Can someone explain to me why the board is going nuts over who won some stupid election in some tard state?

Can someone explain to me why the board is going nuts over who won some stupid election in some tard state?


Doug Jones winning the seat gave the Dems more power to fuck over Trump in basically every aspect, making it easier for them to block anything he tries to get passed.

Most likely those dumb cunts from reddit.

Trump's a jackass.

Trump should dissolve the Senate
Empire now

Because it means justice is dead. You're not guilty if someone accuses you and has the presses ear. Democracy was a mistake.

There's nothing else interesting going on so everybody on Sup Forums is chimping out about the one news story they can get their hands on and declaring it to be indicative of the apocalyptic future to come, as usual.

The Dems spent a lot of money to get everyone all up in arms about a state level contest, so naturally we're flooded with idiots trying to "BTFO" Sup Forums out of some weird virtue signalling urge to get some 'upvotes' or whatever their currency is. (Of course begging the question of why they think that a Tunisian silk worm farming forum is a serious representation of their primary political adversaries...)
Oh and I mean, a LOT of money.
If they don't get a serious cash injection for this... Well, it's not looking great. The party is kinda fracturing with the Clinton-style finance fuckery, which is all well and good when you've got ballers like the Clintons/Obama hanging around that are actually able to finance a campaign with contributions to the individual candidates. This is also why the Dems are getting screwed on the low-level seats: they fucking CANNOT run a local election at this point, and HAVE to make it national to get the money they need.
Honestly, as a Sup Forums, my reason for caring much at all?
>Only intelligent city people, *like the good folks of Alabama*, vote Democrat, unlike those *uneducated Pennsylvanians*.
I mean, that's fucking pottery.

It proved that public opinion is the only thing that matters and if you sling enough shit at your opponent you will win the election. inb4 every politician in america is a woman within 50 years

The news told me to be.

i did my part for this election so Sup Forums channels their energy for nevada elections

It's just tards trying to troll other tards.

> I don't read news someone spoonfeed me
you probably watch capeshit

High IQ city alabamians btfo subrural retards

or something, idk

Good summary. It was also sort of a replay of 2016, with the establishment of both parties trying to take out one man who threatened them. They failed to take out Trump, but with their efforts focused on a single state, with some heinous lies, with the full cooperation of the media, and with a shitload of money, they just managed to beat this one.

The only problem is they can't take that strategy national, or even to several elections at once. It could only work on a single special election. And it took GOP shills openly stumping for the other side, which will have consequences for them. And the "he tried to touch my boobs 40 years ago" attack will be VERY tired by the next election.

So it's a loss for the good guys, but it's not much more than a very expensive moral victory for the Dems. They proved they could win if they stepped on the scale in ways they could only do once. Yay.

It's fun.

huh. I don't find it that enjoyable but whatever makes you happy

>Democracy was a mistake.
It needs to be repealed.

Maybe its not all about partisanship and both parties realized that backing toxic candidates erodes long term support. I mean, the guy is on record as saying every amendment after the 10th is baloney and other deeply repugnant stuff in this day and age. You can't cling to dinosaurs forever.

the blue states are the nigger states bro, you know 90% of negroes voted for hillary

It is fun watching the left going apeshit and reliving last year's election night thru some stupid election in some tard state.

Everyone but me gotta learn everyone gotta stop crying

Republicans are strong in tard states. This is bad for suggests the tardism isn't as strong as we had hoped.

How patriotic, what would all the soldiers who fought and died for this great democracy say in response to you I wonder?

but they won

Or you know, you can actually negotiate rather than just have a 1v1

It must be bathed in blood.

51-49 in senate seat. it will be harder to pass bills.
like this

7 out of 10 threads are shills

Well considering that Roy Moore would rather have governed according to the bible rather than the constitution, (as so he deliberated when he was a judge) I would say that justice would have taken a step toward death had he been elected. But I agree with you on the accusation issue. Accusations should not hold the same weight as convictions, and we need to find a way to get past this culturally. Believing every accusation is irresponsible.

the 19th amendment was the true mistake

there are more female voters than men already, and the fact that they're still considered a minority despite being the majority in every way says all you need to know about how much they exploit that

Trumps agenda requires passage in the SENATE you inbred Mong.

No, it's not that.

The senate is now 51/49 rep vs. dem.
But, with cucks like McCain and Lindsey Graham running around the GOP it only takes 2 neocons to stump anything trump does

>And the "he tried to touch my boobs 40 years ago" attack will be VERY tired by the next election.
I hope so and it definitely should be, but I wouldn't be too optimistic, especially now that they know it works - they already have no shame and huge victim complexes, no way they'll be able to stop now, even if/when the general public catches on to their bullshit (not that the media will ever show that)

What's his agenda? Diet Coke and McFish?

>being this stupid