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Yeah, blacks are brainlets

Blacks are smarter. I already knew that.

>fuck niggers, man fuck niggers, man I hate niggers, nigger nigger nigger

>wait what do you mean they're allowed to vote
>oh shit why aren't they voting red

Based black men, city people voted for hillary

Are there more nigger in bama than whites?
These numbers do spell out a Jones victory to me

>man who said it was better during slavery doesn't get the black vote

He made the major mistake of revealing his power level.

whites are suicidial cuckolds



I'm not racist, I just hate people that vote democrat

Only 37% turnout, white apathy handed the senate seat to the jews. They will reap what is sown.

just do it

I get why 95% of niggers vote blue.
I don't get why 27% of whites do.

I didn't know race was on the ballot

Niggers I guess, but they should move to the UK if they really like getting cucked.

All I see in the background is women, nigs, and soy boys

Member when the entire world wasn't identity politics?

I member.

Why do people use fake quotes like these?

they are voting for the gibs

maybe this time they will get their obamaphones

black people generally cant think for themselves
they have no personal agency


Wonder if I'll be b&?

Yeah Dem voters have shown themselves to be wilfully ignorant, ignoring their own interests and that of their nation on vague statements and shitty promises the Dems clearly cannot deliver as they aren't economically viable. Look at Bobamacare for example. There is literally non helping them - they won't listen to reason either.

They're hated for being such shitty, cancerous people. Them consistently voting for the anti-white/loser/idiot/defective party proves it in yet another way.

So blacks are more tribal and racist than whites. But we already knew that.

we use them because people are stupid enough to believe them. can't argue with results

Next time just put on a more genuine fake smile when you try to woo their votes

i never have tried to woo a nigger. thats cuckservative shit

>27% of whites are race traitors
>only 5% of niggers are
>you lived long enough to see niggers become more loyal than whites

Only 5% of niggers can stay.

as if partisanship was a matter of race you tottering clay-brained giglet

this, I hope every piece of shit in Alabama gets their guns taken away

serves them all right for failing their country

Shows that niggers enjoy the plantation. Can't say I blame them, they're a slave race to begin with. May as well stay that way with the dems.

The Jews and their pet niggers will continue to destroy this country unless we stop them. The only solution is 1933 again.

>why did the blacks vote for the guy who doesn't hate them


No one here has the intelligence, the balls, or the resources to do 1933 all over again.

>alabama capital of KKK
>moore supports KKK

what is difficult for you to understand?

this is our future

Liberal policies have utterly destroyed the black family and community. The Democrats, with their control over the cities for decades have made a huge population of helpless, unmarketable black men. AND YET they continue to overwhelmingly vote blue. I know a lot of people hate niggers on this Chinese cartoon fan site, but I really feel bad for them. They are unknowingly destroying themselves :(((((

There is a specific plan being run by the GOP (((Establishment))):

They will stop at nothing to deliver us to the (((globalists))). The question is, what are we going to do about it?

>"I fucking hate niggers so much, I want to deport them all!!!!"
>"W-Why aren't they voting for the white nationalist approved candidate"

Makes you think

They did the same to South Africa and Zimbabwe. Its in their nature.

>Sup Forums claims to be redpilled yet no one questions nonsense stats that have no source.

KKK is from the democrats

27% of whites have no idea how painful it is to get murdered by a pack of niggers you supported wholehearted as misunderstood

That's why they don't belong in the US you dumbfuck. Black people can't build nations.

The problem is they're dragging us down with them.

Prepare to be blacked 'bama. Im going to bed.

Pity can only be stretched out so far before it becomes contempt.

>White evangelicals voted 16% less for Moore than Romney, a Mormon candidate
Christcucks at it again.

Blacks vote Democrat because theyre too stupid to realize they are in enslaved to white Democrats 150 years after slavery was "abolished"

hehe yes goyim accept your white genocide!

sorry faggot but history repeats itself and the Jews are long overdue for another solution to their subversiveness

The Dems have their house niggers well trained.

>95% of niggers vote blue
>partisanship is not a matter of race

Should we recognize citizenry based on the founders ala 1790?

Well what can the US do to solve the African menace? I'm well aware that there are some blacks whose IQ is equal or greater than your average blacks. There must be a way to utilize them. Then again, you have melanated titans like Thomas Sowell walking around and your average nigger has never heard of him. R-Really m-makes me s-sad

fucking niggers should all get hanged

Anything short of taking things in your own hands americanos is a joke at this point, the 1965 act is showing its fruits.

Half the country is against you, conditioned, degenerate and brainwashed.

We needed Trump to succeed to remove world jewry, but he is dependant on these Senators...

Plz go full kristallnacht, there's no other way.

Nigger's want their abortions, nothing we can do about it, and it's not necessarily bad

Should have shipped them back after the war


Well, at least you admit it.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand The Democrat Platform. The policies are extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of neoliberal economics most of the jokes will go over a typical voter’s head. There’s also the Democrats socialistic outlook, which is deftly woven into its characterisation- their economic philosophy draws heavily from Marxist literature, for instance. The voters understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these policies, to realise that they’re not just factually correct- they say something deep about MORALITY. As a consequence people who dislike the Democrats truly ARE rural and suburban retards- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the policies in the Democrat's intellectual catchphrase “A Better Deal: Better Skills, Better Jobs, Better Wages,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Papa John’s collegiate pizza commerical. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confused at Hillary Clinton’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

Based on what? I live in the US and it seems pretty good to me. I have a good standard of living, I am safe and healthy.

Does this confirm that whites are in favor of pedophilia?

>1 special election
>1 senate seat
>out of all voting processes in the United States yearly

Imagine thinking race determines party in the year 2017. Care to explain the 5% of Blacks that voted Moore?

Bad thinking, reconsider your life.

Your enslavement was gradual.

You could have a 5x or 10x better life, income, IQ of people around you, less degeneracy and just better people over all.

But you to dumb to see your potential, you are happy the jew lets you breath a little and make a little, when you could have a lot more.

You have your house and your business, but you could do much better and live 5x more happier lives.

Thats why half the low IQ whites needs a purge, you are dragging the rest down into your ignorance and degeneracy.

If whites were truly high IQ (EU, UK, US, CA, AUS, etc. ) you wouldn't be dominated like cattle by the jewry for decades and centuries.

You get your house, your decent job (much much better than what euro slaves get), your cars, your businesses, your false sense of security. You are hanging by a thread white boy and you don't even realize it.

low iq = anything on the left/liberals, anybody too dumb to see the big picture, anybody who doesn't recognize the global enslavement of people.

Pickle riiiiiiiick

[laugh track]

Okay, Cleutus, whatever you say.

You can keep posting on pol about this magical great society that is apparently being held back because non-whites are in the nation.

But I'll keep my nice life.

I don't hate black republicans.
Also considering how many single teen mothers the black community is producing, that measly 5% will drop dramatically.

The only thing worse than letting the niggers vote was letting women vote. Our country was fucked as soon as we extended the franchise.

>this thread

Sup Forums can't take responsibility for anything: The Thread

So all we have to do is get rid of the white people, makes sense

>Niggers do what they are told
>Whites "think" about things, and fuck them up

>Whites are idiots
>Niggers are USEFUL idiots

It's ok Satan we know communists are even worse then niggers.

Hey, I've got a hint for you my dude

Maybe it's saying shit like this that makes black people not want to vote for the people you vote for

Imagine thinking, in the current year, that voting patterns do not correlate with race and gender, in all but white women where they tend to be around 50/50.

If I saw a black women comming out of a voting booth, I could guess correctly 98% of the time that she voted blue. That's what we call a strong correlation. Honestly, I bet I could pick out the 2% of black women who vote red based on their age, demeanor and clothing, ie how respectable their appearance was, and whether or not they were toting several children with no father in sight.

Fucking racist piece of shit.

>northern states start going red
>southern states start going blue

The state segregation needs to happen as soon as possible, I'm fucking sick of pretending like there is a chance of the next generation coexisting with these baboons.

correlation, undoubtably, but not causation

Based black people fucking save us once again. God I love black people.

Why wait? you can have your utopia today.

You're a total retard if this data doesn't redpill you and I hope a nigger kills you one day.

Why on earth are you defending niggers? What the fuck is wrong with you?

Evangelicals are the niggers of whites confirmed.

95% is the standard percentage for confidence intervals in research, it is now scientifically valid to label blacks as Democrats and therefore retarded.

Polls like this are living proof of institutional differences in the way that the various races interact with society.

Instead, Sup Forums takes it as proof that black people must just be stupider than white people. Because God forbid anyone have a rational justification for not voting the way you think they should vote.

So we can thank this on the contemptible 27% of cucks.

>magine thinking, in the current year, that voting patterns do not correlate with race and gender, in all but white women where they tend to be around 50/50.

I mean, they do. We on the left have never denied that they do. It's centrists who want to live in a fantasy world where everyone is totally colourblind and we live in a world without racial divisions because that all ended in the 1960s, right?

Nah of course black people mostly vote Democrat.

It's because Democrats shit on black people less of the time.

>No Bernie tattoo.

burgers help me out
>south is conservative
>south is heavily nigger populated

how come this didnt happen sooner? why suddenly now?

Did you feel enlightened after making that post? Do you think you'll still feel enlightened when niggers rape and kill your fellow countrymen? Will you still defend niggers when they plunder your town?

Because the 27% of traitors.

They also fail to mention that in a rigged two party system where one party all but openly hates you, the " choice " is really no choice at all.

Louisiana here. The internet has made even the lowest dregs of society a party to every political scandal and faux pas that politicians commit, and even blacks can operate smart phones.

White or black. Only niggers live in Alabama.

They also fail to mention that in a rigged two party system where one party all but openly hates you, the " choice " is really no choice at all.

So Sup Forums DOES understand how black people living in southern states feel!