Why do right-wingers always lose in the end?

It feels like while the right wins some battle, the left always win the war in the end. Are we the bad guys, Sup Forums?

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No but the people who represent you are

>Are we the bad guys, Sup Forums?

Yeah, we kinda are. Honestly, if we died off, society would probably be better anyways. We're all social rejects and losers for the most part, and even the "winners" among us are just contrarian assholes. At this point, we're pretty much just holding back the progress of the US as a whole by stamping our feet and wanting to go back to a time when white people dominated. We don't anymore. It's over. The world has moved on, and whether we're bred out over time or killed off, it's inevitable that our time is over.

But user the war never ends

Because they're Nazis?

>Are we the bad guys, Sup Forums?

>tfw electing Trump only made the left more resolute and passionately anti-white while not destroying them
Well done 56% americans

The left spent 100 years infiltrating society before they got to the point they're at now where they're only a little over half way to their original goals, since their revolutionary brethren failed miserably.

The left had to band together with neocons and facists to discredit Liberty at the advent of the 20th century.

So they've only really been winning for a little while historically and the broader right should be fucking ashamed of their part in it due to their lack of identity, their betrayals and their inability even bother fighting the culture war.

Realistically though, it feels like to me the winds are changing, yes the left keep chugging along but everything they've build is quickly being co-opted by this new faction of the collectivist right. The only thing that matters at the end of the day is the legacy we lead and the lessons we teach the next generations to determine what culture they pull society towards.

This is the larger plan being run by the (((Establishment))): archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/149626158

>The left had to band together with neocons and facists to discredit Liberty at the advent of the 20th century

lol wut. The right-wing hates liberty and loves the police state.

>At this point, we're pretty much just holding back the progress of the US
DIAF, Rabbi Shlomo Shitlib.

Are you fucking retarded?
Google ANTIFA.

Classical Liberalism was the main stream at the end of the 1800s, the lefties made a pincer attack on us with the what would become the Neocons that took over the conservative right in the early 1900s. They could never win on their own desu.

Because the sheeple is dumb, believes in like fairytales and don't understand how economics works. And in the end right wing wins because retarded leftist system crashes and commie country becomes hellhole(look at USSR for example, or Yugoslavia, or failed commie states in Africa). In the end of the day all this retarded sjw system will crash and I will have fun.

It's literally the first win for dems in over a year

It’s just the last gasp of a civilization in decline. Take the real red pill. Accelerationism. Vote and support Dems every chance you get

>that ID

That's what KEK thinks of you and your thread. It's shit.

Because in the end, hate loses, whatever 'side' that hate is on.

2008 was A New Hope
2016 was Empire
2017 is Jedi

Hey don’t worry man. We may Lose some, but we’ll win again. It’s all part of it Man, somebody has to win and somebody has to lose. I think things are going to change for the better and maybe we might even see a brighter future where there’s no communists or transgender people. Trust me, we will win again. I promise you.

>implying 2008 was anything other than the prequels

>implying the New Hope doesn't begin with Trump

get a load of this cuck

>implying any hope associated with Trump is genuine

He's only a year in and he's done 50x as much good for the country as Obama's done in his 8 years. Get a grip.

Except it’s only going to get worse.

>it's not constructive therefore it can't be genuine
You should know better than this, gulagfag

Bullshit. I Belive that a generation Will save the white race and destroy commusim and Marxism forever.

Of course if Ginsburg dies this weekend the left will enter crisis mode again.



right wing ideology is wholly satanic and anti biblical. the all seeing eye is a vagina. this moore shit nose can go fall down a well in the back of a synagogue
>homosexuality is a sin in the biblical sense
no it isnt. maybe in the freudian sense. i'd kick this guy in the head. God Bless Alabama

It's not about left or right, user. It's about doing what's right and fighting against what's wrong.

Because there are more stupid people than smart people on earth

because they are on the wrong side of history every single time and on every single issue.

hi isis. why do you worship money and women and pedophilia and Christ killers and a satan frog?

The Right demands things of people to enable THEM to build a better future. It shows the way.

The Left promises to GIVE you that better future and you don't have to do anything.

Well obviously because of brainwashed normies who listen to the goyims on the television and ignorant niggers...

because total depravity is a thing

until Christ returns the good will not ultimately triumph

we must fight on knowing we will probably lose many battles

harden yourself, white man

all fiat money is an interest payment. nobody at the top does any work

fuck off haavara. why are you such an embassy moving kike cuck for fake kikes and fake whites? this has been an excellent night for truth and decency. almost beats oct 30. almost

I hope that happens too. I’m saying from where we are now, it’s goong to get A LOT worse before it gets better. We have no guarantees it’ll even get better

Good job with the reality check. We've had a good year or two long winning streak, but It was a matter of time before the Left got a win. The war isn't over however.

Reality has a leftist slant.

The Right has lost again and again historically. Look at the fact that we have no monarchies, state religions, etc.

Yes we should become Brazil

we won the last special elections. do u have any clue how many people think youre a molech antichrist party? many













>Reality has a leftist slant.

Mental illness

Anyone else on here old enough to remember when Venezuela was put on a pedastal?

In the United States, there are four broad categories of Anglos, four groups which came here from Britain. (See the book "Albion's Seed" for details.)
1. Puritans
2. Quakers
3. Cavaliers
4. Scott-Irish
Despite all of Sup Forums's concerns about Jews having disproportionate influence in society, Anglos are the next most powerful group, and are far more numerous. Puritans and Quakers are more liberal-aligned (although in the case of Puritans this isn't so clear-cut) and they are also by far more educated than the Cavaliers and Scott-Irish. Since these groups value education, they captured the educational system in America. And if you have the educational system, then you have young minds who will receive your knowledge more or less uncritically. Through the academy, slow but inevitable revolution takes place: values which are taught in colleges to future teachers will be taught to children 20 years later.

democrats are the racist party. the right doesnt even care about americans. only bibi. and pedos. im telling you. they get their self esteem by robbing everybody else with lies. everything the right says is a lie for the protocols

You already lost the 2020 election just to stupid to notice.
The Jerusalem thing was the end of 1/2 of the demtards funding

>Be edgy as fuck
>Most "normies" don't like edgy as fuck
>"Why did we lose?"

I wonder.

jerusalem thing and dems have very little to do with eachother. only as to why you lost tonite. also kikey pedo stuff

If you have to ask

We win
Dems got played


You lost the genetic lottery you stupid faggot lmao

ooooooooooooooooo!!! wtf i love kikes and pedos nao

kys you little bird freak come lick my ear drums with your little nectar tongue

Libtard jews and unions fund the Democrats. The jews will stop writing checks to the ant-semitic demtards

Did you get molested?

I’m not being facetious. Pretty sure I’ve seen you in threads before

I agree in the sence that this generation is already lost. The only thing we can do is prepare the ground for the future gen

you are not of shem. the only union is your fiat money pedo asshole zog union

Man this is why I never go on Sup Forums anymore. It's time to find a new place the shills got to this one.

molest yourself fucking losing molester

>Shills actually think their stealthy with their "hello fellow Sup Forums users" psyop bullshit

The world gets more liberal as it gets more advanced. That's the way it's always been and the way it will always be

man up

Don't worry OP

We will meme a pedophile to victory

Sup Forums is always right

>blumpfkins lost the safest Republican seat in the country to an ultra-liberal
>literally found the ONE candidate in all of Alabama who'd lose to a Democrat




>That's the way it's always been and the way it will always be
Like the death of every major civilization
throughout history, check.

>Overseen an administration that ends children's health programs
>Calls nuclear enemies fat on Twitter, speaking lightly about fire and fury that would kill millions in days
>Stuffs government full of corrupt corporate shills who routinely sell out American people so they can buy their 4th McMansion
>Degrades the United States' international reputation on the daily, we aren't even invited to certain scientific conferences anymore
>Lies to people about "giving them back their land" when in reality it's going to be destroyed
>Takes 79 golf trips in less than a year

Yeah what a fucking amazing leader. So glorious. The fat orange degenerate who delivers misspelled insults on his Android phone strikes fear in the hearts of many. He is certainly up there with the likes of Churchill and Napoleon. Wow, just wow.

The far right only exists in order to advance the dialectic forward. You are recalcitrant towards progress and that recalcitrance eventually gives way to its opposite.

Congrats, you are literally the useful idiots of teleological history.

HAHAHA the right won so hard that their enemies became capitalists you stupid faggot.


>Are we the bad guys, Sup Forums?
You're the guys who got tricked by corporate goons into thinking social conservatism was part of a meme package that would get rid of undesirables and bring prosperity.

We've been telling you this for decades. Nixon was a cheat. Reagan was a cheat. Trump is a cheat. The only reason we started including cheats was because we figured you liked being fucked in the ass by guys in overpriced suits.

Leftists intellectual horse shit.

>are we the bad guys?
Oh look, the baby killers want to lecture us on morality.

Although Hegel would have said that the far left is the same and the "progress" you state is not the opposite of the far right, but rather something in between or undiscovered. The pull of the sides is part of the conversation that will lead to utopia.

>presidency is "some battles"
>bumfuck alabama is "the war"
>not wanting society to go to shit makes people bad guys

JIDF confirmed.

lmfao, u had a meaningless victory faggot, ur still losing from here on

there will always be plenty of muslim and jew cock for u fags to suck on

If you think you are anything resembling intelligent and you believe that if the majority of the population becoming Hispanic will not have severe And major repercussions on all levels crime, cultural, economical etc.… You are a naïve fool.
> A majority Black populace would be even worse, but of all demographics they kill themselves in the largest numbers and have the most abortions so that is not a realistic outcome for the future of America. In fact there population is predicted to remain stagnant or actually decline.
> Muslim, Arabic would be the worst but that is not a major concern for America at least not in the near future, more so for Europe and of course Canada .

You're probably right that Hegel would have said that, since I don't understand a fucking word of it

>Are we the bad guys, Sup Forums?
That goes without saying. Sup Forumslacks thrive on their depravity.

Fucking monsters. They will kill thousends of black fetuses!
Let's have moment of silence for D'quan, Jamal and Tyrone who will never know the joys of being prepped.

>Random nobody leftfag wins tiny victory in the armpit of America
>Right wing demoralized
Lol nice try. This is just a shittier version of team sports for you.

you mean 25%.

My friend something you must realize, fact is they may be voluntarily sucking “Jew cock”, but that means that we are forcefully taking it up the ass.
> And sorry but we are

I bet you have a niiice big folder of the images

>pretending he's not a shill
wew lad

>It feels like while the right wins some battle, the left always win the war in the end.

it's always harder to build than to destroy. once there is nothing left to destroy the builders will be needed once again.

Search Robert Conquest 3 laws of politics to understand.

>Yes, me and my fellow goy- i mean whites are holding back the US.

Yeesh guys, they're going to win one once in a while, and it was razor-thin even with brutal and relentless MSM lies and propaganda.

Go back to leftypol, cucked faggot!


Great argument cletus, bout what I expected from some inbred hick.

well that about confirms it


>in the end
lol, retard
its a never ending cycle

this meme finally works!