This national community existed once

>90% white
>90% christian
>overwhelmingly opposed to race mixing
>overwhelmingly opposed to all kinds of degeneracy
>overwhelmingly opposed to psychoactive substances
>vastly opposed to any non-white immigration whatsover
>intolerant of disruptive individualism
>reflexively disgusted by mental defectives such as homosexuals
>committed to stewarding a family and continuing their ancestral duties
>would've rather lost a war to a genocidal superpower than give equality to non-whites

Press F to pay respects.


>overwhelmingly opposed to all kinds of degeneracy
>90% christian

Christianity in the 1950s was a completely different animal than the pure nu-Testament bullshit it's been morphed into.


>tfw Canada was >90% white in the 90s
How could we all fall so far?


so basically what you're saying is back in 50s Christianity wasn't religion made by Jewish prophets


>overwhelmingly opposed to race mixing
>overwhelmingly opposed to all kinds of degeneracy
>overwhelmingly opposed to psychoactive substances
>vastly opposed to any non-muslim immigration whatsover
>intolerant of disruptive individualism
>reflexively disgusted by mental defectives such as homosexuals
>committed to stewarding a family and continuing their ancestral duties
>would've rather lost a war to a genocidal superpower than give equality to non-muslims
Sounds islamic.

In practice, it was heavily centered around the reverence of God, avoidance and punishment of sin, and commitment to local community and strong patriarchal values. You could argue it wasn't as close to the bible as today but it was much healthier.

In another time, socialists feared giving women the vote because they would vote as their pastor/priest told them.


ok varg chill



This is the pedo thread for Moore's loss? I mean, these kids were raped by their alcoholic dads and fucked by their priests. Half of them were probably murdered by their spouses...the women at least.


Kek. No, this is a reflection of days gone by.

Skipping ahead a decade to 1970.






Another 1980. Notice how decorum has been gradually eroding away.


Oh, so this nation was all pedo Royboys? Fuck off nazi maga child-rapists.

Note how the Jew projects his own perversions onto the white man.

Into the 90s now.




then the jews came


This was my dad's high school class (1977). Monta Vista High School is now mostly Indian, Asian (Chinese) and Middle Eastern with some Somali and other mystery meat thrown in.

It is the local chapter of the VFW (Very Few Whites).

As a 50% white mutt, I love to see whites being wiped off the map. Your culture and race will be annihilated.

Fuck and kill all whites.

Not if we kill you first mutt

Holy shit I found Chad

Lol, I was spawned from a white man. I will be the dagger that destroys the white race.

When I breathe my final breath in 70 years, I'd be very surprised if even a single white nation still exists.


>When I breathe my final breath in 70 years
Sure are optimistic, aren't we?

% christian
and how many people on Sup Forums are honest-to-god christians today?

seriously, you guys harp on and on about christian values, but you're constantly breaking tenets of the faith whether it be drug use, sex before marriage or swearing in the Lord's name.

fucking hell man. sometimes, this board.



Dude you are an anachist you hate christanity

Not really, it would be optimistic for a wh*te though.

You're already losing hardcore red states to libs. You will be made unarmed and worthless. You will go out with a whimper, not a bang.

>seriously, you guys harp on and on about christian values, but you're constantly breaking tenets of the faith whether it be drug use, sex before marriage or swearing in the Lord's name.

I don't speak for others. However, even a degenerate can recognize that a unified community that *aspires* to moral strength and purity is superior to one that doesn't. Look at the world we showed to children 60 years ago versus the one we show them today.

I miss when I didnt have to see niggers

>overwhelmingly opposed to psychoactive substances
Like nicotine and alcohol, for example?

>tons of repressive old white people shit
Yeah fuck that, I'm glad they're gone.

>overwhelmingly opposed to psychoactive substances


Marihuana, LSD, heroin, and cocaine are far less useful to a productive white community than those two mild substances. Nicotine and alcohol were already staples going back centuries, and unlikely to be removed quickly.

I did a family tree recently, 2-3 generations ago all my ancestors had between 7-14 children, they had kids before age 20, this is what happened.

sure, buddy

Jesus was a messiah, not a prophet. Not that you would know in your godless savage slav wasteland

its just easier quicker to make not that it wasnt a staple. what do y8ou do when you smoke weed? smoke it and it spreads so you hide it and your done in 5 minutes
what do you do with alcohol?

YOUR A FAGGOT Since you cant think ofr yourself drink it like all day long with one in your hand

so then you claim its ssome staple claiming weeds not

whhich fallacy is this one they keep using on here and i keep outting over.. and over..and over
#2 example

>overwhelmingly opposed to psychoactive substances
Wrong. We've always loved them. Do you think the media speaks for the people? It never did.

and replaced with pure shit

Smoking weed destroys coherence, if your post is any evidence.

>so basically (adjusts ass) what you're saying is Christianity back it the 50's wasn't created by Jewish prophets?
He'd be correct then.

>Sounds islamic.
Modern day Christaians could learn athing or two from the Muslims. Muslims defend their faith and don't corrupt it to appease women, homo's and leftist degenerates. Christians used to do the same but then (((something))) happened and that world is no more.

>weed effects coherence
Not one bit. Alcohol does though.
Try to be more right when you're talking shit.

According to polls, 88% wanted marijuana illegal in 1969. Steadily 60-80% until the 2000's.

you8 just made up shit about staples.

wheres the GODAMN trade logs from before they illegalized weed then? oh thats right it probably was just grown and smoked PERSONALLY and liquor and beer almost the same.

SO whats thsi alcohol staple you claim? its all personal and weed is a staple, id fucking know i seen washington as a "hemp" grower but no big liquor distillers i knew of. except moonshine but you claim thats your
YOUR GODAMN Defintiion of staple and that marijuana by your shit eating mother fucking mouth isnt

thats YOUR claim i said that very clearly and your just full of shit depending on logical fallacy

now you rely on your insults
"hallmark of a shilll"

Modern day Christians are a fucking disgrace IF you mean institutions like the Church Of England. They absolutely are not Christians. They deny both the Bible and tradition (traditional wisdom) and implement the exact diametric opposite policies.
I don't know what they are, it isn't my job to categorise them, but they are not Christians.
This post is too long but there's problems with evangelicals too. Not quite as bad though.

Sounds lame as shit.
How the fuck did neo feudalists like you end up on a website for anime and lolicon in the first place?

According to polls you all love Hilary Clinton

yeesh the past sounds fucking awful
glad i was born when i was

F, we'll never see it again. I think we had it coming to. Fuck the west we're so fucking bloated it's not funny. And there's too many young ppl with the i don't give a fuck attitude to care anymore.

Polls were off by iirc up to 10% in the 2016 election. Doesn't change anything.

I can plainly see black people in these images you fucking idiot you can't even do propaganda correctly.

go suck your jew dicks
>we dont give a fuck
fuck you fucking nigger we dont care what you say

Honestly, no, that's just a community full of hypocrites. You'd be better off just admitting you have no morals then do some bullshit song and dance to pretend like you have any.

>opposed to racemixing
Pick one. 1/3 of “French” Arabic bitches are married to niggers, but it’s fine since they are one in Mudllah

That sounds fucking terrible. I'm glad it's dead.

You see one mestiza in 1960 and a few niggers in 1970 onward. That was intentional, to show the slow spiral downward into decracination and degeneracy.

why do the kneeling kids look like they are about to get executed, are they secretly niggers or something

>You'd be better off
To whom and what, someone's intellectual ego? It's perfectly reasonable for a degenerate to realize that his comfort and relative success was only due to exploiting the foundation of a homogeneous Christian society, and for him to hope others maintain it so he can continue to leech off of it.

and look what they did with all that was given to them

FUCK boomers

We have to live up to Our Values and have an Open Society user. America is for everyone! We are a multi-ethnic, religious-pluralist Democracy that will be a shining light to the world. Only by working hard can we assimilate the world's most alien cultures and thus prove that we are living up to Our Values and acting in the interests of the global Greater Good.

Reminder that people exist that think like this!