>all this shill posting
How long until Sup Forums goes back to normal?
>all this shill posting
How long until Sup Forums goes back to normal?
Other urls found in this thread:
this is normal
You must be a newfag. This is normal, the last 18 months has been pretty fucked up though.
Hold me I’m scared
>mfw they’re here all the time but now you see them reveal themselves by the hundreds in the Moore threads and it because too real
Sup Forums accounts for over half of all posts on Sup Forums daily
I don't have a legit one but it says that on Wikipedia
this x 100
Are the russian bots finally turned off?
It was so quiet and peaceful here the summer of 2014
An hour. They get bored when they realize we dont meltdown like redditors do and they head back over to r/politics
Its never going back.
Thanks to goofy media's exaggeration of the role this board had on your previous presidential election they are never going to leave us alone again.
Sup Forums is and has always been full of edgy contrarians, these are literally Trump supporters farming (you)'s and lulz
must be a newfag you should have been here in the dark days, when there wasn't a hint of Trump and the future looked dim indeed.
Once am*ricans go to bed and euros wake up
This is how it works nowadays
Shariablue has poisoned this place. There is enough shitposting done here to make them waste money/time.
Anons are elsewhere.
Choke on a load David Brock.
Its been... Normalised
They have a different view point!
They didn't support my candidate
They matched my vapid, vehement support for my candidate with their own!
Besides that, i'd have easily supported Moore if he didn't finger blast teens when he was in his 30's. I love his vehement, and outright hatred for the moral dissolution of faggots. He could have been a handy tool in stemming the flow of illegals. But he had to gone and fuck teens in his 30's. Sad.
I simply see the Demiqueer as the better of the two evils; When his time is up a better, more morally absolute Republican candidate will show face. One who won't have a stain of infamy for being (Federally) a child molester.
not for awhile. obongo is about to be confirmed as born in kenya
I'm not one to yell "shill" at anything retard, but there are dozens, possible hundreds of posters currently posting that don't make there presence known at all any other time. If that's not shilling I don't know what is.
>making their presence known
>presence known
>anonymous image board
>each thread gives you a unique ID
>like you can identify them
>shilling is obviously never done by the stormfags or ethnostatists
huh, really makes you think, that maybe viewpoints differ across people, and that absolutism is fucking retarded and so are you.
The Russia-bot pro Trump fucks are still REEEEEEinng.
Sup Forums ain't going to be normal for a while, it just took a HUGE ass fucking.
>guys what happen to my echo chamber
shills come out in full force anytime anything happens somewhat decent for democrats.
Theyll fuck off if you post this anti-shill picture tho
Most if not all the shill posts are generated by AI. Will get worse and worse until unplugged.
You're the bot though, of course. You're getting unplugged you fucking failure.
Its obvious, pol threads move very fast compared to the rest of the site. Many boards are dead, go to asp, bunch of samefagging autism.
>Get to spout your dumb demorat "race are equal" opinion without getting banned.
Do demorats not understand words?
This can be a good thing though.
Imagine how many redpills they see on a daily basis if they're shilling as aggressively as they're doing tonight. I'm sure at least a few have been converted. Nonetheless we can't be demoralized, (((they))) are working hard to defeat us, pic related
This, can't remember this board feeling normal anytime since before November 2016.
>muh shills
and mods deleted
what a bunch of cucks
stay on reddit kiddo
Michael Harrah
>SAG Young Performers Committee
>Child actor manager
>has had ~10 yr old clients stay at his house without rents
>worked with Bob Villard extensively
Bob Jamieson
>photographer for child actors
>sells the images online
>convicted sex offender
Bob Villard
>photographer for child actors
>also sells the images online
>convicted sex offender
Martin "Marty" Weiss
>child actor manager
>had sleepovers with clients
>convicted sex offender
>worked with the above photographers
>had tapes of various clients fucking their managers
Ronald Rayton
>molested Todd Bridges
Marc Collins-Rector
>had Chad Shackley move in with him when he was 15 (Marc being in his later 20s/30s)
>had naked hot tub parties with teens/preteens
Chad Shackley
>star in Chad's World
>it was about a kid coming to live in a rich hollywood man's house
>used Marc Collins-Rector's house as a set
Brock Pierce
>former child actor
>owned Den. (Digital Entertainment Network) with Chad Shackley and Marc Collins-Rector
David Neuman
>Den. Producer
>hosted parties involving teens with drugs
>guests of those parties include Garth Ancier, Randal Kleiser, Bryan Singer, Gary Goddard
Roman Polanski fucked a 13 yr old girl
Jason Michael Handy (production from All That) was jailed for committing lewd acts on a child and distributing sexual material by email
Victor Salva was convicted of oral copulation a 12 yr old boy named Nathan Forrest Winters, manufacturing child porn and possessing child porn
Gary Goddard had a sexual abuse case against him
Brian Peck (of Nickolodean) has convictions on lewd acts on a child, and oral copulation on a child
It will come in waves. Just like election season, you will be able to catch windows where the shills are sleeping
Some fun Dutroux related names:
Michel Lelievre -> an accomplice of Dutroux
Bernard Weinstein -> another accomplice of Dutroux
Michelle Martin -> Dutroux's wife and accomplice in previous kidnapping and sexual abuse of 5 young girls
Police force in Belgium 1986-1996 -> Informants noted that Dutroux asked for help to kidnap girls, all requirements to arrest him were met months before his arrest, Dutroux's mom tipped off police he was hiding girls in his home, tapes showing Dutroux building the secret basement were not watched because the force had "no video player"
Rene Michaux -> investigator in charge of investigating Dutroux, despite children's voices being heard in Dutroux's home by a locksmith and other investigators he said there was nothing and lead the investigative team out
Melchior H. M. J. F. C. Wathelet -> Justice Minister who released Marc Dutroux after 3 years of a 13 year sentence prior to the main case, was also implicated to be involved in the sex ring
Belgian Ministry of Justice -> sacked a judge who ordered further investigation of the sex ring, later disbanded the investigation team and halted all investigations
Dutroux's shrink -> gave him prescriptions for sedatives and sleeping pills he used on the girls
Michel Nihoul -> involved in conspiracy and drug trafficking with Dutroux, accused of abusing some girls and involvement in murder of them
Jean-Claude Van Espen -> replacement judge who shut down the investigation into the sex ring
Michel Fourniret -> Same type of case as Dutroux, with dead witnesses and all
Patrice Alegre -> Yet another similar case where this time Alegre accused the police force instead of politicians
>Boys for Sale
>Conspiracy of Silence
>Nancy Schaefer on CPS
>US child abuse experiments
>Dutroux and dead witnesses
>Franklin Cover-up & Johnny Gosch
>Vice's Love Serve Surrender
>covers CPS putting kids with a known sex offender
i'm a trump supporter and I entierely support his agenda. I'm only here to shitpost about moore's defeat for fun. not everyone is a shill lads.
>MFW I realized it's been the new normal for like 18 months
>If that's not shilling I don't know what is.
You know, when you literally work for the Trump campaign and post pro-Trump shit, or literally work for Russia and post whatever the fuck Putin wants.
I'd be willing to believe there are leftwing shills on Sup Forums, but having been called one so many times and not seeing that many left-leaning posters, I basically think it's bullshit.
16 year old Palace employee, Andrew, Geoffrey Dickens MP said members of Royal Household abused him
Prince Andrew, Duke of York, child abuse allegation (see also Jeffrey Epstein & Ghislaine Maxwell)
Sathya Sai Baba, alleged to have sexually assaulted children for decades
Sir Philip Bailhache, alleged to have manoeuvred to discourage CSA victims from testifying / Haute Garenne
Bishop Peter Ball, prosecuted for child abuse
Peter Bick, child abuse allegation
Lord Benjamin Britten, questions over relationships with children
Sir Anthony Blunt, child abuse allegation / Elm Guest House
Sir Arthur Charles Clarke, child abuse allegations
Robert Coghlan, convicted of importing 109 obscene tapes, 70 containing child pornography
Michael Colvin MP, allegation that he ‘arranged’ a fire that killed 5 witnesses to child sexual abuse
Lance Corporal of Horse Simon Wyn-Davies, convicted of raping child under 13 [wife also convicted]
Jeffrey Epstein, convicted of soliciting an underage girl for prostitution
Ghislaine Maxwell, alleged ‘high-class madame’ & ‘co-conspirator’ in Epstein’s sexual abuse & sex trafficking
Michael Fawcett, rape allegation
Reginald Forester-Smith, convicted of sustained child abuse involving his two daughters
Lord Justice Fulford, founder member of a campaign to defend the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE)
Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, child abuse allegation
Patrick Gilbert, convicted of child abuse offences
Gary Goldsmith, pimp allegation
Nicholas Greaves, convicted of child pornography
Stuart Hall, child abuse allegation
Rolf Harris, convicted child abuser
Sir Peter Hayman, child abuse allegation
Benjamin Herman, child abuse allegation
Commander Tom Herman, child abuse images allegation
Charles Nicholas Hornby, convicted for participating in a male prostitution ring that preyed on runaway boys
Paul Kidd, convicted of child abuse offences
It will never stop, pol has been nonstop shilling since right before the election. You made your bed when you made the board popular.
Richard Langley, child abuse allegation / Elm Guest House
Anthony Lee, convicted of child abuse offences
Lord Louis Mountbatten, child abuse allegation / Kincora
Lance Corporal Mark Neal, alleged conspiracy to sexually assault a child and possessing indecent images
John Phillips, child abuse (incest and rape) allegation
Harbinder Singh Rana, convicted rapist
Jonathan Rees-Williams, convicted of sex attacks on children
Dylan Roberts, rape conviction
Sir Jimmy Savile, thought to be one of the world’s most prolific child abusers and sex offenders
Stephen Salmon, convicted of child abuse
Douglas Slade, on bail for multiple counts of child abuse
William Tallon, sexual predator allegation
Ross Thomas, convicted of child abuse
(Thomas) George Thomas, 1st Viscount Tonypandy, child abuse allegation
David Tracey, charged with four counts of making indecent images of children
Commander Michael Trestrail, child abuse allegation / Elm Guest House
Sir Laurens van der Post, child rape allegation
Gore Vidal, suspected of child abuse by his half-sister and nephew
The Very Rev Ronald Selby Wright, child abuse allegation
Guardsmen (unspecified number) of the Queen’s Household Cavalry, 1967 vice ring allegation
100 soldiers in the Queen’s Household Cavalry, 1976 vice ring allegation
Coldstream Guardsmen at the Buckingham Palace barracks, 2004 sexual assault and rape allegation
Think the Royals may know something?
Labour Councillor (Newton Aycliffe) Martin Locklyn – Convicted and jailed for 15 years for sexually abusing 3 14-year-old boys.
Labour Councillor (North Lincolnshire) David Spooner – Convicted and jailed for 1 year for masturbating in front of 2 young boys.
Labour Mayor (Westhoughton/Lancashire) Nicholas Green – Convicted and jailed for 10 years for 3 rapes and 13 counts of indecent assault against little girls between the age of 6 and 10. He raped one woman on her wedding day.
Prominent Labour Party activist Mark Tann (who has met Tony & Cherie at Party functions) recently got a 15-year sentence for raping a 4-year old girl on 2 separate occasions.
Entire Labour Party conspired to conceal the activities of Labour Party activist and serial child-molester Mark Trotter, who died from AIDS before he could be convicted.
Labour Councillor (Manchester), George Harding – Charged with indecent assault on a girl of 12.
Labour Councillor Liam Temple Inciting a child into ‘gross’ indecency
Labour Party Lord Mayor Stewart Brown Child Pornography
Sam Chaudry Labour Party Lord Mayor Elect & Labour Party Councillor Child Rapist
Nicholas Green Labour Party Lord Mayor Labour Party Councillor 13 rapes & assaults on Children
Keith Potts Labour Party Councillor Junior School Governor
Alan Prescott Labour Party Councillor Molesting Children in a ‘Care-Home ‘Where he worked
more like a freak show
Lib-Dem Council candidate (Tower Hamlets), Justin Sillman – Convicted and jailed for 2 years for sexual abuse of young boys.
Lib-Dem Councillor and Mayoral Candidate ( Sheffield ), Francis Butler– Prosecuted for indecent assault of a young boy.
Lib-Dem Councillor ( Stockport ) Neil Derbyshire – Sexually assaulted a 16-year old boy in a public toilet. He was caught with a plastic bag containing lubricant, plastic surgical gloves, a condom, and underpants.
Lib-Dem Councillor ( Preston ), Bill Chadwick – Charged with: Making an indecent photograph of a child, Incitement to rape, Incitement to murder, Incitement to kidnap, and Incitement to torture. Chadwick’s gay lover – Alan Valentine, is also a Lib-Dem councillor.
don't hold your breath, salty republican
You know what? I have a strange theory.
These are the same exact posters as before. And they're doing the same thing as before. Trolling.
If Moore had won, they would be trolling that way. when will you understand no one really gives a fuck about politics and it's just a sophisticated trolling board?
(((they))) managed to get a small win in when they have been losing for so long ofc (((they))) are going to shill the fuck out of it here.
Give it a few weeks. This is a huge victory for lefty Sup Forums
when reddit loses they freak out
when Sup Forums loses we troll the weaklings among us
it's just how it works
I don’t know why anyone at Sup Forums thinks it’s paid shills when it’s much easier explained as le ebin trolls farming for (You)s. If you aren’t skeptical of every black nationalist or Israeli poster by this point, I don’t know what to tell you. People always post contrarian opinions on Sup Forums to farm butthurt and (You)s, this is no different.
>it's just a sophisticated trolling board
yeah, that's why autismo is trying to spoderman the thread by listing random pedos...
honestly, it was a win-win for the Dems. Just like Trump is. This shows that having a right-tilt isn't a guarantee of victory, especially when the wind is blowing left.
Hey look it's this daily thread by some pathetic faggot that loses.
post more gore
Looking at the threads that are being pruned mods are corrupt.
Nah I'm serious. Sup Forums is hiliarious and entertaining but in no way can be taken serious. If Moore had won, the same amount of trolling would be happening but from the other side. Only a few supreme autists from reddit care. Everyone else just likes to act like screaming babies cause its funny
This is a shill post, you dummies.
seriously, what a bunch of slimebags. This website used to mean something.
>Nah I'm serious
No, you're not. This is damage control strategy 2 in slightly different language.
brings new meaning to "cheese pizza"
calle calle, bitch
It's literally people laughing at the ones dumb enough to reply. It's bait, newfags seem to always bite.
Mods have been on point with moving garbage threads to bant all day. It's the volume that is causing trouble
With the way things are going, I don't see Sup Forums going back to 'normal.' We're all posting on what has basically become a battlefield.
What even is normal for Sup Forums? I remember shit like this happening every time moot did something gay to this board, and there’s always be ironic shitposting during the other elections too. The trump shit made it worse, but I remember It still being there.
ahhhhh... the warm, familiar feeling of goreposting. Nothing quite like it bois
Sup Forums has been awful for 1.5 years
Sup Forums was always awful
remember when stormfront was mocked by SA?
No, of course you don't, you newfag brony-tier sack of shit
Someone need to start a nigger hate thread and a Redpill thread i dont have enough material to sustain those threads on my phone
>edgy to post the reality of the outcome of islam
i really hate the right's tendency to just spout "libtards" but you are indeed a belittling libtard.
Never. Between "ironic" shills, actual shills, and good old shitposting trolls it will never stop. Because the internet exposes who people are, and most people are mindless subhuman animals that would just as soon shit in their oatmeal and fuck a dog than use their minds for the betterment of humanity. The only solution is genocide and re-education camps.
In all honesty about a week. There are other boards, redditors, leftypol, and a few gaffers on right now that can't stomach this place unless they can gloat over some victory. I have been noticing a trend where the attacks are becoming either very short or very prolonged so a week is a conservative estimate.
??? Quit the gaslighting neolib scum.
Mods have been working with shill groups for awhile. It is really bad right now. This place is seen as a major center of resistance to the globalist fucks. Just hang in there guys.
Short term dopamine rush. Two days at most and they will all be back to the usual npc behaviour.
PEDOGATE will be memed into the fucking minds of the masses. End of story.
Sup Forums was never yours faggot
I'm sorry, what does a thread about the Alabama election have to do with goreposting, you goalpost-moving coward?
This thread barely has anything to do with the election, just the resulting influx of different ideologies due to it. Anyways, i thought you were saying that Hanz's picture was edgy, not what he said.
t. shill
I just got my monthly supply of salt and tears from magapedes and the Breitbart comment section, it feels so fucking good for some reason and I'm a right wing racist who supports Trump.
Where you get to high-five your fellow 'pedes about libtards getting BTFO without interference?
his picture WAS edgy.
>implying goreposting isn't a standard slide tactic
I'm really sick of how dishonest you reactionaries are.
When their funding goes away or their networks get incarcerated.
Or when we kill Mockingbird.
end your life
thanks for the pic
It's called shitposting. Happening comes, people pounce on the opportunity. I'm sure you're familiar with it. /po/ isn't worth it any other time.
you're retarded if you fell for the russia bot meme while simultaneously sucking CTR dick
I honestly wish Sup Forums did not get as popular as it did. so that way we could operate without being noticed.
no u
>not wanting to he noticed
rules1and2cuck detected
Wait we can use this flag now? Sick
When Trump wins a third term.
valiant attempt to protect yourself
my final score:
do better.
> Sup Forums
> normal
Pick neither.