What does this mean?
GOP lost alabama
It's secretly a good move by trump to X/Y/Z
It means Trump's Twitter is gonna be hilarious in the morning.
Every candidate he's campaigned for has lost. A REPUBLICAN LOST IN ALABAMA. HOW DO YOU FUCK THAT UP?
his base doesn't translate to other people and republicans haven't seem to realize that yet.
He actually is identical to Obama in that respect.
It means demographics are destiny.
It means we have to wait two years to get a Republican back in the seat. A narrow win over a turd like Moore doesn't mean much in the long run.
many countrymen will move to a bordering state
that Dems will think they can keep smearing Reps with sexual and racial allegations and get away with it. So sick of this shit
except he backed Luther Strange not Moore
>Republicans can now focus on defending their majority in the Senate without having to also defend a pedophile within their constituency, which would have turned more people away from the GOP than a 1% margin loss ever could
>whites are actually becoming a minority
I'm afraid it's this. I suspect a good percentage of Trump's voters were more or less Apprentice fans and voted for him simply because omg celebrity.
Oh well, it was a brief fantasy that America was getting sick of liberalism. Guess it isn't. Back to trying to figure out how to cash out and gtfo before the economy crashes under the weight of gibs.
No man, stay, horde ammunition and wait for the fun to begin.
the tide has turned
>someone orders pizza
"I smell a child molestation ring!"
>somebody writes "Hey sweet baby, I love the way you suk me
A bunch of sodium free leftypol salt threads, full of completely vapid posts. Just a horde of mindless fags who are all too proud that they discovered the caps lock key, and whose self-identity is solely based on the failures of their outgroups; morally amorphous pseudopedantics lacking any ideological foundation save for their infantiliy perceived individualistic deitisms; perversely drawn towards any potential personal conflict that can be used to inflate their intentionally devoid egos.
Much as I'd like to fight, I married an azn and I know both sides will be gunning for me.
except he told people to vote for Moore at several rallies, in interviews, and on twitter.
The back peddle here is hilarious to me and I agree with above, Trump's twitter backpeddle is going to be magnificent.
To the OP question this means bad things for Republican's actually being able to do anything in the senate. They already were struggling to get majority votes as it was, losing another seat doesn't help that at all. So overall it's pretty bad for the GOP.
In a larger sense I think it's great for the country. We have embarrassed ourselves on the international stage quite a bit in the past year and we really didn't need the embarrassment of electing an accused pedophile to our highest legislative body.
It means we lick our wounds tonight and get busy tomorrow morning.
>Lets ignore Moore being a pedo to fit my agenda & pretend this was a fair race
Trump backed Luther Strange & he would have won by 10 points
It means we are 1 step closer to a revolution. The people are being manipulated by propaganda and we can't stand for it.
>Claim Moore shouldn't be senator because he's a pedo
>He loses
>Claim he lost because of Trump
After net neutrality is repealed, the GOP will go downhill from there. Dems are destined to retake the Senate in 2018 and closely contest the House.
It means Drumbfy is finished and our memery was all for nothing
Theres no Kek saving us now