aside, asian-white hibrids are actually a threat to them.
Asian/white mutts are not that bad
Mixing with Asians is terrible like all race mixing
They might push south Asian and white.
But not high IQ north Asians and whites.
Frankly, that sort of hybridization does not scare me at all.
I fear that the death if whites is the death if civilization, but with north Asian white hybrids civilization is still possible.
Asians are one of the biggest threats to the jew after whites. But combined together, the jew would be powerless against a new hybrid race.
Dont worry too much. Women only race mix in general recently because its literally trending in media/internet.
The fad is already dying out, no ones buying it and those dumbass women will be stuck with their mongoloid babies.
Looking at porn trends for instance showed interracial was one of the lowest viewed types of porn out there, despite every other fucking video being some BBC bullshit.
Just the usual manipulation, keep the population droned out and stupid with low IQ kids, bring in the hordes of immigrants etc. Its a desperate attempt at saving (((them)))selves after the west got woke. Whites and asians are a fine pairing, though personally id prefer whites and whites and so on, but do your thing.
*in japanese*
Because (((they))) are only interested in race mixing as long as it serves their interests. Creating a race of intelligent, capable and independent light skinned hapas would be a significant threat to the Jewish World Order.
This is why Whites must be extinct and Asians left alone to face the demon kike-shitskin hordes on their own.
mixing with Asians will increase the average IQ of the white race.
But why do YOU get triggered over black mixing, but okay with Asian mixing?
That implies whites aren't already the smartest race on earth
Asian women are traditional, submissive, like to cook, and are not nearly as slutty as White girls. You should all be taking up an Asian bride ASAP, even if it's a mail order bride.
I say it's not common enough. One big benefit of a war with Korea is that we can import millions of female refugees. Those refugees will treat so many white men so well that white women will be forced to adapt for the first time in centuries. Use the Asian women to fix our white women.
because there's a benefit while with blacks zero benefit?
Then there wont be whites
Plenty of Welsh girls mix with English guys and vice-versa.
because asians don't have STDs, so it goes against (((big pharma)))'s interests, and they have higher IQ so it means their Kalergi plan for Jews to eventually rule over a world of dumb consumer drone mutts will be harder to get to succeed.
Japanese are white, albeit not European.
a lot of the hapas I've met have been pretty attractive.
Girls only.
You mean a race or supreme gentlemen?
What benefit?
Hapas hate us and themselves for some reason
>be white cuck
>white girls rejects you because you're a beta virgin
>asian girls with notoriously low standards accept you
>"hey guize azn gurlz r da best! all whyte woman want da bbc, stupid bitches!"
kys retard. you beta cucks that love asian women are as bad as the asian women that love niggers. you're both traitors to your race
Why would a "white" man want this for his "own" people?
Wrong type of race mixing you cucks.
>girls only
Then who will protect your country?
But Chinese love (((them))), my girls parents wished i was jewish
nobody falls for this meme schlomo. all men are universally attracted to asian women, not just the soyboys.
Not all Asians are equal
And they are racist against each other
If you fuck a jungle monkey we will be worse off
Say what you want but Elliot was attractive and intelligent. He just had the wrong outlook on life. Also he was half south asian, not east asian. South Asians aren't honorary Aryans
So get the numbers for WMAF and AMWF equal and then MAYBE things would be different
Ugh, women in general are ugly.
>asian whites mix threaten jewish supremacy
pretty much this
Porn sites tell me the truth. White men hate Asian men fucking white women while they love black men fucking white women. That means white men think Asians are inferior and blacks are superior
any and all race mixing is haram
Because Europeans and Asians already mixed in some regions and it doesn't benefit them.
(((They))) want us to stay away from those based Asian women and want us to breed with (((white women))).
Why would hapas be a threat to jews? Why would they disagree with jews?
They don't want you to be happy.
South Asian is Indian subcontinent. Also he was half East Asian, his mother was from Malaysia but was ethnically Chinese.
You don't deserve happiness. Your parents and grandparents never deserved to be happy and they never complained no one gave them happiness
Stupid spoiled soyboy
Come back and talk to me about Asian IQ after you see Mongolians pull down their pants in the middle of the street and dropping a shit. These same people are ranked higher than Italy in "IQ tests".
So you're saying that male race mixers of all kinds make more money?
gonna get back to plowing my korean GF now, feels good senpai. You mad? having fun with that over used white bitch, aint no tread left on them tires goyo!
They don't want you taking their idea.
that's unironically what kalergi wanted, are you retarded?
>Why are (((they))) outraged when Asians and whites mix
I have never heard that the international Jew did not want White man to mix with Asians.
Notice how it’s all amermutts that support race mixing with gooks
It's plebbitors from r/hapas. Take a look at it, it's hilarious.
They HATE whites. The weird thing is, they think whites hate asians or something, but they're like the one race we don't really mind that much. Like, Sup Forums will exaggerate things to be funny, but these people think that because asian girls often go with white guys (in majority white countries no less, where whites tend to be the wealthy ones) it's planned genocide or something.
They then try to mock whites because of blacks (white women actually have lowest interracial rate in America), but breakdown the moment someone says they have small penises.
Seriously, I highly recommend you look at the sub. It's anti-white hatred but on a whole different level. And it's funny because asians are the minority that whites discuss the least (and the only ones whose cultures we tend to like, at least in part).
Why this rich jew married Chinese women?
ever notice how english women love getting kebab'd ?
Chinese what? They have tons of different ethnicities, one more dumber than the other..
meh. depends on the asian type honestly.
my wife is actually a mongolian. mongolians are tall and built like brick shit houses with alot of white features.
Think of the colorful hyphenated names our children could have by interbreeding with Asians.
South Asia is poo land. You mean South East Asia.
Asian's wont mix with others and thus if whites do disappear Asian's will continue to develop society, just as they are today and surpassing whites at everything like always.
Yeah, he could've actually been successful if he didn't obsess over things like his sister having sex
Why mix if you hate the results?
Be careful. Not all Asian races are high IQ. To a degree they are more related to our indios.
Why did he get so fucked up? What made him that way?
because asian hate dark skin, in slave niggers, and won't let immigrants in their countries.
Ever notice how it’s always amerimutts, and especially the ones that like Asian girls, that have a cuck fetish about white women race mixing?
Stop posting soft porn you degenerates
>that incoherent sentence
>that flag
Everything checks out here
More like easier if there's less whites
And you do realize Kalergi is a hapa right?
lol I never met intelligent Mexicans
Well he was a smart guy with top influences. Good genetics do not program loyalties. Prime example, white SJWs.
Robots know this is the Asian century.
Because when his people are done destroying America, they want to move on to China. And for that they'll need Chinese blood.
Stadistics on views per por video say the contrary tho.
Blacked posters are beta Asians from reddit or Australians
hmmm not a cuck fetish, Go outside and take a look around! Nones gonna stop the refugee flow. You're getting kebeb'd kid! Stay inside and cry about it, F-f-f-f-fake news.
Run back to your white whore thats probably had 10-20 dudes nut inside her,
>Muh sloppy seconds
Do Jew males ever marry black women? I can't find anything significant.
It's just bettendorfs cultists who have a bug up their collective asses against white men. They've been less active since that dumbass doxxed himself.
What do you mean? The whites dating the asian qt 3.14s presumably don't have a problem. R/hapas is for literal hapas. Like they themselves are mixed, from pure white/asian parents. They're angry because asian women don't want them and they feel like they don't belong in white or asian culture.
Even though most are funny REEEEE posts, some of the stories are legitimately depressing. Never know how real or exaggerated they are, but one person was claiming their aunts were both asian and having hapas, and were boasting about how white they looked and how much they liked the green eyes. For the kids who had brown eyes, they must've felt like shit.
You have never met a white Mexican then, which means you could only afford being in the shit places when you came here.
(((they))) pushed WMAF race mixing in the 90's but it backfired on them because the kids turned out smart
It's extremely rare.
Asian women White men and Latina women and white men generally are the biggest pairings.
White people are considered a status symbol. My wife is way way hotter than I am. She's tall curvy perfect vision and teeth. I'm 5'11 she's 5'10. We already did the whole kid thing.
Usually I hear crazy shit about what my kid will look like which cracks me up on here.
I dated a korean girl for two years. It was actually annoying as fuck after a while. People always automatically assumed she was just after my money (her family was far more well off than mine). White girls actually did get pretty jealous sometimes. Most common accusation was that it was obviously just a passing case of yellow-fever. The occaisional "male feminist" SJW type would claim the relationship was inherently exploitive (which is just a soy-boy expression of envy that you get laid and he doesnt).
We broke up cuz she wanted to stay in LA and I wanted to go back to montana after leaving the military. Shame really. She treated me better than any white girl. Always had dinner ready and would insist that I eat first and get a massage while I ate, shed wash and iron my uniforms and could sew pretty awesome too. Also cut hair to perfect regs. She legit seemed to derive joy from domestic tasks like that, but I honestly and truly would kill myself if I had to stay in california.
They dont
Fuck me I have no clue what this thread is all about, but I found the whole set.
>pic related
>white Mexican
come on dude how many 100% Euro Mexicans are there really, 3% of the population?
here's a whopper of a redpill.
i hope you can put together exactly why it's BLACK AFRICANS whose population they want to bloom.
PLEASE take the time to read.
did this boy just imply that I'm considered Aryan, being half korean half white?
>asian-white hibrids are actually a threat to them.
have you even read the Kalergi plan
There is a small population of spaniard descendants who didnt mix with the natives. Its super rare but they do exist. I fucked one once.
If you stayed you would have died in a blaze of... well, fire.
Murkike and Murkike are OK with it.
China needs absolutely 0 help destroying themselves
Yeah dude...
There are a shit ton of white mexicans. Why do you think they like accordions in their music so fucking much.
It's because germans settled parts of mexico and it got passed on. That horrible accordion music from mexico is actually latinized Polka music.
nigga are you retarded? 10% or more of the country is castizo or white caste, we call them blanquitas, little white girls, or gueras, which is also like 'white girl'.
watch mexican t.v. or something, god damn.