Realistically, how much longer until Texas is run by Democrats?

Realistically, how much longer until Texas is run by Democrats?

It's never going to happen.

Depends on whether Alabama was a fluke or the start of a trend. Also on how many office-holders in Texas are hebephiles.

when ever the economy starts going shit

If amnesty is offered, immediately. Otherwise, ten to fifteen years.


If I know anything about my short trip to the USA, it's that Texas values their expensive shit too much to be democrats.

90% of the world's domesticated tigers live in Texas. They're never going to swing to the left.

Looks like three years and it can't come soon enough.

2020 will see several more southern states flip blue.

Remember when California used to vote Republican? Yeah.

Once you go Blue, you don't go back.

It's brutal, it's beautiful, and fuck, it's irreversible.

This is an extinction level event for white America.

You really can't fathom how much everyone else hates you fucking fuckboys, but I think you're starting to after tonight.

We WILL take your Constitution.

We WILL own 90% of your shit.

We WILL replace white men in Congress with women and brown people.

We WILL rip up your gross candycane flag.

We WILL destroy your monuments to whiteness: Jefferson, Adams, Washington, ALL OF THEM.

Is your chest hurting yet, motherfuckers? We are the monster that rips its way out of you from the inside out. We are getting bigger and stronger and angrier every goddamn day and we're really just waiting for you to die.

White Patriarchal America got facehugged in the 1960s and now you're a fucking incubator.

You fucking dumbass. We have, at best, 20 years left before the mestizos get uppity

What's the point of posting such obvious bait? Do something better with your time

For some reason I picture this face while reading your post

You will be put in a gas chamber.

When there are more people in urban centers then in rural ones in Texas, Cities also grow at a much faster rate then rural areas, so you guys are fucked in like 12 years lol.



I'd say 8-10 years for state government to flip, 6-8 years for federal representatives to flip. The increasing growth in the Hispanic population in Texas relative to everyone else basically makes it a demographic certainty that Texas will go blue eventually.

How does it feel knowing your entire political ideology is formed by your self-hating sexual perversions?

20 years tops. Looks at the demographics. Mexicunts will turn it into a total shithole by 2030 to the point where it will look as awful as california. Texas and Cali fall, NY and IL are spiralling soon after and the nation is brownville: iq 80 population 500 million.

It's not bait.

I'm black and I wish I could personally beat the fucking shit out of every nazi asshole on this site.

10-20 years I think. My county used to be hard red but in the past couple of decades it's now a lean blue.

Once this happens White America is done for.
We will get the numbers to ratify the Constitution
We will disenfranchise the White man
In the end Whites will know what it's like to be slaves.
They will be bred for our amusement and be our sex slaves, even the little ones.

1/10 for reply

Pretty much this
America has like one more good decade left before it just falls in to the meme that is Soicalism-Lite™, In many ways we are already are in it desu
pic unrelated

No shit. You're black, you're genetically prone to behave so disgustingly.

You're next nigger. Whitey is whats really protecting you.

Oh, hey there

why did i write are twice?

2020, you marvelous bastard.

10 years to go into hospitals and kill all the shitskin babies.

never if Trump would


Outside of his first two lines, I don't really think it's bait. Which is sad, but there we are. I've been buying physical copies of works and texts I think are important (one example among many: the writings of Calhoun - one of America's first great political intellectuals - which will probably eventually be banned by the new 'right-thinking' people).

Trump's first year in power hasn't been very good at getting most people to believe in the greatness of America and what it could be; it seems to have only made the SJW crowd louder and more obnoxious. I think Trump has largely gotten a bum rap from the press and the media, but I think the press and media have also been largely successful in shaping the narrative. Sad.

>turns your start blue
>"Nothing Personal... Gringo"

Note that Roy Moore, who just lost, actually has a HGIHER favorable rating in AL than Ted Cruz has in TX.


2030 at least.

People don't like Ted here? He's actually one of the few congressmen I like.

Local government will always be run by republicans, but the next statewide election they will elect democrats.

Probably within twenty years unless the spics stop their invasion

>implying Democrats and Republicans is not the same like shit
>implying amerimutt politics is not a bug theatre for sheeple

There should be a law that people who move from California to another stated have to live 10 years in the state they moved to before they're allowed to vote again.

Just sick and tired of self-proclaimed California "Conservative"s moving to red states and proceeding to vote for left leaning amendments and so forth.

fashthenation dot com slash 2016 slash 10 slash ftn-analytics-texas



voting doesn't do anything
Anyone who thinks it does is naive and doesn't know ((((((((((who)))))))))) truly runs things

>Sancuary cities getting banned in 2018

Literally only possible if masse Commiefornias came in to supplant the Hispanics and their DACA kids voting in

>how much longer until Texas is run by Democrats?
not likely, Texas is the most heavily gerrymandered state in the union

They already have a Roman-Catholic governor so it's effectively part of Mexico.

>being a sodomite
Hell is for ever!

Both sides are the same

Never and Ill tell you why.

Mexicans don't vote here they have a terrible turn out and 30% of the ones that show up are vote Republican.

>never going to happen
>Alabama just fucking flipped blue

That's what California Republicans said in the 80s and early 90s too.

Can someone give me a quick rubdown on why I should care about this?

Suprised it isn’t already.

it's literally the end of Trump's campaign

California is different it has a large nigger population so it had lots of welfare programs in place to entice Mexicans to come.

Texas doesn't it a lot harder to get welfare here which is why it has remained red while California has cucked itself into its own asshole.

If Texas goes solidly blue the way California has, because Texas has so many electoral college votes it will basically guarantee a Democrat president being elected unless/until the Republican party makes enormous changes to its platform or another party takes the place of the Republican Party.

Not really any other reason for an Aussie to care about it either way though.

Who /Austin/ here

Oh my gosh, user; you should have been in California in the early 90s. We had a solidly anti-illegal-alien governor and electorate, and passed state constitutional amendments prohibiting affirmative action. We weren't a particularly nice place for hispanics, outside of our proximity to Mexico. It didn't matter.

Texas today is where California was ~25 years ago. I hope I'm wrong, but I just don't see it.

>until the Republican party makes enormous changes to its platform or another party takes the place of the Republican Party.
Or most of the country secedes since they no longer have political representation.
It's going to be a bumpy ride.

Texas has a large amount of electoral votes.

True enough. I'm focusing on trying to make sure that my family and I are well provisioned and secure enough to ride out the future.

I can smell the soy from here

you're not much for demographics, huh

Pro-tip: move to the Midwest/Great Plains states. Don't be on the coasts or the border.


TBF, we still have that legacy legislation all other things aside. May the great cities of Houston (LA) and Austin (SF) drag Dallas (SD) with them toward the light. Some day ya'll might even be able to get abortions like a civilized state.



Not long. It will flip next year. We have a governor's race among other big races next year.

Republicans have fucked up in the last few years by not investing enough money into infrastructure improvements and by constantly getting caught in horrifically bad corruption scandals.

It's very likely to flip because of these things and certain other factors, but also because some of the people at the high echleons in power right now under Greg Abott are fucking retarded and transparent about how retarded they are.

Also, tons and tons of commiefornians have moved here in the past 3 years and more have been coming in this year than ever before. This is because California has become so leftist and so gentrified it is now impossible for even high wage earning college educated people to survive there let alone build assets. So they have come here where the land and living costs are plentiful and there is work.

Our state is overloaded. Too many people, not enough infrastructure, too much demographic change too fast. Realistically we are super duper fucking fucked. It will flip next year.

2020 if Republican are retarded enough to run Trump again. 2028 otherwise.

Down in these smaller towns surrounding San Antonio, bean nigger central as I call it, moat people voted for Trump. A few towns were maybe 70-86% Hispanic and voted more than 70% for Trump.

Its just when you get to the big cities where 5th genration heifers who have white guilt from being a mutt that barely knows Spanglish want to cry about bejng marginalised. Also its usually stupid af baby boomers who feel illegals get a free ride cuz millenials just dont deserve it cuz we are so lazy blah blah and illegals work so hard. (Didnt realise forcing your child into sex trafficking and slave lavor aka blueberry picking for dollars was a good work ethic but it is).

All these towns are near where Sutherland Springs shooting happened. Go figure. Floresville is already nigger infested and you see them walking up and down the drug cartel's main highway.

God fucking bless America.

P.S. If you look up most liberal shitfest events in SA they are founded entirely by people who are not even from America or Texas at all. Hmmmmmm.

>> mfw white flight leaves Tx 90% minority and all the money leaves the state

Ya'll can just shut the fuck up now. You dont know shit about Texas. You fuckin mexicants all work for republicans, republicans are your landlords, republicans sell you your cars. go eat a churro. then get back to work.

>reddit spacing

The better question is "When is it inevitably going to be run by a transsexual mexican and illegal immigrant?"

>1 post by this ID

One fucking vote is not a trend, friendo. Soros paid his millions to defeat Moore. One and done.

It will start happening in the 20s and then become solid blue in the 30s. Gerrymandering will slow it down.
t. Lib dem from Tejas

>Once you go Blue, you don't go back

Trump turned Pennsylvania red for the first time in 30 years.

When minorities finally take power in the US, there won’t be any tranny pandering.

Go fucking kill yourself while you still can. Austin is a fucking shit hole scum factory.

P.s. ur "breakfast tacos" are fucking trash

>Texas has a good economy and low taxes
>Attracts the liberals in California / NY / MA and other high tax high crime areas
>They flood the state and bring their liberalism with them.
>Texas is dead. The culture is dying because of all the influx of scum.
>You almost never see people riding around on horses anymore. When I was a kid I saw that all the time.
>You almost never see anyone wearing cowboy boots
>Everything that made Texas the great place that it is is rapidly being destroyed or replaced.
>Even the Alamo is under attack (son of Bush is doing this).

I'll convince the Norks to nuke us before I'll let faggot ass liberals take over this state.

Despite what liberal media tells u beaners actually fucking HATE niggers and fags. I MEAN THE FAMILIES WILL DISOWN U FOR BEING GAY OR A COAL MINER.

But all it takes it one of them to be accepting of it ans the entire famil goes downhill. White men are a favorite for mexicunts so......

Screencap'd for later kek

U must not live in south central texas....
They have trail riders here all the time but ur right they are disappearing.

The rhinestone cowboy craze and "country nigger blend" music is killing my favorite state.

>Be Texan
>Live in shit cal-de-sack in the middle of nowhere with homeowners association charging you up the ass.
>fat short haired wife who can't cook for shit fucks nigger in trailer without you knowing
>Shit traffic
>No mountains nearby
>Go to work for fat fuck in cowboy hat
>passive aggressive coworkers talk about dallas cowboys
>drive home
>drunk driver rolls coal in front of you
>get into accident
>wake up
>1,000,000 hospital bill
>doctors attached your foot to your mouth
>have heart attack from all the chicken-fried steak you ate
>survive but on life support
>niggers see you
>laugh at you
>now you're a brainless retard
>30 years go by
>still stuck in coma because nobody will off you
>find out entire state is overrun by mexicans
>such is life in Texas.

A wall wouldn't do much - hispanics have large families. They already have a large foothold in Texas' demographics, and they will reproduce far faster than any other group will.

It's already 40%, actually lower since they count Arabs and North Africans as White.

I already have a thread on this.

Ger out u nigger loving yankee

Hey fuck you, you can talk shit about this shithole all you want but don't you attack my breakfast tacos.
[spoiler]When I bit into one and tasted cilantro I knew everything was going downhill.[/spoiler]

gtfo threadbaiting fag. This thread was here long before yours was; saying you 'already' have a thread on this is ridiculous.

What good will a third party do when the demographics are rapidly turning against us? Look at the lolbertarian party, or green party. They're jokes.

When Texas goes blue there's only three choices:
>roll over and die
>secede and stay separate
>civil war

Those last two choices are basically the same thing (that is you can't have secession without civil war)

Wew ur complaining about cilantro i bet ur nigger ass doesnt even put pico on it

Enjoy ur faggot dog parks, high cost of living, fake friends, no traffic lights, bike lanes taking up half the streets, and paying for plastic bags at checkout u retard cuck.

Laws like those used to exist, but I think they were declared unconstitutional a long time ago under the interstate commerce clause.


I'm not aware of them, but if they were extant at one point they would have been declared illegal under the equal protection clause, not interstate commerce.

FWIW, one-man-one-vote was a mistake.

I don't think you non-Texans understand. We don't care about political parties, we care about If you are conservative. Our only liberal areas are in Austin and Houston with some in DFW and San Antonio (the last two are still controlled by conservatives). You can see some blue coming up from the boarder but we won't turn liberal in my lifetime. We have been conservative literally since the beginning and will hold steadfast for the foreseeable future.

Tarrant County here. We're the reddest of the red.

Dallas and San Antonio both voted Hillary. It's changing.

you can, just don't attack fort sumter this time