How do you fuck this one up?!? Do you have any idea how important this election was?!? You allowed youtselves to get too fat. You thought Trump winning would put us on easy street? Guess what. There's a very real possibility that he can end up a 1 term president if you fuck up again. Get out and vote.

Other urls found in this thread:


We should throw some more ethots to the wolves

Theres probably like 5 people from bama on here

Next time we probably should make sure the candidate isn't a child molester.

Yeah, you gotta wait till you're in office to do that

>oh no, the pedophile lost the election!

good fucking riddance.

kys op

Pick a better candidate next time. One who doesn’t prey on little girls.

Nobody knew about this during the primary

Kind of? there are 34 seats up in 2018. 25 of those seats are democrats.

Way more than you think

Just a reminder that all allegations against Roy Moore were fabrications.
I wouldn't want to be with you guys on the battlefield.

As long as flawed candidates are not running, it should not be a problem. Nationalists Trump globalists.

On the battlefield we would shoot a pedo instantly.

>this flag
>this post

That's because the Dems pulled it out of their ass after Moore won the primary. And then Bitch McConnal threw Moore to the wolves.

What is so bad about this?

they barely have the internet there

My grandmother got married when she was 14, in 1933

What the fuck did you honestly expect? Trump won from squeaking out razor thin margins in 3 key states, but he still lost the popular vote by almost 3 million. There was never a mandate for him. His bullshit about muh movement is just that, bullshit.

All the fat fucks who put him in office have been sitting around with their feet up drinking librul tears and gloating to the rest of us how "he won you lost! 8 years! 2 scoops!" and getting all presumptious and secure about how long he'll actually last and what the policy implications will be.

Whether or not they are guilty, right?

October surprise, the shitbirds caught us this time. Shit happens, dont let it go to your head

>Texas is going to be next!
t. scared Texan
Europe here I come. inb4 fowaf

I was a debbie downer for a minute. But then I remembered I'm a man. To bad dimocrats can't say the same about themselves. Hell even Black women are more manly then their men are.


Fuck off stupid cunt! Beaners in Cali are not Americans! Faggot Die

lol get mad more faggot, sure must suck holding these Ls

The elites are pulling all the stops. The media was in full attack mode. False Republicans we're attacking, all the neolib And neocon NGOs. It was intense. They used the morality against the traditionalists. They bused in minorities from everywhere. The elites are putting it all out now. We have to fight back and unify, not allowing d & c to continue with the shilling.

We need to stop responding to shill threads.

We have to remember that we have the moral high ground, and are on the right side of history. With progressives we cannot give a single fucking inch. With a faggot creep like Moore we need to listen and let the cool heads figure out the truth from falsehoods. If it is true we need to weed out those compromised or compromisable. We have to also see sneaky progressive tricks for what they are.

The progressives don't care about kids. They don't care about jack shit. It is all about the aquasition of power. They have lost their souls in these power games.

It isn't over yet. It is going to get worse. Hang in there.

Its not bullshit, we just cant take it for granted. We have to educate people about what the real goals of leftism is about. Ecelebs like Lauren Southern are able to do that if we dont destroy them through purity spiraling.

We set the precedent, it's up to the remaining Righters to be galvanized by what they perceive as a series of counter-defeats.

With the continued radicalization of the Left, and (we hope) a growing sense of smug moral superiority being rubbed into the faces of conservatives by the same, it's all but inevitable.

We've succeeded in getting Trump elected, of consolidating the Right, now we galvanize them through a sense of being attacked. Even Trump being a "one term President" could serve our longer term goals as the Left wants to place increasingly radical Leftists and their (((handlers))) on the ballot.

At this point, even a sound defeat of the Right could serve to spark the hot culture war, the "happening" we've been lusting after for so long. That's just America, the effects on countries outside our borders will be even more pronounced as they see a power-house like America swinging it's pendulum with increasing force. It might be enough to confound, confuse, and frighten other nations into pushing the button.

Remember, we're not Right wing nor Left... we are agents of Chaos, the disciples of Kek. Belonging to a political camp is for the small and narrow minded.

We must be the Jew.

I'm sorry, but did Roy Moore already lose? Oh, that's right. The election isn't even over yet. In fact, it's only 11:30. Does not having the lead before all precincts are counted yet count as a loss? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this topic when the election is still on? Roy Moore is still in the running right now and he has been the best conservative in the state for how many years now? He’s running against one of the worst baby killing liberals who just happens to have a lead because of a failed media smear job. But you know what? He still fucking sucks. Roy Moore is one of the best fucking politicians in the America, he won the most of the polls this year and would of won the election if white women didn't cuck. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when Roy Moore wins and someone bumps this topic. Oh look at that, Newt Gingrich just said on the Ingraham Angle that not all the votes are counted yet. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a topic on this board again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these anti-Moore topics because you're a faggot hater who doesn't like the politican because they're good. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll these Roy Moore supporters on the board, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your threads now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a true conservative? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.

They have computers in 'bama as (they) say?
Lolz demz gon rule the world

Voting precincts closed 4 hours ago over 90+% of votes tabulated. Moore lost.


Lets not be like leftists and throw a hissy fit. Lets learn from this experience and not make the same mistake again. Moore was comprimised and either we didnt fight hard enough for him, or we didnt dump him fast enough.

2017 Alabama U.S. Senate election results
Alabama - 2204 of 2220 Precincts Reporting - 99%


We rolled the dice and stuck by him, and he damn near won.

I can look reality in the face, Moore had a lot of problems. A year from now, i wont be rationalizing that he won the election, unlike those that claim 3 million votes.

You idiots need reminders about what will happen here in this country if we keep allowing these kike owned faggot liberals to win.

Learn politics, and I mean really learn it. Go all the way back, start with Plato, Aristotle and work your way up through the generations of western knowledge.

We have to be able to destroy these kikes completely. Never give an inch. If you do, they will try to take everything.

And for the love of fucking God, stop falling for the shill tactics. The Lauren Southern stuff? That was all shill manipulation. If you're actually stupid enough to think berating these girls is a good thing, then you're probably more of a detriment to the country than you think they are.

Leftist faggots already dont care about Alabama anymore. Flyover country, they got what they wanted and left

This reads like a paid post. Shut up faggot.

Alabama the right is still here for you, we will defend you and not take you for granted.

The carpetbaggers won this battle, but they didnt win the war

>How do you fuck this one up?!?
Im not gonna listen to you. Leave me alone for fucks sake. Who are you and what do you want from me?

I want to believe that you're joking, but I really hope no one is actually this uninformed

Thats just the coastal elite perception of flyover country. We are ignorant retards and (((they))) know better than us what we need. Elitism defined.

Roy Moore was such a shiney object that we were willing to overlook his character flaw and a crucial 1-2% saw differently from us. Maybe and its a big maybe, if we fought a little harder, he could have won. I think we played the cards we were dealt CORRECTLY and came up just a little short. We didnt step out too far on the limb.

We relaxed around blacks.

>93% black men vote Jones
>97% black women vote Jones

I called up Trump today and was like "Please Mr. President, I have a headache. Please, don't win so much. This is getting terrible."

It's just 5D Connect Four, you know?

> either we didnt fight hard enough for him, or we didnt dump him fast enough

Those are two very polar opposite moral positions to take, which one did you believe in? Or did it not really matter to you?

I didn't vote because fuck Roy Moore and fuck Doug Jones. And fuck Trump the Zionist cocksucker.

Shh. 2018 is around the corner and the Democrats have a lot of turf to defend.

I read there was low voter turnout in red districts and i cant blame them

Keep thinking that way, i want you to

So many questions. Does your head get sweaty under the tinfoil? Can you still use it to cook potatos on your bug out range innawoods after you change it?

> Lost track of message to deport shitskins.
> Focused instead on raiding the treasury, fucking up our foreign policy, and trying to reverse Roe vs. Wade.

You faggots deserved the autist in the White House, desu.

I think Roy Moore got shystered, the timing of allegations was perfect. Touche

We just need some sexual harassment allegations against the Democrats.

Eat shit memeflag

/spee/ found a way

I beleive everything the media tells me, why would they lie ?

sorry boss

Just look at the map. Repubs can pick up seats in North Dakota, Missouri, West Virginia, Montana, Florida, Ohio and maybe Virginia. Meanwhile all the red states are pretty solid red. The election favors the GOP.

> Sexual harassment allegations against an entire party




do you have evidence for your claims?

Of course he's a one term president.
Just look at those approval ratings.
He's on par with Ford, who was also one term.

he won the popular vote by 2 million. check your math again, there was 5 million illegal votes cast

Trump was a terrible choice to lead your movement. He is leading you over a cliff into a pit of burning dogshit.
Wake up, you stupid fuckers, and smell the matzo burning.

I don't care if Trump loses re-election. He won. He got to be president.

Moore barely lost, get a hold of yourself. Or i will smack you, hysterical cunt

You are posting in a shillbule thread

He still lost, which is the only point that matters.

>We must be the Jew.

Please explain


AND? We still lose a critical senate seat until 2020. This could mean losing the tax bill and almost guarantees we will not get rid of obamacare until then.

If you had a smart, competent, suave, anti-jewish, anti-globalist candidate, you'd really be tired of winning. Instead you got an idiot so toxic to the Republican brand, the whole operation is in danger.

fuck this whole world. I'm leaving the country.

It's fucking great.
Absolutely hilarious, the movement starts making traction and immediately ties itself to a millstone.

You should realise, Trump is very similar to Bernie Sanders, in that he will drain the swamp. Sanders wanted many of the same things. Divide and conquer. Hate me, i will go down but you are coming with me.

>He's a manchild cuck who spends all day alone in his room meming and drinking 1950s style white trash conservative nazi kool-aid meant to keep rubes retarded while conmen rip him off and he's still too stupid to realize it
>He's devoted his life to deluding himself into believing he's part of some wave of anti-establishment fascist conservatives who are totally against the usual "swamp" republicans but in reality he's the moron whose devoted his life to the new concentrated form of snake oil those establishment republicans have been selling for decades
>The moron who bought the snake oil from the establishment is accusing the establishment of not being devoted to the snake oil enough while he cheers on trillion dollar tax scams, every government agency being sold to special interests and a treasonous manchild president with a special place in his heart for pedos

Bit im not going to loot the weave shop over it. #resist

>wanting a pedophile to win

Pretty much this. Sup Forums has gotten too bloated to be useful and 8ch is too schizophrenic to be useful. Imagine if Moore had half the shit behind him that we gave Trump.

Trump didn't back moore in the primary you fucking retard

Tough shit, we lost this battle, however, the war is not lost !

> Wants to go to even more liberal or poorer shitholes.

>while he cheers on trillion dollar tax scams
You faggot socialists just can't help yourselves can you? Lower taxes and lower federal spending are good and are our goal. And we will not be denied.
I've not given up. It just boils my blood that the GOP leadership is so weak

Fixed your stupid Pepe. This is how grenades work.

I choose the millstone 100 times out of 100 times.

Shit, forgot to change my name after the last shill thread. Sorry.

One of the corrupt parties openly advocates white genocide. It is not a hard choice

going to 3rd world asia

Current GOP leadership are swamp monsters. MAGA !

Florida’s probably out of our reach while Arizona might be vulnerable since we don’t have an incumbent.

Do underages not even bother to hide it anymore? You know you have to be 18 to post here right?

# punch a commie

You gave me a hard on user

Lets have a dick march in Montgomery Al

He's a one-term president. Nothing you can do about it.
Even the suburban and rural retards no longer support him.

We could block the interstate in resistance to communism !

I don't live in Alabama this is their fault.