Hey white women and white men, kill yourself.
Hey white women and white men, kill yourself
Other urls found in this thread:
>low IQ people vote for low IQ party
Civic nationalist, wake up.
The blacks are voting to stay on the plantation.
I think it's time to bring back segregation
Whites are #triggered
she's giving me deboner alright
Congratulations, black democrat voters of Alabama. Surely the Democrats care about you and at least something will get better...
fake and gay
Jesus christ
welfare and race baiting
>We literally have South African tier voting patterns.
Not good.
White women redeemed themselves by turning Alabama blue today. They get a pass.
This is why....
Oh so black people are responsible for this.
Whew. That's actually a relief.
Non-whites please GTFO of our country that OUR ancestors built! You have no right to be here or have any say in our politics.
I genuinely want to see this message start winning at all levels of government. No more bread and circuses. Wake up, white man. Wake up.
how is that not hate speech?
>OUR ancestors built
Hahahahahahahhahahhahahahah how the Fuck can you be this much in denial?
>white people use diverse experiences and critical thinking to come to a variety of conclusions
>black people pile onto the Democrat bandwagon and dissent from the horde at 1/4 the rate of whites
Sounds about right. I haven't been following this election because I don't give a fuck about Alabama. What's the big deal?
What are you stupid? Who else built it? Black people? They picked cotton. Chinese built railroads. Whites did the WHOLE rest. So stfu.
Check the user's flag.
Niggers are still niggers
>giving niggers the vote
>come to a variety of conclusions
Is that what we're calling it now?
I dont even know What you mean by OUR desu. The founders of america came from all over europe and a LOT of it was Also built by people from other Continents as you mentioned.
So by saying OUR ancestors i assume you mean any one with a european descent can take credit? Can i say that My ancestors built america? Is that okay Since I'm white?
I literally have no Idea Why that is on there.
They're just more retarded and emotional; easily-swayed by Jewish lies.
Fucking Reddit newfags.
They'll be singing a different tune on the DotR. They don't even know that they put themselves on the list.
>Can i say that My ancestors built america?
Were they in America, retard?
wahh, vote like niggers!!!
Nice photoshop. Here's the real pic. Not much different desu lol, but I saw you put the kys in for good effect.
This should be a wakeup call to all the CivNats on here. Whites and blacks are just not compatible with each other and it would be better for both races if we segregated.
Are you sure yours were when america was founded and moulded, retard?
Or for that matter any other white persons ancestors? Because that is What you are saying, correct? That america belongs to the whites regardless of when their ancestors actually came to america?
It would better if every black baby in the country had its skull cracked open.
>White women
Not sure what that's supposed to mean. Black people tend to almost never disagree with each other on anything more important than what to have for dinner.
My ancestors literally founded the county I live in, in northeastern Texas. Edward Perkins Stephens was one of the primary settlers of Fannin county in 1835, charted with a crew on the riverboat "Rover" that sailed down the Red River from Arkansas tributaries; and my family still owns over 3,000 acres of farmland here.
Denial of reality? Swedish cuck faggots are the lowest untermensch on earth. You shouldn’t have the right to govern over yourselves.
Even If that is true (which it almost certainly isnt), it Doesnt disprove anything i Said.
Choke on shit, leftist.
Everything you said was just European confusion anyway. It should be obvious to you by now that, whether you like it or not, white Americans feel a bond with each other. We feel like a "something." We want to preserve it. And we don't need to justify it to foreign powers.
They don't. The Swedish socialist party is run by feminist women.
>fuk u hurt Mah Feels by questioning Mah narrative
This isnt your safespace, snowflake.
America: the stage is set for mass violence. No exceptions. In history EVERY SINGLE TIME demographic changes have happened there has been violence. You will not be the "exception". Prepare yourself now before you run out of time.
Are you suggesting Europeans did not found America?
>My little feelings
>we feel things
Why are americans so dogmatic? I used to think that it was only your leftist acting like this, but seeing the two amerilards in this thread makes it obvious to me that even right-wing americans need to have reality Bent around their feelsies.
>Less blacks voted yet they still beat out the majority of white votes.
>Is this the power of those blessed by the sun?
dare i say it..............The Melanin Gods
>Why are americans so dogmatic?
Coming from a country that is committing cultural suicide this is hysterical.
Nah, you're just retarded.
America was literally founded and built by Anglo-Germanics (WASPs), and we were the dominant group until Jews and beaners took-over.
I just didn't feel like explaining everything to a worthless vermin cuck like you.
>Majority of white men and women vote for a confirmed pedo because he's a bible thumping, young earth creationist, racist retard
>The people of Sup Forums who literally say 'kill all niggers and jews!' get mad when ONE spic speaks in hyperbole about said voting demographics
Lmao you're fucking pathetic
It's the power of Jewish media blasting lies 24/7 and dumb women believe them.
No, I'm just asking Why Its OUR ancestors when europeans isnt a homogenous group of people.
>6+ different european countries
>he still Doesnt get it
What would you have us do? White Americans have been fucking each other for generations. Should we tear our families and communities apart and devolve into perpetual blood feuds like Europe did for a thousand years? Stop being a fucking retard.
Rather kill you desu
The hatred of whites is getting to the point where I can see things coming to a head, and soon. When blow back comes it will get ugly fast in the US of A. Some of these leftist minorities should pause and think about what they are trying to achieve and where it will get them.
No, deal with it, baby. Otherwise kys
those percents add up to 95. Does that mean around 5 percent of the population is not white or black?
For Americans it is though. You have to understand that America was founded distinctly by Anglo-Saxons whom later incorporated the massive amounts of German and Scottish settlers that inhabited places like PennSYLVANIA. For Americans, our idealism is rooted in European traditions and thats what has held us together for so long. More Americans from European ancestry are still relatively "pure". Yeah the mutts meme exists but you'd be surprised at how many results contradict that. Regardless, it has always been founded on European idealism by European peoples which is what held the nation together through its darkest hours. Yet notice now that the European idealism is fading we are headed towards violence that is only going to get worse from here. I am sorry but I think the Balkans will blush when they see whats going to happen inside America in the next 20 years.
I'm trying to be a good person and not to wish anything bad happen to anyone. But all americans shold commit suiscide for the sake of the planet.
nigs go kill yourself, stop trying to leech off of the success of white men
>confirmed pedo
No proofs.
>bible thumping, young earth creationist
I literally do not care about religion, I just want a more pro-white and nationalist government.
Moore isn't a racist, and neither are most Christcucks. They would kiss a AIDS-ridden Somali's feet as long as he claimed to be Christian. They also love Jews more than Jews themselves
The only reason you guys won this election is because retarded Boomers and women. Once the Boomers die-off, and the left/nigger/Jew alliance continues their anti-white stuff, more whites will become radical white nationalists. Also, they'll have knowledge of the internet, and won't be as easily-tricked by the ZOG machine.
Everything is relative, Europeans in the US are indeed a homogenous group of people compared to the mongrels and sub-Saharans that also live there. Europeans went over and built America, vast majority of white Americans can say "My ancestors built this country".
No you should not. But at the same time you might acknowledge that america was built by a joint Effort that transcended nations and continents, spanning over a large amount of time that meant different waves of immigrants fromdifferent countries. Saying america belongs to a certain group is stupid.
I agree. The options are
1. Preferably deport all non-whites
2. If necessary kill all non-whites either in our countries or in the entire world
3. As a last resort decentralize governments and self-segregate
Melanated supremeness
You're not making a strong point.
checked. This is perfect to show to civic nationalists to redpill them. That black vote isn't changing any time soon
You people should be shot
>Niggers throw away the election for gibs
Can we use this to advertise and advocate for the Klan?
>Non-whites please GTFO of our country that OUR ancestors built!
>A country literally built off the slave labor off non-whites that we forcibly brought here
When is the day of rope? We keep talking like it's going to come. Fact is, we're going to be outbred and phased out because we're sitting on our asses and not doing anything. We all should start thinking about what we're willing to sacrifice and if this country (and our future) is even worth it still.
Also: FUCK BOOMERS and FUCK any generation that gave women the vote.
That is all.
Hey its a swedish cuck who sucks bbc
Are you a legit Swedish leftist?
>But at the same time you might acknowledge that america was built by a joint Effort
By Europeans.
>transcended nations and continents
No, Europeans. Europe.
>Saying america belongs to a certain group is stupid.
Turns out saying america was better during slavery, and that the constitutional amendments that ended slavery and segregation caused problems will kill your minority outreach. Who knew?
White women will always betray their tribe.
>I want to live separate from other people voluntarily
overreaction much?
The two biggest groups of whites are still Anglo and Germanic, the others are just tiny percentages that don't mean shit besides maybe the French influence in Louisiana.
Learn what a WASP is, you retard. I already know what angle you're coming from, but it's a false narrative and denies the reality of the situation.
Also, the meme "built by my ancestors" is literally more likely to apply to American towns and businesses, because were sometimes only 4-5 generations down from the founders. I know it must be hard for an SVT-watcher to understand basic logic.
Take your alternative facts somewhere else faggot
Once again it's a (((white))) woman complaining.
Give it up friend. The US is no more. It's dead. 1776-1965 RIP. It's been over a while and whenever we try to push back a little the minority population pushes back harder. We're going to be Brazil in about 20 years. The good news however is that it's just land. That's all it is land. What really matters in this world are people. The white ethnostate is the logical conclusion to all this madness.
It is only a homogenous group because they have over time Come to view each other that way and accepted each other. Just because you feel connected to other people Doesnt actually make you relatives, that is not how it works.
if the country was built by slavery why was the South always poorer than the North? What about the civil war that the South lost? They got destroyed and had to rebuild their economy
I mean, when one party repeatedly tries to disenfranchise you and has an accused child sex offender...
i can't believe you fuckers actually exist
Read a book and then come back you stupid fuck.
I swear it's always white liberals posting this shit, they really are the worst.
Is this your first time coming to this website?
Everything is relative.
Europeans are related to each other. Much more related to each other than to say Sub-Saharans. What is even your point? Doesn't matter which European background you have in the US, your ancestors settled and built the country (unless you are a recent immigrant obviously).
The only rational people left in America are black people. Sad!
How is this illogical? Obviously a decentralized and self-segregated society would eventually become seperate societies competing over limited resources which would result in war, a war which whites would win. Hardly an undesirable path.
But the person i was replying to wasnt applying it in that context. Please just Read the thread Before embarassing yourself.