It's actually hilarious coming to Sup Forums every day as pollacks constantly police the thread for any signs of wrongthink yet pretend they are woke.
It's the other cheek of the same SJW ass pretending it's something totally different, pretty hilarious when you think about it.
It's actually hilarious coming to Sup Forums every day as pollacks constantly police the thread for any signs of...
>Sup Forums is one person
Ok Sargon
Sup Forums is a bunch of people policed by their peers into only thinking Sup Forums approved thoughts. Any dissenting opinion that goes against the herd is rooted out.
To prove my case, I can already tell your first reactions to hearing anything that disagrees with what you've been programmed to think by your wealthy media masters is "leftist shill", you've been so deluded, you don't even have a brain anymore, you just compulsively consume the thoughts you are allowed to have, and nothing more.
>police the thread for any signs of wrongthink
Sorry kid you're thinking of reddit where unpopular opinions are downvoted and nobody gets to see them. When people say things Sup Forums disagrees with we usually provide evidence to the contrary.
Jew's did nothing wrong,
The bait is set.
When people say things Sup Forums disagrees with we usually provide evidence to the contrary
such as sage, shareblue shill, back to leftypol or nice try schlomo
No, my first reaction is that you are a retard who makes shitty bait on an anime-sharing website.
End your life now.
No you fucking don't
You just shout a bunch of accusations and post memes
It's nobody but yourself's fault you were glowing shill nigger.
You don't provide evidence, you provide memes that you're told to show. When a pollack actually argues with anyone, they immediately leave the thread because they genuinely cannot tolerate wrongthink.
The biggest trick your masters played on you was making you think you were geniuses for being deliberately bred into mindless consumers of their snake oil.
I need to replay that game now. wait I have a DS, hop ti du.
Isnt that game still pretty popular in Chile?
I think the real pity is that this board is filled with children and/or retards with 3rd grade reading comprhension who can't understand sarcasm.
>make sarcastic remark
>hahaha fuck off shill/jidf/shareblue/etc.
>hahaha shills BTFO
You know what? Nah, 180. I like the shittyness of this board because if you present anything, even a joke, in a well enough fashion someone will take it as truth.
The real Hillary died when building 7 fell and her body became a vessel for Satan.
The core values of Sup Forums are very solid, and we are constantly being attacked by other interest groups. The board used to be libertarian and slowly shifted far right as a necessary reaction to the demographic issues we face. If you disagree with a very fundamental Sup Forums value of course you're going to be told to fuck off. At that point it's like "why are you even here?"
Well of course it's really good, why wouldn't it?
This, guys.
If you DARE to complain about it you're JUST AS BAD AS THEM
Give me an example of a "wrongthink" idea that we would flip out about.
Grit > Olaf >>>>>> Colin
You mean that Sup Forums was libertarian and pro-free speech and became infested by far right retards who attacked pro-liberty posters in order to push the will of their orwellian government & military police permanently installed.
Sup Forums is so ideologically brainwashed libertarians, anyone who believes in truth and liberty, and holding the government accountable has be driven off of Sup Forums long ago.
Shut up, nigger, Colin is the best CO and everyone knows it.
My reaction is you are an intellectually dishonest faggot. Either that or baiting.
Case in point, the anti-intellectual, deeply sycophantic Sup Forums will come out in droves to defend the military state no matter what.
policing by what? banning? learn to bantz faggot.
This actually gave me a chuckle.
>blow up Colin's weak-ass units before they can ever get close to Grit's rockets
>BTFO Colin's already inferior units with Olaf's winter storms
>not even the best blue moon CO
>implying Colin is anything more than shit
Advanced Wars 2 was the fucking shit.
So you are baiting, just wanted to confirm.
We never said we are tolerant of others' views. Now fuck off faggot.
lol what a faggot
Colin is best boi you fucking leaf, power of money is top tier
SJWs are commies, Sup Forumstards are nazis, both are authoritarian scum who cant think for themselves.
So you're a buttblasted snek. I get it.
I voted for Ron Paul. I believe in liberty and small government. But if whites don't stay in power immigrants will vote for more and more government forever. We believe in holding the government accountable, but we're pretty powerless at the moment to do so. Voting accomplishes very little so the real best course of action is to get your house in order and live as independently as possible.
If that helps clear the guilt of wrongthink from you, I didn't expect an argument from a pollack, it's too far gone, they are too programmed against hearing anything but the propaganda of their masters.
It's merely an example. Sup Forums has been taught that loving america means burning the constitution, and instating martial law by fiat.
There's no going back from that.
Communist deserve to live as well as any other human being holding an ideology.
>use Grit's super CO power
>already have an extra square of range on ranged units, it goes up to an extra 3 squares
>can hit normal rocket launchers with artillery and the rocket launchers can't hit me back
No shit, retard. Don't believe everything you read at face value. It's your job to distinguish the wrong from the right and make the judgement call on what is and isn't total bullshit.
Fuck you closet faggot teenager.
>police the threads for wrongthink
Police? Oh, you mean the ability of all anons to delete threads on a whim? Yeah, feels great being able to shut down any thread I wish based on my feelings here on Sup Forums.
colin op as fuck elder god tier
>as pollacks constantly police the thread for any signs of wrongthink
pollacks spots shills like you and call them out. it's not work; it's not monitoring; it's simply a matter of seeing something and saying something.
Fuck off shill.
by wrongthink you mean retarded jew lies. why should I tolerate retarded jew lies here? This is the one place you should be able to go to escape them.
pollacks don't do that. five eyes, jidf, sjw shills, and transplant phoneposters do that.
We don't ignore that argument, it's just such an easy argument to win that we don't even bother with it anymore. We have mountains of evidence and real world examples that show Communism doesn't work.
Dismissing everyone who disagrees with you as a shill is pretty damn sad
you guys are talking occasional co powers. Colin wins day by day by flooding the entire map with infantry providing perfect barriers for his untouchable dirt cheap neotank rocket bomber force
>implying range matters when every single tile has a shitty mech on it and colin's spamming gold rush every turn thanks to you
You mean me and my countrymen?
If yes, get used to it. My countrymen are VERY interested in political discussions.
If it's about Sup Forumsacks....
Meeting Sup Forums acks/tards/posters on Sup Forums? Duh!
this guy knows what's up
What if I told you I was here in the days of triple digits, when Zionist and nazi and communism, dem and Repub general threads existed side by side, with casual Bantz between all, where the dominant voice was Ron Paul worshipping randroid lolbertarians, and instead of Pepe it was doompaul
>people disagree with me
>uh oh looks like the wrongthink police are here, disagree with me is impossible!
This is a pretty master gaslights get attempt. We are calling you a shill because pol isn't one person
you're trying way too hard. maybe you're just a retarded faggot and no one cares about your shitty uninformed opinions
its because this is the frontier motherfucker.
"ooh its not spelled out for me"
if its too aggressive, literally eat shit. Sup Forums will save the world