Anons, what do you think about the white privilege? I really wanna hear from you.
Anons, what do you think about the white privilege? I really wanna hear from you
Black people are granted privileges for perceived disadvantages. Both Whites and Asians must score higher on their entry exams to get into college.
I didn't have a choice in what my son color is but I did have a choice in making something of myself instead of being lazy.
It's bullshit.
if my privilage is being of a smarter race then i could contest to that, but i grew up in a shithole and didn't take any of gimmedats from anyone. i dropped out at 15 and pulled myself up from the boot straps to feed my family with hard work
Is the ball and chain her genetic handicap?
you already fucked up
I never understood why some people think affirmative action works. All it's going to do is create lower and lower expectations from Blacks and other "oppressed" faggots of color, and will create even greater racial tensions in the future.
Jewish bullshit.
>white privilege
"White Privilege" is actually individuals discriminating and not whites in general
My "white privilege" is the blood keeping these shitskin leeches fed.
So that's why they have that saying about wives being "the 'ol ball and chain".
Blacks have been building civilizations since the dawn of time, african americans have no excuses.
This picture is missing all the white people that removed the obstacles on the white mans path, and all the black people that threw the traps on the black woman's path. And like said, the ball and chain is just nature being a brutal but unbiased bitch.
Surprised this wasn't the first post
WP is just another divide and conquer tactic. Isnt "privilege" what we all strive for? Dont we strive for a better life than our parents had so we can give our children the "privileges" we never had? This is called progress and this used to be what made America great. The fact that so many now look down on this shows just how fucked up this country and so many of its inhabitants are.
Dont wish it was easier, wish you were better.
Well, if you put yourself in a better path you can avoid all the obstacles.
If you act like hood-rat scum. Yeah, no shit. You're not gonna have it easy.
Just don't be a nigger and you should be fine.
No such thing.
It's a privilege, your race fought to earn it.
Got cucked because a faggy King tax you too much? your kind fight through war to earn your freedom.
Tired of being scared by wild animals and shitty weather? A white male started to study nature and invent technology that you enjoy today.
White privilege is simply the natural order of things
not my fault your parents are idiots
White privelage?I’m flat broke.
poor autist on Sup Forums getting phD that wont get me very good job right away cause im white
People who say white privilege should be crusified and set on fire
>about the white privilege
Intelligence, cooperation, long term planning, technology and philosophy are white privilege. Not burning your weird thoughtful types as witches is white privilege. Saging retarded posts is white privilege. Not being a self-defeating moron is white privilege.
>Making success a bad thing
Even if privilege existed why would it be a bad thing if you actually worked for it?
It's quite the privilege to be white. Anyone have the white privilege expanding brain meme?
I believe that "privilege" is just the ability of your parents being able to plan, save, and provide for the future of their children. Blacks think they have it tough because their parents did nothing to give them a leg up and they had to make their own way. Meanwhile watching other people having a promising future handed to them. But their parents literally earned that privilege for their children. It wasn't handed to them by a systemic racism boogeyman. It was living breathing working parents with savings accounts.
i feel like if I had to list groups I'd most want to be reincarnated as it'd go like this
>white IQ>140 for obvious reasons
>black IQ>100 b/c standards are relative and you'd get hella attractive niggress pussy
>black IQwhite IQasian anything Asians are humanoid insects that are incapable of emotion, would probably be a living hell to reincarnate in.
I live in Iowa.
Half my coworkers are white, and like 2 asians, and live within 15 minutes drive of where we work.
Half are retarded nogs from Chicago and other major cities in coast states.
They're not held to the same standard.
We normally require:
>2+ years experience
>several professional references
>be healthy
>moderately intelligent
>strong work ethic
>team player
To stay employeed here:
>excellent attendance is a must
>lots of training that must be accomplished at regular intervals without prompting
All the nogs are dumb as bricks except for one girl who has been promoted repeatedly because she looks like a champ when held up against the pack of retards from chi-congo.
Whenever one quits or is fired, they bring in new black replacements from urban hell holes.
Neither this state or country reflect these demographics. So they're going far above and beyond affirmative action quotas.
They're transplanting hundreds of nogs into my mostly white state.
And they get the easiest jobs with no expectations to perform at the level of their white peers.
Same has been true at previous jobs.
And we baby the hell out of these pussies.
They're literally worse than women by a wide margin.
White privilege is having a triple digit IQ.
World will never be a just place and there will never be a time when people have equal opportunities. It is not in human nature. So therefore white privilege is a spook to get ahead of white people and dominate them, not equalise opportunities.
underrated post
Only privilege there really is is $$. Blacks just happen to have less of it. Whether or not you consider this "white privilege" idk. I think not
kike fairytale
It definitely exists, but not as usually defined.
There is virtually no *institutional* white privilege in the USA. Quite the opposite - almost all large institutions, public and private, have a variety of programs to try and curb white privilege and give literal, institutional advantages to non-whites. Almost all HR departments have some kind of equality commission that is explicitly tasked with this. So no, there really isn't any legal or institutional white privilege.
BUT! It's demonstrably far better to be white in the USA, even considering the above. Your sexual capital is far higher (you'll be rated attractive far more often). Landlords will find you more desirable. In all sorts of walks of life, including job interviews etc., you'll be found to be more attractive. Note that HR depts may do their best to counter this, but they're fighting a powerful tide: whites just seem smarter, more conscientious, more personable, etc. than anyone else.
Finally, odds are your networth is a higher as a white - good chance you'll inherit some property etc. That's definitely a privilege that blacks etc. just don't have.
So no, there isn't any institutional privilege, (quite the opposite) but you'd be delusional to deny that whites are considered more attractive in every possible way, and often have 'easier' lives thanks to inheritance etc.
Don't get me wrong.
I don't hate them.
I even like some of them and get along great with several.
I hate our government and this business for genuinely racist, anti-meritorious business practices and policy (mostly unspoken policy).
This doesn't actually affect me professionally as I'm 2 rungs up the ladder from this shit show.
But it enraged Mr to know good people can't get these decent jobs because they must be gifted to incompetent bottom of the barrel nogs in many cases.
And even the best of them is below average.
Nigger women still loses because she needs that DNA.
Then kills her three year old.
I don't think white privilege is real, and I don't think privilege in general is problem. I do wonder though if everyone on Sup Forums would actually give niggers a chance if they applied to for a job at a business you own, if they did somehow have the qualifications. I'm not saying it's likely they would have the qualifications, and also most people don't browse Sup Forums. But some do.
>Meanwhile watching other people having a promising future handed to them
This triggers the orphans and single parent kids.
White "privilege" is actually a genetic privilege. It's what everyone thinks but no one wants to say. Whites are on average taller, stronger, more beautiful, intelligent, creative, driven, etc. than the rest of the races. The aggregate sum of positive/desirable traits you can have in one single individual is overwhelming. Other races may also have some positive traits, but whites have everything at the same time.
Whites are undeniably genetically privileged. You were born with this privilege and no one can take it away from you.
Could you imagine how handicapped blacks and other races feel around whites?
immuh fuqkin smawk u rice bitch
needs to be renamed to "White, Asian and Jewish privilege"
also it's just the inverse of saying "black communities tend to be shittier than predominantly white ones"
My parents were violent, alcohlic, white trash, junkies.
I was foisted on an elderly grandma.
I've had
>zero financial assistance as an adult.
>lived on my own since 18
>no one to depend on
>never used government hand outs
>will likely have to deal with burying my parents that abandoned me at my own expense
Why should someone get any advantage over me for being a different color?
I can't imagine how much it Sucks for whites like me that have the misfortune of also being physically unattractive.
Motherfucking this. Aint even mad about her skin color; she should be fucking hanged.
There is privilege but its not as static as libtards think.
Its more abstract as in it only affects people if they make it affect.
Like sure you might get a call back from a job opening if you use john instead of jose on the application. You might get scammed on paying sticker price at a dealership and get a 12% off if you are white.
i dont know its seems more of evolutionary privilege than anything.
emphasis on "was"
Having a bunch of subhuman niggers and spics shitting up my country while my taxes subsidize thier worthless existence sure is a priveledge, I tell you what
>cites a single example
>this refutes my argument
Are you retarded? Of course there are exceptions dude, USA has 300,000,000 people in it. I'm talking about general patterns.
Like not every black is a criminal idiot, but I'm sure you don't hesitate to make that generalisation. Fucking 56% is just too true jesus
Clearly spoofing your IP "dude"
Also just to add I agree that those institutional advantages are unfair, for the reason that you state (some whites come from shitty families or are just mad unlucky).
I think all law should be colour-blind, especially university admissions etc.
But you can't deny that on average, it's better to be white than black in the USA. If you could be reborn as a black or as a white, I'm 100% sure you'd choose white, even though there are many "institutional advantages" to being black.
You can't imagine someone in Japan has internet, or what?
>American "education"
Still, fuck you if you're a nigger though