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This is like the final grunt from an obese guy fucking his wife and leaving her unsatisfied again.
I'm busy right now. Some fag in another thread said it's pacific timezone. Quick rundown?
Hit refresh. Mine said he lost. Thank the fucking deep state for suggesting a write in.
Coming from experience?
He lost
write in votes fucked us
Thank the governor for now allowing an extension to place another candidate. Alabama is corrupt as hell, proven yet again.
Chkd. Time zones and rundowns BTFO!
cognitive dissonance
Why don't you have another redpill and go lie down? Bless your heart, you probably don't even know where you are.
Nigger ballot stuffing fucked us. There's no way in hell blacks turned out in higher numbers than whites in a special election between two white guys.
Thank your own party for literally putting a fucking constitution hating pedophile as a candidate and acting shocked he lost.
>leaving her unsatisfied again.
caring about female satisfaction
>getting BTFO so hard that you break through into an alternate reality
Republicans are beyond suicide watch at this point, they're already dead
sounds like you have personal experience, either you are the impotent man or you were a cuck jerking your little peepee in the corner
this. I refuse to believe Dems are not defrauding the voters as per their usual tactics.
lol the butthurt
that's not cognitive dissonance you retard
...not alleged child molestation?
Don't act like you know a fucking thing about constitutional law, you faggot.
>I refuse to believe people just decided to vote for a decent guy over a child predator who screams the constitution is shit
Dear Roy Moore:
You lose American Asshole!
the important part is emphasized
the important part is you are satan
The thrill of battle is exciting yes? There's nothing quite as satisfying as demoralizing your enemies.
Like how obama is a faggot. No I mean he technically is bisexual, but I'd call him a faggot. Definitely a faggot nigger, and definitely a tranny fucker.
I know for a fact that "the bible supercedes the constitution" is false. I also know Moore, also, clearly doesn't know the constitution either. Who got removed multiple times, again?
>only lost by 1000 votes
>libs are notorious for voter fraud
>"drumpfies get BTFO! we're throwing a party in the ghetto tonight HILDAWGs!"
the allegations are obviously false though. why wait 40 years and coordinate all the allegations suddenly exactly 4 weeks before the election. its because they dont want to give people proper time to figure out they're full of shit.
said the man who will never be permitted to elect his own senator
It’s literally GOPe fault
>1000 votes
Try 14,000
>libs are notorious for voter fraud
Only in your mind, m8
I KNOW, isn't it horrible? Everyone else is a meanie butt!
>why wait 40 years
Bill cosby confirmed innocent.
Statute of limitations instated for rape and child molestation now.
a 26% swing to Dems lol
the people have WOKEN!!!!
It was only 14000 votes, that's like none. People are making such a big deal thinking that he lost, but it was only a 5000 vote difference, he can call a revote
I mean, come on guys, only 2500 votes? What's the last time a guy has won an election, undisputed, with a difference of 1250 votes.
Here is the plan being run by the GOPe: archive.4plebs.org
We are watching a literal coup being staged by Yertle and Ryno.
>implying there's anything wrong with being in a relationship with a non-cis person
Totally true. The AL Sec'y of State shows Moore winning.
There is.
Also who are you quoting?
who the fuck cares about female satisfaction? women are literal objects of culture that have no business outside of the home
not even man enough to concede
He ran for the highest judge in the state of Alabama twice and it wasn't brought up until now?
Hispanics vote overwhelmingly democrat. Illegals voting will always swing towards Democrat.
You realize he lost right
Roy Moore just announced he's going to wait till all the votes are in, then wait for the recount. Strangely, despite the current gap being outside the 0.5% gap needed for the automatic recount, the Sec'y of State has already promised one will happen.
Hispanics were vehemently Republican. You doubled down on the evangelical vote at their expense.
Great Job!
>liberals expect us all to believe voter fraud doesn't exist
>every last person, except republicans of course, is pure lawful good and would never do such a thing
Yeah, all in muh mind.
>“The people of Alabama are great, and the Republicans will have another shot at this seat in a very short period of time. It never ends!”
>It never ends!
Got a time frame on that?
I'm curious about all those write ins more than anything.
What are the odds something fuckey happened?
yeah sorry, when I saw Mitch McConnell getting in front of cameras 1 hour after the allegations broke, I knew some bullshit was going on. so obvious. enjoy your hollow victories.
Just like he was the first condemn an innocent man after the Dodge of Peace incident. These fucking 'cRats have got to be vited the ever-loving fuck out.
I'm sure that between recounts and court, Jones won't get seated, it'll just be a 99 seat Senate till the 2020 regular AL election, where Moore will win.
>literally no proof and what proof these is is purely fictional
Get informed.
And still got dunked on in good ol' Alabama, faggot.
If it's outside the 0.5% Moore will have to pay for it himself.
lol ok foval
>Petty insult
Great way to make yourself look like even more of a petulant and easy to manipulate child.
oh damn you mad, cuck
He has the backers. His speech made it clear that the SoS is expecting to perform a recount and will start it as immediately as statute and logistics permit.
don't post your personal life stories here, this isn't a blog
bump for lols
females should get satisfaction from pleasing their men, not otherwise faggot
Doesn't matter, if it's outside the .5%, the requester has to pay for the recount.
>Implying I as a Canadian care who wins a senate seat
It's more a useful study of how USA is going to be driven into the ground worse than Canada is. Much faster and more aggressively by the looks of it.
Pretending hispanics arent evangelicals
Whoo boy. Somone knows NOTHING AT ALL about haipanic culture. Of course its the yuppie white liberal brat.
Welp clearly this little froggy went mental from the trauma.
are you retarded? you're replying to me saying he has the backers. Are you fucking Retarded?
They clearly don't
All the shills and their (((pols))) BTFO
I have some bad news for you son.
Jones' victory was fueled by huge turnout -- and near-unanimous support -- from black voters.
Turnout was much stronger in heavily African-American counties, relative to recent presidential elections, than in rural, white counties.
CNN's exit poll found that 30% of the electorate was black -- a higher share than in the 2008 and 2012 elections, when Barack Obama was on the ballot. The exit poll showed that 96% of black voters backed Jones.
Jones cast the election as an opportunity for Alabama voters to reject the embarrassment he said Moore was sure to bring the state. His campaign focused heavily on turning out African-American voters in the run-up to election day, with civil rights icon and Georgia Rep. John Lewis, New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker and other black leaders hitting the trail alongside Jones.
"I love Alabama, but at some point we've got to draw a line in the sand and say, 'We're not a bunch of damn idiots,'" retired basketball star Charles Barkley, who played at Auburn University, said at Jones' election eve rally in Birmingham.
>Democracy died tonight
Why would the write ins just not out right vote for Jones?
That's what in effect they are doing..
harambe swings yet another election
Same reason we have People vote third party in the election, Voter's jaded with the options presented
That explains how he loss in 2012.
lol because they hate both
i never vote for someone i don't want to win
of course you wanted to vote for this subhuman
have some self respect
they already gave themselves a court order to destroy all the digital images of the paper ballots cast so there can be no discovering of fraud