Look on the bright side


Nice breakdown. That's about all. Peace out.

KEK that is true

I think we're seeing the beginnings of a new paradigm shift. The fuckin' retards in the lamestream media have been too busy living in the 90s sucking Bubba Bill's cock to catch the rise of the alt media. America isn't capitalist, it's corporatist. It's actually very funny.

That's about all, peace out.

all true. I will add
6. accusations don't need to be proven as long as the media goes with it

That's a quite accurate summary of it.

Trump must be fuming and reading a firing squad for McConnell and Ryan. Oh and maybe deny McCain chemo.

Considering Alabama has been Red since Antebellum, history just went medieval on your racist alt-right ass.

RNC abandonment lasted all of two weeks before they started funding him and endorsing him again.

Thanks to Niggers

those are reasonably good points.
also, it's clear republican establishment would rather see party lose massively in 2018/2020 than let an outsider run it.

>Alabama has been Red since Antebellum

You're not very good at history. Senate seat was occupied in 1984 by a Dem.


black people are being bribed to vote ;^)

> the dems allege a man is a racist and then beat him

I hate this dumb faggot so much


Why the fuck are we giving Styx the time of day about anything?

This is why I didn't vote last November: the political system is too far gone to consider taking seriously.

>26 point swing

>3. RNC looks stupid for crawling back to Moore.

Then be my guest and prove him wrong


They're using our morality against us really in the same way radical muslims use our country's generosity against us. Democrats = ISIS. The want you to take the high road because they never will and they will win every time.