America fucked up

Are we ready for every election from now on being sexual harassment smear campaigns on both sides? With Doug Jones winning the dems now know they do not have to argue policy whatsoever. Every election from now on will be based upon moral grounds, and who can smear whom the best. This is what America wanted, and what they voted for.

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This will happen because Soros is financing every single election. Even down your school board

relax. we'll find no salvation in politics anyway.

Unironically this, anyone that actually expects a degree of competency from either party is deluding themselves. All the Republicans had to do was say "No evidence, fuck off", but instead they pussied out instantly over a smear campaign because they didn't want to get on the media's bad side.

>Every election from now on will be based upon moral grounds, and who can smear whom the best
What are you talking about, it's always been this way lol.
There was one election way back when where the candidates basically called each other race mixers.

Republicans have always been pussies and are the reason why conservatism is dead.
>hard to conserve anything when you bend over at every opportunity

It was always partially that and partially policy, but now it is only smear campaigning.

Well, maybe if politicians would stop being sexual predators.

Clinton, Trump, Moore, Franken, Weiner. Power just does things to men apparently. They need to clean up their act because this is not exactly a high bar.

maybe stop having rapey old boomers as your candidates?

Meh. In truth, there is no policy that matters anymore. The economy means jack shit when the floor is collapsing from beneath our feet.
2018-2020 will be fun cycles.

We need a space colonization political candidate. It is time we left this rock and began conquering space.

THIS. Just because you fuck kids doesn't mean you won't be a good representative of your people.

There is absolutely no evidence of that. The only evidence is that he signed a fucking yearbook. I have signed countless yearbooks in my life, yet I havent molested anyone.

Well they can't run candidates who aren't republicans.

Now pedogate ramps up. And destroying the pedos will seem like fighting Trump to the libshits.

>muh soros

If this actually ends up happening I can support it then, but I doubt it. Leftist support nambla and pedos, unless they aren't leftists themselves then it is suddenly a bad thing to them.

Wow, it is like Amerimutts fucking up everything again. What a revelation.

I'm not even joking. They just cemented their strategy. They'll cull their own instantly just to virtue reee about every pedo. Moore wasn't a bad one, but bad ones will come.

Your country is irrelevant. Name the last thing they did that was important on a global scale? Name the last time your country dominated international news. We are in charge of the world, you can either accept it or keep bitching like a pussy about it, but whatever you doesnt matter because you are irrelevant.

IDK, OP, did you hear the first interview Moore did with Hannity?...Moore made himself sound guilty using all sorts of qualifiers and equivocations. Even Hannity seemed uncomfortable. If he is actually innocent, he should and will sue the ever living fuck out of each and every accuser. I think there may be fire with this smoke, however.

Regardless of how tonight ended in Alabama, stating that this is a referendum on Trump or Republicans is borderline retarded. How on Earth is an alleged pedophile losing an election a referendum on the President? The election is entirely about the accusations against Moore if you want to make yourself feel better and give yourself confirmation bias about the "blue wave" kek, then by all means shill.

The moral of this story is trust in Trump. Pic related. All you had to do was listen.

They have already restarted this tactic on Trump, and now that they have seen it works they will double and triple down on it. I wouldn't be surprised if in 2020 we have 100+ women saying Trump raped them. You won't even need to argue policy you can just take the white house from him on made up stories that are not provable or unprovable.

I'd give it two House terms before people start suppressing women voters. Like, really suppressing, not like what reddit says.

Testimony is evidence you bonehead

>Are we ready for every election from now on being sexual harassment smear campaigns on both sides?
No because only the left is going to do it, and now they will overdo it to the point of insanity. They think they've found a fool proof method of winning and it was actually funny watching CNN celebrate over it. They have no fucking idea what they're getting themselves into. 2018 is going to be just as fun as 2016.

How can her testimony be counted as evidence when she of her own accord admitted to a lie of omission? So we just trusting liars now huh ?
Supposedly Moore is up.

I really hope so user. I really hope it will be like that, but leftist are rabid cornered retards, but I have very little hope of that outcome considering how well it worked for them this time even with all the fuck ups in the accusation story.

pick one

time to shoot democrats in the head. they're trying to get us killed by muslims. the time for voting is past

I have been watching C-Span and they have called it for Jones showing his acceptance speech and whatnot
I said lie of omission retard

considering 7 other women he was hitting on them or harassing them, the many corroborations to the accusations, the fact that he wasn't allowed at the local mall because he was hitting on kids, the report that the police had to keep him away from the high school all suggest to me that, yes, we should believe her testimony aside from the part she said she made up.

Even if we disregard it entirely it's obvious he's still a fucking pedo

it is probably good they spent their last trick card on some stupid senate seat they'll lose in 2 years

they're literally out of tricks. its not going to ork again

I literally don't care if he is

kill democrats

kill muslims

kill spics

kill people that support them coming into my country to kill me

you can choose a bullet to the head or a noose

>considering 7 other women he was hitting on them or harassing them
Hitting on women that are of the age of consent is a crime now?

living is a crime. they are trying to kill us

If that was truly the case why the other times he was up for election to senate not a single thing was said ? Seems very very suspicious to only come up now with no reason, if this had shown in previous election cycles I could believe it.

Even more suspicious is that the entire thing will now be dropped.
Just watch. Not a word will be said ever again.


Sorry to break it to you, but we already have that.