This thread is for discussion of the Third Position and the how ((capitalism)) has created a culture of consumerism, open borders and globalism, and the fact that Communism = Capitalism
>For My Legionares The Iron Guard - Corneliu Codreanu
>Mein Kamf- Adolf Hitler
>Aleksandr Dugin: Philosophical Aspects of the Fourth Political Theory
>Marx Supported Free Trade
>Steven Isaac-“The Ba‘th of Syria and Iraq”
longwood.edu/staff/isaacsw/Ba'th Excerpt.pdf
>Peron fight against Communism and Capitalism

>Hitler on Democracy and Capitalism

>Goebbels "Is it pagan" speech
>Dugin and the Fourth Political Theory
>Bannon describes populism
>Joseph Goebbels Final Speech

Other urls found in this thread:


We need more threads like this.

Cultured thug - The capitalist mind on automation:


Cool your shit bud.

The most important thing at the moment is to 14, and this is just D&Cing. The ancap is the tool of the Jew, and is thus our enemy, but don't be so aggressively socialist. Otherwise night of the long knives part 2 for being subversive.


>attacking a tool of the Jew is D&C
If you have subversives within your ranks you remove them so they don't try to change or corrupt your message to suit their own agenda. That's not "D&C", it's self preservation.

We just want people to remember that Capitalism = Communism. People seem to forget that, and believe the ((capitalists)) can be an ally against the ((Marxists))

I wonder (((who))) could be behind this post. Fuck off.

>attacking ((capitalism)) means you are a jew

No, trying to infiltrate Sup Forums from whatever Marxist shithole you crawled out of makes you a jew.

>dont be aggressively socialist

>Any criticism of capitalism makes you a marxist
If you looked at the links I posted, there is some that attack Marxism and speeches of men who gave their lives fighting marxism.
Fuck off kike

Enjoy your corporate culture, consumerism, political correctness, open borders and globalism.

> Right-wing anti-capitalism
What a bunch of meaningless fucking terms to throw around in an already murky fucking pond.

It's hard enough trying to explain to people that a political compass split down social & economic issues could be useful without you trying to lump in anti-capitalism facism with the right-wing, but facists are going around saying they love capitalism, and that they're not socialists I mean....ugh.

The fact that you couldn't even echo shows you came here from somewhere else as a part of some shitty d and c campaign. You know I'm right.

Don't forget to sage

Capitalism does not equal right wing, retard

nice argument bruh

It does if you use a political compass split down economic and social issues to clearly explain where people, parties and ideologies lean and how they differ/are similar. I bet you think you're too smart for all that clarity though aye? Better try and divorce the right-wing from its capitalist roots, what are you some kind of marxist or jew?

thats a real fucking terrible chart. Because "right" isnt specified. All people on the planet but ancaps and libertarians consider fascists and neo-nazis right wing, but they are often staunchly anti-capitalist. Its because ultimately what constitutes right and left is the most important issue of the day, i.e immigration

Socialism is the midpoint between capitalism and communism that removes the negative aspects of both. Also, I don't care about "right vs left". It's a false dichotomy and a generally outdated term. There is no "right" or "left" anymore, it's cosmopolitanism/globalism vs nationalism/populism.
>but facists are going around saying they love capitalism, and that they're not socialists I mean....ugh.
I never say this.

>using ((political compass))

leftism general?

>love socialism hate Marxism
I sincerely hope you're trolling, nobody is that deluded

Someone give me a link to Strasserist lit.

>trying to fit in

Hello gomrades! XDDDD Dis general is for disgussion of margsism-lebonnism, da ideology of revolutionary socialism and gommunism.

Gommunism is da next stage of guckery following real society.

Wat exagtly is gommunism according to gommies:

>Gommunism is a stage of guckery in which the produgtive infrustrugture runs away from gommie country, and no goods are produced and beeple starve. XDDDD
>Gommunism in full form is obressive, statist society dat follows maxim "gib gib gib!" :DDDD
>To achieve gommunism we must replace broduction with murderous obressive rulers liek me, fug working glass beeple. XDDDD Struggle while I liquidate you all lol. When capitalists run away we win and I kill you all. Eventually the functions of state cease and state becomes murderous and indistinguishable from other gommies. Da state withers away liek da people.

GL uses philosphy of gib and starve, see here:

It is recommend you kill yourself so you can avoid starving.


Da sdages of gommunism.

>Sdage one
Bourgers aren't allowed to vode :DDD but otherwise da system is digtadorshib of gommies. Everything is stole by digtadors and digtadors rule all.

>Sdade two
All beeple who aren't digtador glass starve. XDDD Once glass disabears and we steal everything more beeple wither away. Bolice begome unnecessary as beeple are dead lol :DDDDD Central blanning begomes unnecessary begause sgarcity caused starving. Money is all ours.

>Sdage three
No beeple. No food. My money. Much benis.

>Sdage four
Nod real gommunism, move to nexd gountry :DDDDDDD

>what is national socialism
>what is strasserism
>what is national syndicalism
>what is ba'athism
All of which could be objectively described as socialist in one way or another. The difference between national socialism and marxism is that one wishes to destroy culture by imposing their system upon the world and dissolving nations (state atheism too). The other wishes to reinvigorate the national identity and spiritual consciousness.

You know socialism was around before marxism right retard? You know there is various forms of socialism and marxism is not the only form? Fucking retards I am telling you

we don't like ((communism)) either here brah


Pro-tip. Marxism =/= marxist analysis =/= socialism
Marxist analysis is a lens of analysis seeing history as a product of economic forces and class struggles. Very useful for looking at the economy at large in an abstract way involving social groups.
Socialism is just the means of production (i.e a hammer factory) being owned by the workers who work in it, rather than someone who doesnt work in it (i.e a conventional owner). In this way all of the costs of running and upgrading and all of the benefits of producing are shared directly between the workers, rather than just receiving a portion of it via wages.
Marxism is a political philosophy based off of the above with internationalism added in.

They have a good forum, I forgot what it is called though, maybe someone from here has been there


as long as i can feed my family and live in a majority white country i dont care about economics.

if nazbol gang or strasserism will save us sign me up

This one?

No, it was an specific Strasserist forum, it was named after some eagle or some type of bird. I just found out about them because revleft always rages about them

>right wing


1000% sweetie

hmm, not sure.

read the fucking thread


nationalist socialism is the only way forward for humanity

>nationalist socialism is one of many ways backward for humanity

oh look it's a "literally let the rich and powerful turn us all into slaves" meme ideology

There is no such thing as right wing anti-capitalism, the left and right are defined by capitalism and socialism.

> literally let the rich and powerful turn us all into slaves
> National Bolshevik
Oi, walking contradiction. You don't know shit about our ideology, you're too fucking dumb to read and I bet all of my currently high yielding investments that you don't give the slightest shit about accuracy or truth. ya fuckin cawk sucka.

you are a larper. get off the internet nobody cares

You sir, are innaccurate and wrong. You should be ashamed.

>Capitalism does not equal right wing, retard
It does, stupid. Capitalism is inherently pro inequality and pro merit.
>inb4 an asspulled social definition of what right wing is

take off your fedora


>Its because ultimately what constitutes right and left is the most important issue of the day, i.e immigration
What a fucking retard

It's pro-inequality but not necessarily pro merit. There's other more meritocratic systems out there.

All idiots who dont understand third position politics GTFO, radical centralism takes the best from socialism and the best from capitalism without any of that globalist fuckery and no private bank grabbling. Period. If you can't rest that thought in your head then you are not useful for the cause.

It is dipshit, right and left has been around since the late 18th century and originally had nothing to do with capitalism vs socialism. Genealogical approaches are the only way to analyse things like this.

Seems to me that you're confusing capitalism with mercantilism or corporatism

What is right-wing anti-capitalism? You're communists?

Fuck off, get out. Third positionist don't use any compass, that is why its called the third position. It goes beyond the old scheme.

lol wat. He said nothing about those

Corporatism is fascist term that refers to organizing businesses into syndicates and guilds.

You idiot, right vs left boils down to vertical morality vs horizontal morality.
This are immutable and doesn't change. And there's no third option.

Anti-capitalism? So you're a communist? I thought Hitler engaged in a lot of privatization.





OP don't waste time explaining stuff to those anons, third positionism is based, and literally for non-based people there is always something off about being based.

>You idiot, right vs left boils down to vertical morality vs horizontal morality.
Boi you are going to have to explain what the fuck you mean

>right wing

anti-capitalism does not equal communism you dope. look around you. all the degeneracy around us can be explained by the decadence of the uber wealthy in our society and their interests. the lack of meaning the modern world is due to capitalism.

Rap is like black folk music, really shitty black folk music. All those other political systems had folk music; they just weren't shit because they weren't black.

> Third positionist don't use any compass
Liberty and individualism has always been the 3rd position between various dualities of competiting collectivist wings throughout most of modern history. Just look at the idealogical trends that emerged out of Prussia and Germany and infected the world and the political climate before and after that.

Political compass is useful in discussions, if you want to larp and meme then go right ahead, I prefer a semblance of accuracy that helps drive conversations.

No it's the left that considers the nazis right wing and only the left because they use racism as a way to slander their opponents. You're basically being a cuckservative and giving in to the marxist reworking of the paradigm.

It's unfortunate that threads like this often get ignored while magapede threads and e-celeb threads get hundreds of replies.
The election was a mistake.

I hereby rename this thread /BernieGeneral/.

Liberty and individualism make the nation vulnerable to infiltration.

In my experience it's mostly libertarians who consider the Nazis left-wing.

no. Its literally everyone but the ancaps and libertarians. Even the fash identify as right wing. Libertarians and ancaps dont like it and choose a completely non-sensical and ahistorical axis to avoid any nationalist connotations and the stigma associated with being "right wing". Instead lumping ideologies who violently hate each other and would rather see each other dead than cooperate with each other into the same "wing".

>Liberty and individualism make the nation vulnerable to infiltration.
Not in an enthnostate.

>white people wont sell each other out

Define sell each other out.

>Not in an enthnostate.
And you can't create that ethnostate without dictatorial force.

I could employ native workers who demand better conditions and higher pay.
I could employ cheaper immigrants so I can make more money and artificially inflate the labour supply

No, only retarded larpers identify as right wing. Conservatives don't consider nazis right wing. Brain washed morons who listen to their marxist professors tell them that anything racist is right wing thing that they are right wing. Racism isn't a philosophical axiom, it's a fucking opinion.

Possibly. There's white separatism and secession. There's nothing wrong with valuing liberty and individualism for your own race as long as you're willing to use the state to protect it.

>Anti capitalist
Third position isn't anti capitalist, it respect sand uses aspects of Capitalism. Anti capitalist is outright communism.

>Conservatives don't consider nazis right wing. Brain washed morons who listen to their marxist professors tell them that anything racist is right wing thing that they are right wing
AHAHAHAHA. Thats just patently false. If you've even spoken to anyone who is "conservative" and not a lolbertarian then you would know that they consider nazis as far right extremists
You are doing exactly as I said you do, choosing an ahistorical axis in order to avoid any stigma associated with expressing racist opinions and its connection to the right. Instead believing its a leftist smear tactic to discredit the right

>Vertical morality
Hierarchies are natural and good
Aka Right wing
E.g. monarchism, religion, fascism, etc.>Horizontal morality
All beings are equal and therefore differences are caused by injustices
Aka left wing
E.g. communism, socialism, progressivism.

This shit again. You just have to have the government control the immigration policy.

> Liberty and individualism make the nation vulnerable to infiltration.
In your opinion.

I'm sorry, but the vast majority of the outside world considers Nazism to be a right-wing ideology.

Literally only Libertarian cucks consider them to be left-wing.

And black slaves were literally brought in under capitalism. We wouldn't have the nigger problem if it wasn't for greed. Same with the immigrant problem we have now.
>Third Position is an ideology that was developed in the late 20th century by political parties including Terza Posizione in Italy and Third Way in France. It emphasizes opposition to both communism and capitalism. Advocates of Third Position politics typically present themselves as "beyond left and right"

wow that stipulatory definition is garbage and ahistorical

It's not an ahistoric axis at all, every single country was nationalistic in the past. The axiom is whether the state controls your assets or not. You're so dumb, you're acting like everything before modern globalism is right wing.

thats so much harder when your economic system is always driving towards profit.

besides him being a jew, how did you guys feel about bernie sanders?

he literally said open borders were a jewish conspiracy (named koch brothers) and was pretty nationalistic. if america’s debt wasn’t so fucked, what do you think?

They're left wing like Bernie Sanders is left wing, in that they both favor large welfare states and economic policies to rein the "excesses" of capitalism.

I guess when marxism invaded the school systems in the 80s that was the beginning of philosophy.

>It's not an ahistoric axis at all
Yes it fucking is. It implies that collectivist parties will always prefer to work together over individualist. When history has shown that that is not the case. NSDAP(at the time very socialist) allied with DVP (monarchistic) over the other socialist parties. The same happens today with nationalistic parties tending to clump together despite different stances on economics. And if you are not implying this, then your definition is not only stipulatory, but also means literally nothing as it has not practical uses


Ernst Niekisch argued that the anti-statist principle was created by the Jew so he could undermine the nation better, putting effort into infiltrating other peoples' nations rather than building his own. Preaching individualism while practising masonry behind everyone's backs.

Nigger that's the literal definition of right vs left from its beginnings

Considering you're probably one of those unwashed masses that associates the word "fascism" with "racism"...

Your interpretations of political spectrums and where ideologies fall within said spectrums is, frankly, fucking irrelevant.

>And black slaves were literally brought in under capitalism. We wouldn't have the nigger problem if it wasn't for greed. Same with the immigrant problem we have now.
Capitalism is the private ownership of the means of production and a profit/loss system. Slavery has nothing to do with that. It was the government that made owning another person legal. The immigrant problem is a result of the Constitution not having an explicit mandate to preserve the White ethnostate.
>thats so much harder when your economic system is always driving towards profit.
Nope, all you need is a clause in a Constitution.

>they both favor large welfare states and economic policies to rein the "excesses" of capitalism.
With the big difference being that one side is internationalist while the other is not. One wants welfare and protection from the excesses of capitalism for their own people, the other wants it for everyone.

In theory I have no problem with either, except that I believe the latter to be impossible, so I put my own people first.