Sooner or later, white Europeans will have to withdraw to the ethnostate for a final stand, wherever that may be. That is all.
This country no longer belongs to the white man
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Time to lynch the niggers
No, 1860's - 1960's was the time to do that. But we didn't.. Now it's far too late.
This is the main reason why I'm a nationalist. White Americans and minorities have strictly different interests and force us to pay for theirs.
>white people vote based on ideology
>black people vote based on gibs
If you switched the colours rep would win every time
What's the point of being a nationalist now? We are all here on borrowed time with Trump's agenda dead in the water. Our birth rates are still low, the illegals are not being deported, the clock is ticking to the next election when we will simply be out voted by our racial competitors. We lost the only chance we had tonight.
If you white motherfuckers would just chill out about the fact that there's a brown family on your street now or that you heard someone speaking in Spanish at the grocery store last week you'd see that this whole diverse, tolerant, and happy America is actually kind of, you know, fucking unique and awesome. But go ahead and cry that the world is ending because black people get to participate in government too or something.
and 25% white people.
Yeah I would rather have humanity go extinct than let the earth exist without white Europeans.
Fuck off nigger lover.
Damn straight OP
If you can admit to that the country no longer belongs to us, can we now stop with the white privilege meme, discriminating against us, and allowing overt racism against us? Cuz honestly is really just settle for that and call it a day.
>niggers and mexicans gangbang your wife in all holes
>”hey guys it’s kind of cool”
Fuck off and kys juden.
Are you really so fucking delusional and psychotic that you equate anybody who isn't like you having a say in how the country is run to the fucking genocide of all white people?
You sound like a sane and fulfilled person and your idea on how the country should be run is totally valuable.
For people that call anyone who disagrees with you "degenerates" so much you guys sure are a bunch of sick perverted fucks.
> fucking unique and awesome
Jamie Kent fuck off with your propaganda
Really? Because i keep thinking how Eastern Europe is already the haven to go too, Many dutch are in hungary at the moment, fleeing from "taxes bruh" but in reality the refugee hell crisis, Sucks to be dutch, There are so many non whites in my little village of Helmond - East, Its unthinkable that these streets used to be mostly white, and when we did have blacks they accustomed,
We need data of how many black actually voted and white too. To make some conclusion. I don't know about the demographics of Alabama too
>you'd see that this whole diverse, tolerant, and happy America is actually kind of, you know, fucking unique and awesome.
Hahahahaha. It's complete trash that is only going to continue to fail. Things are going to be so insanely bad. It's going to be the biggest collapse in human history.
I’d rather be a sick perverted fuck and right than a “normal average joe” and left.
get rekt cuck
The weak will be purged
lmao the Weapon N strikes again
Hey guys...
You guys have been saying this for decades and decades but funnily enough things are provably better than ever. I'm serious, dude. Just try getting off of Sup Forums and avoiding all of these alt-right sites for a month and just going out and talking to people and living your life. You'll realize all of this bullshit is just a bunch of disenfranchised losers blaming blacks/mexicans/muslims/jews for all of their problems and that our country is actually pretty damn awesome.
I don't think you realize how sad this statement is. You're basically saying that you don't actually care about these "traditional values" you talk so incessantly about, and you really just hate people who disagree with you politically and that's the major factor in how you decide to think and act. You've built up this alt-right "white genocide" bullshit in your head to the point where you feel like you're at war with your own neighbors and it's fucking unhealthy and weird and sad.
>you'd see that this whole diverse, tolerant, and happy America is actually kind of, you know, fucking unique
Actually, the same exact thing happens in Canada and the european countries, which is why it's not a good thing. The countries lose what makes them unique and become "general cultures".
How do you think who is keeping Eastern Europe safe from Russia Federation and other CSTO members? Fucking USA - that is basically NATO. Do you think Mexicans and niggers will keep what to defend white Europe? It ain't gonna be French Armed Forces (maghrebis, blacks from former french colonies and current overseas possessions and some nukes that will save Europe
>t. Sheltered White Woman
Get fucked honkey. Your days are numbered.
Actually I worked as a social worker with underprivileged (and *GASP* mostly BLACK) children from the inner city so funnily enough I've probably met more of those scaaaary black men than anyone on this board. Didn't seem to ever get murdered or raped or tortured to death like everyone here says will happen the moment I make eye contact with someone who has a skin color lighter than mine, hmm.
No you aren't you dumb bitches. Fuck off.
So? you guys apparently claim you are not cucked because you have guns to shoot your minority enemies in the supposedly upcoming race war
> enough things are provably better than ever.
Are you some voluntary psychologist making up stuff to assure us.
pussy hat wearing numale detected v
There's no ethnostate, losers. there will never be an ethnostate. the closest thing you have is Maine which is always going to be 98% white. Why don't you move there? oh that's right, because you're a poor piece of crap who can't even move out of his trailer. So much for superior white intelligence.
I was right, shocking
Jews, niggers and women. The scourge of western society.
At some point something will need to be done.
The 56% people were right. They ARE right!
Come on, dude. You're not going to win any of them over insulting them. Most of the people here have just been mislead and taken advantage of.
are you fucking dense??? we have many non white countries on this planet. why do we need to ruin one of the few havens??? Why let it be run by arrogant jews and low IQ criminals??? move to Brazil and fuck off.
>You're not going to WIN any of them OVER insulting them.
kys shill.
The media literally smeared Moore by saying he supported slavery.
Your experience in an 80% white suburb is not representative of true "diversity".
-t. St. Louisan
>equate anybody who isn't like you having a say in how the country is run to the fucking genocide of all white people
They're literally working toward that goal. Everything about the Jewish/"leftist" agenda is centered around that end. Blacks are calling for the death of all Europeans daily. Imagine how bad it's going to get as whites continue to lose everything and Jews continue to tell the growing legion of dark hordes that whites have to die for whatever reasons they'll keep inventing.
>low IQ
First off this is probably the most ignorant and racist piece of propaganda that gets parroted here, and that's saying something.
Now that that's been settled...
>we have many non white countries on this planet. why do we need to ruin one of the few havens???
A country isn't a "haven" just because there aren't any scaaary brown people you fucking psycho.
Show total numbers. What is black voter % vs white voter %?
>First off this is probably the most ignorant and racist piece of propaganda that gets parroted here,
If you niggers would stop telling me that I am responsible for slavery when my ancestors did not live in America during slavery, I would care less about skin color.
You're either trolling or an absolute fuck ing imbecile. that skinny worthless kike is not the authority on human anthropology. Thst isn't how you settle matters either you fucking simpleton. Get out of here already. You're not changing anyone's mind.
It's too late. We have devolved into a savage, feral race of brutish orcs
Stop larping as a reddit spacing darkie
>social worker
>"I never got murdered or raped while carrying out my professional duties with children in a controlled environment therefore blacks are not violent"
>anecdotal evidence > actual statistics
yep, sheltered white woman.
can you please not incite genocide on an open forum?
fuck you nigger lover and all nonwhite shitskins!!
Yeah, okay, I think I'm done here. You people blatantly ignore facts that I post like the David Pakman video and then just reply with some delusional nonsense about everyone who disagrees with you politically wanting to murder all white people. Get some fucking help you psychotic pieces of shit.
go to the hood at night and then come back fucking leftist faggot nigger lover
Yeah, and then later from you self-cucking retards
>W-why won't black people ever leave the democratic plantation
>underprivileged (and *GASP* mostly BLACK) children
what's up with the tumblresque punctuation "????" the world is already run by jews. jews have the highest IQ. being racist and anti semitic won't change that. sorry for the buzzwords but come on. i don't care how any of you think but, the jews are the master race and it's time to just accept facts. how did they climb up to the top and own everything, control the entire world? satan? no. it's because they are the master race. we're all fighting amongst each other, but will never be able to amount to the progress of a jew. we are children arguing online about who is white, who is not white, about which minorities are worse and in what ways, while jews are making money and securing more power and status. we are insects.
No please stay :DD Congratulations! Your vanity has exposed you as being a sheltered basic bitch! One last thing; tits or gtfo.
I'm only saying what I hear you Americans talk about on an open forum
It won't help.
There's only one way to divide planet Earth between white people and shitskins. White people get the part above ground. Shitskins get the part starting six feet under it.
Ethnic cleansing isn't just the most effective way to settle ethnic disputes. It's the only thing that has ever settled them.
nah thats either a Jewish male or gay man, possibly both.
12% of the population
a lot of whom who can't vote because they're criminals
Cry some more for me please
I don't think it should stop there. I think we should also bury autistic white people as they are more likely to become liberals, fat white people, white people with acne and white people with Crohn's disease. I feel like we should do this first, so that when we fight the shitskins we have a fighting chance. They have more muscle mass than us, and we really cannot risk having retards hold us back. We need eugenics before ethnic cleansing.
God bless Tennessee. All the southern hospitality with only a quarter of the niggers
Memphis is really the only area to worry about, but they kill each other just as well as in Detroit, so that helps a bit
Ha there will be less black people thanks to Jones being elected, so it's all good.
Well in the end a nigger is still a nigger and im still white.
Happy Hannukah btw
>This country no longer belongs to the white man
What's the matter? Do minorities get treated badly in this country or something.
>34% turnout
White people didn't show up.
Be you
Go to twitter
Search “white people”
See the insane amounts of people calling for literal white genocide
Try to report to twitter to shut down becuz “hate speech”
Twitter says it’s not hate speech
Be you, waking up to the realization that literal white genocide is not considered hateful or racist and is actually promoted by the left
Maybe wake the fuck up
Try it. I dare you. One simple search.
>one short term temporary election is the end all be all
the onlything more moot then this point is the one in the op
15 percent of 25 percent of the population swung the vote? yea.... Keep dodging accountability you really make a point against feminists and niggers who keep passing the ball along for their inadequacies
There are Democrats.
Browsing right now.
Who unironically defend the racial talk of black.
If you stand with Democrats,you pretty much make it clear you hate white people. You want to repeat Rhodesia and South Africa all over again.
I mean, it has worked for places like Illinois and Detroit
Make your grandpappy proud, bama
I hate black people so much (wow edgy opinion for Sup Forums) because even though Trump has done so much for them, they still vote 96% Democrat. Its bullshit and unfair, they won't ever use their brain why do they even fucking vote? So they can feel """American"""? lmao
Your race and IQ denial video has been debunked.
Look, I know you want to impregnate your sister a lot, but that nice black dude down the street actually leaves his house and works out. Can't you just be happy for them?
You think I'm not aware that there are losers on Sup Forums? There are losers in every group, doubly so for any group that's tangentially related to nerdy hobbies like politics, anime, and video games. It doesn't matter if 99% of the people who browse this website are losers. They still spread my ideological beliefs and help to propagate my line of political thought. You seem to hold this naive belief that just because somebody is a "loser" (as defined by politically correct society), they are objectively wrong. I reject that notion entirely. It's almost as if it's impossible to go against the grain of common discourse and still be regarded as a "winner" to polite society. Who would've thunk.
I pray for this upon a star every night
ITT: the last weak cries of the pathetic manchildren realizing their ideology is on its way to the grave and the world will be happier without it
Of course you have to make the white man look bad.
You spelt write in votes that would be thrown out in a real election wrong
There's only one solution here, and it's us or them!
Don't blame them, blame the (((people))) behind the DNC and GOP.
That is very unchristian of you.
What has Trump done for anyone, let alone blacks?
No, that was the 1970's and 80's. Now it's a tidal wave of foreign people and white flight from the urban, to the sub-urban, and now to the countryside. It's either policy reversal now, or accelerationism and DOTR. We just want the first one, but damn you if you think you will boil this frog slowly.
As always? Lol? What reality does this idiot reside in?
>There was no civilization before white apes stole it from Egyptians
Kys dumbshit
this will never exist and you know it. either succeed at gaining riches, or prepare for the worst.