Why is everyone whining about write ins?

Trump did not like Moore and im curious as to why that is.




because there were enough write-ins that if they had all voted for Moore he'd have won.

the- the ride?

Because being incredibly supportive of an alleged child molester can blow up in your face really badly if those allegations turn out to be true

Lol Trump is getting cucked

Because they would have voted for Moore except the lying media brainwashed them into believing Moore was a pedophile despite there being any evidence of it.

Why would you write in Moore ? He's already on the fucking ballot. Are you thinking of absentee ballots ?



Low energy

>It never ends
Nothing ever ends

Heads it was Kellyanne who tweeted that from his phone, tails it was Sarah

I don't think Trump personally made this tweet.

Its too coherent and legible.

You're having a hard time.

The write-ins are primarily from moderate Republicans having a protest vote against Roy Moore without voting for a Democrat.


I answered his question. The reason why trump is whining about write-in's is because if they HAD voted for moore, he'd have won.

>reading comprehension

this was definitely better than calling the alabamans inbred racist nazis that liberals were saying about moore winning early on.

Trump is not ideological. He was trying to work with McConnell on shit during the primaries for this election. He campaigned against Moore as a favor for McConnell. Kind of wish he hadn't wasted political capital on this election and just left it alone. Alabama is a shitty state to die in

I think what he meant to say is that people are upset that the write-ins didn't vote for Moore, but some other third party candidate in light of the allegations

This doesnt even slightly answer my question.

So... more people voting = more representative of the populous or something, right???

>Why is everyone whining about write ins?

Because the number of write ins exceeded Jones' margin of victory. If you assume that most of the write ins were republicans who did't want to vote for Moore then they are responsible for handing the election to Jones.


He never supported him, even before the allegations. I'm wondering why that is, did he know something Bannon and others did not? He supported Strange at first, til Moore won. Allegations did not come out until 5 weeks after he endorsed Strange.

He should fire McConnell.

Was nice to see, overall.

Hopefully promotes more grounds for bipartisanship. Tribalism is cancer.

Tax bill was literally swamp material.

What I want to know is what the write-ins ARE.

That's going to be every election now

I can guarantee Pence wrote that after yanking the phone away from a sobbing Trump

>So... more people voting = more representative of the populous or something, right???

Sen Richard Shelby said he was going to write in another candidate instead of moore and encouraged others to do so.

That means MANY of the write in votes are would be Moore supports (they are republicans and would normally have voted for the GOP ticket regardless of who it was)

So the write in's essentially lost the election for Moore

You don't have to vote for who is on the ballot.
If you'd like, you can write in any name. Even if they're not a candidate.

They are votes for people that were out of country or couldn't make it to the polling area

You make a good point. Perhaps that should have been a red flag that Trump was keeping his distance? It wasn't like he had anyone else to support in the final election.

Are you a fucking retard? Do you understand how the ballot works?

You are a idiot. Anything proposed by Liberal Democrats is cancer. Never work with them. Also, the tax bill was fine, could have been better but it is far from "swamp material"

No. That's an absentee ballot.

no, they're people who went to the polling station and wrote in someone that wasn't a party candidate (someone besides Moore or Jones)

because it convient

>people accusing Trump of not writing that tweet

My president. Meanwhile the left msm media go..

>He never supported him
>Literally went down to Florida to campaign for him.


>Anything proposed by Liberal Democrats

Wow you sound so unbiased. This is what a party sheep is guys

why did he go to florida to campaign for moore

hmmm...if only Roy Moore wasn't an alleged child molester

thats my point, Trump wanted Strange for a reason. People should have went with Trump's pick. He obviously knew shit was going to go south if Moore won. If people voted for Strange we would be discussing a R win tonight. I don't even consider this a Trump loss, but a swamp win. As bad as it is, Trump made the right choice originally.

t. your pedo endorsing President.

He did not write this tweet.

Tired of winning yet?

So does any moore supporters want to explain why he decided to not campaign the very last week when trump organized 3 fucking rallys on the last day of campaigning alone?

why did he not have the integrity and spine to defend himself?

are you poltards suggesting that its acceptable for a candidate of public office to take a break the week before election?

and you were all crying about hillary's low energy when moore did the same thing

>If people voted for Strange we would be discussing a R win tonight

This isn't T_D. Who gives a shit if there's one more cuckservative in Congress?

hardly. Classic republican shit. trickle down, blow up deficit, ignore spending, ramp up military spending for the war machine. So far bill looks worse then Reagan cuts. Met no standards by trump's populist standpoint.

Repubs are never fiscally conservative unless they're in the minority.

He wanted Strange. In the end, Moore was better than a Liberal so he chose that path. You know that, do not act clueless

You can see the anger and tantrum he's throwing right about now. 0 out of 2 for Alabama elections. He's going to be crying next year when the NV goes blue and the Senate goes 50-50

>it never ends

lol pedophiles BTFO

because it's very likely that Moore would not have voted party lines or tried to work with democrats and make concessions. Moore is a true ideologue, the kind of guy that Trump likes personally but his agenda may have well suffered from.

I don't think it was some conspiracy, he needed to get a yes man in that seat to push his agenda through, i'm sure that's what McConnell was offering. Unfortunately Moore had no fortitude or proper defense of the allegations against him. He didn't act like a guy who was innocent of all charges.

He probably did creep on young girls. maybe not copped a feel on the 14 year old, but it's not a strange charge for that time and era. After the allegations against him, his campaign fell apart and made one blunder after another. The democraps went after the moral high ground and he conceded it. Ultimately a flawed candidate despite the accusations. He should have taken a page from Trump

So are you saying you've finally accepted Trump's presidency and will stop creating fake evidence about him?

That's what did it, sure, but I can allege anyone is a child molester. You, for example, could be a child molester if the court of public opinion decided it was so.

What are you talking about user

He did an interview with a 12 year old girl

Excellent optics to only do interviews with children after being accused of being a pedophile



Due process means shit to Shareblue huh?:

Obviously written by his staff.

He's probably losing his shit and knee deep in McDonalds and Diet Cokes, OCD Hate watching CNN and fucking screaming like a toddler in the residence while Melania gets double teamed as usual by the two token black secret service agents and Jared and Jr look for places to hide from the FBI.

He did support a diddler. So he should be impeached.

Please someone photoshop CNN declaring Jones' victory on the TV


suddenly the left cares about their politicans being child molestors

>one of us

Hahaha this guy is really dumb

>Implying the god emperor doesn't dictate to his staff when's he to mad to tweet personally

Your creepy liberal fantasy is very specific. Pic related.

I hate to say this, but he has a point.

Who said anything about due process? Honestly, after this last presidential election, do you really believe that people won't make decisions based on accusations? lol

>Why would you write in Moore ? He's already on the fucking ballot. Are you thinking of absentee ballots ?
you don't belong here, dumb nigger

>Was fine
It was neocon anti American bullshit designed to hurt the people those bush era Jew loving cucks say they represent