I'm genuinely curious at this point.
>A small group of women all come out to accuse Moore at the same time
>Right before an election
>Despite the fact that he's been in the public eye for decades now, they choose to all come forward right now
>Without pressing any criminal charges
>No proof of anything beyond hearsay
Did he actually do it?
Other urls found in this thread:
It's almost as if being a candidate in a national race brings more scrutiny on your past
And it's the only election this year.
And #metoo movement at the same time.
>is an old ass white conservative male guilty of sexual misconduct?
He likes the young virginal pussy, just like all weak manboys.
who gives a shit, damage is done fuck him off.
dems : 1 republicans : 0
Pre-emptive rape accusations needed next time before the dems beat you to it.
Nobody honestly fucking cares now that he lost.
>Family Values politician did bad stuff and wants no one to find out
What!? No way
That won't make any difference. Dem voters don't care if it's their people doing it. They only threw Franken under the bus because a Republican has no chance of winning there.
That sentence makes no sense whatsoever. Are you suggesting "strong men" like chicks with dicks?
manpussy is much nicer
well moore just got literally fucked in the ass ;)
No. No evidence was offered, and they waited until it was too late for the Republicans to pick a new candidate before spewing that story.
Show evidence or get out. I'm tired of you people conflating accusations with guilt. How I accuse you of something and personally carry out the punishment? That's where you people are trying to take us.
Franken still hasn't resigned
>They only threw Franken under the bus because a Republican has no chance of winning there.
"The 2008 United States Senate election in Minnesota took place on November 4, 2008. After a legal battle lasting over eight months, Al Franken from the Democratic–Farmer–Labor Party (DFL) defeated Republican incumbent Norm Coleman in one of the closest elections in the history of the Senate"
>No evidence.
Multiple accounts dating back to the 80’s.
So which is it?
Moore is a piece of shit. A child fucker. Also, remember that faggy little gun he pulled out on stage at that terribly planned stunt? Fuck right off.
Minnesota is like 30% somali, and the white people are cucked lefty faggots. Even if all the white people were straight, the Dems have nothing to lose there because of Demographic decline.
Faked, and the bitch admitted it
No. If you'd followed Thomas Wictor on twatter, you'd know that all of the allegations were PROVEN false.
But nobody cared.
>>Without pressing any criminal charges
How exactly are they going to bring charges when the statute of limitations has passed?
>A small group of women
Like, uh, 8, (not to include men who have corroborated the stories). That's a large group to get coordinated and prevent leaks.
>Right before an election
> If Hillary's emails are such a big deal, why didn't we hear about them until the election?
This was the biggest deal in Moore's career and no doubt it was going to result in the most research he would ever face.
Nope, it isn't fake nor did she admit it.
But keep being a salty conservacuck
It's not like he was some random coming out of the woodwork to run you stupid fuck. Why didn't these allegations come out a decade ago
The guy was inspecting ticket stubs, old theater photos and handwriting and proved it was all bullshit. Too long for this forum but go look at his old tweets unless you have a heart condition. It's that enraging.
Stop spouting this bullshit, edgy "confederate" memelord. It was not faked and the bonehead reporter who said that had to retract the story.
Yea this is America, where you're innocent until proven guilty. I could get my friends and we could all accuse you of something, and it would mean jack all as far as actually being guilty. Same is true for this.
No evidence provided for any of the false (and conveniently).
Now piss off to leftypol, you satan worshipping commie.
No it wasn’t faked his signature and note are real, and she didn’t “admit” anything she provided context to the note.
Before I show you that she really did admit it was a lie, I'm curious to know if it makes a difference to you.
because it wasn't until recently that people began to take sexual assault accusations seriously.
The accusations didn't hurt Moore, what hurt Moore was the fact local Alabamemianz or w/e they're called never liked the guy, as he has a history of controversy there. The GOP also didn't like him and actively worked against him using the accusations as a prop to defend themselves from sinking their own candidate.
Did he do it? Probably but didn't matter anyway.
probably knew about them or had them saved for a time just like now
oh cool, sweet evidence bro
you raped my dog in the 80s
it was underage
you cannot prove me wrong
FAKED: nytimes.com
Get out, commiecuck.
Law needs to be rewritten for the digital age. You should go to jail for falsifying information for the purpose of destroying someone's reputation. News corporations and its people should be held personally accountable if they report such information.
It's not a lie. You're reading distorted news articles that confirm your bias
it literally confirms that moore signed it
she only wrote a note underneath it
>because it wasn't until recently that people began to take sexual assault accusations seriously.
Are you fucking retarded?
Why didn't they come out during the primaries then?
You should probably kys for even typing out such an awful answer. Leave and never come back newfag
because now is the perfect time to fuck him over genius, and they did
>underneath it
>literally forges his name
Except it was faked: nytimes.com
What is #FalseAccusationCulture.
How is it even possible that that doesnt exist ??!!!
You’re correct that’s why he won’t be convicted, that’s also a reason that sexual assault goes unpunished and and people don’t press charges, it becomes a he said she said. However you can take contextual evidence like yearbook, multiple women coming out, him changing his story (which even Hannity pointed out), and his ban from a mall, to use your brain and make a decision for yourself.
A liberal would actually do this.
it’s almost like a small elite mob can make up anything it wants and execute a political hit
Minnesota imported a huge amount of somolis in that time, and something is going on with whites there bc a few conservative white guys I know moved there after college and went left
Partly true.
She admitted to adding bits under the signature.
>statute of limitations
Tough shit. Why did they not press charges earlier?
>The number of women
There's just as much reason to believe this is a move to slander Moore.
We heard about the server scandal, with proof, well before the election. She was never held responsible despite the fact that she very well could have been had the FBI director not had his head up his ass. Furthermore, Comey had legitimately found some new evidence in regards to the case, in which he had to disclose, since it's his job. Hell, of Comey had left the investigation open over the summer, he wouldn't have needed to announce his reopening. The email situation is very different, as I've detailed, from some women crying wolf.
Dude, the very article that you are linking says that I am correct. Seriously, read the whole thing, look me in the eye, and tell me that it isn't Moore's signature.
Except it's coming from the leftist media you guys like.
> accounts are evidence
>i cant read
At a news conference with Ms. Nelson, her lawyer, Gloria Allred, released the findings of a handwriting analyst who concluded that the signature on the inscription belonged to Mr. Moore.
Nope. And mark my words it won't go to court.
>4 1/2 star star wars review
Its like pottery
you lie!
It's almost as if someone only remembers facts about 30 years ago if she's offered 15 grands in waivers
No fool, the fact that she edited part of it makes the whole thing suspect. But I guess I can't expect someone from a Muslim country to understand things like our Constitution and the Rule of Law.
It was all bullshit. Everyone's just got such a giant boner for SEXUAL WHATEVERTHEFUCK that any obviously fake garbage these fame-seeking cunts can barf up is taken as perfect truth.
Is guilty until proven innocent a new thing?
How does this happen under slander laws?
because in the 1970s, chances are if a teenage girl accused a man of any sort of sexual offense without explicit proof he would threaten or cause harm in retaliation
that or people just would flat out deny it and blame the girl
shit is starting to turn around since the whole Weinstein fiasco
Holy fuck you're stupid. She only admitted to writing down the annotations to remind herself of who wrote on her yearbook. Go neck yourself
Hell no he didn't, and all those women ought to be sued for slander.
Yes he did it. Too many corroborating witnesses - that shit about being banned from the mall? Come on guys.
Stop trying to kid yourself - you ran a moronic candidate who defied supreme court orders TWICE and then he turned out to be a jailbait fiend. Pro tip: Don't do that!
I don't have to prove a negative. The person making the positive claim bears the burden of proof. The fact that she edited part of it makes the whole thing suspect. It's called TRACING.
>Did he actually do it?
Since it was up for the people of Alabama to decide, yes, he did. Due process and all that.
Oh well if her lawyer got some guy to say it it MUST be true.
>needs to write a note to remind her who the guy that supposedly sexually assaulted her is
>something something benghazi
except i'm American
>travelling doesn't exist because i dont have a passport
What an honest source, no ideological bias there at all. Nope.
> hahaha le fake news meme!
> please upvote me, the_donald!
Post a liar without actually posting them. I'll start.
She didn’t “admit” anything she was asked a question and answered. She wasn’t “oh oops you caught me”! If anything its showing her truthfulness.
Who cares? Trump beat Hillary largely because of similar tactics about her health, "Clinton murders" etc. This is the new politics, better get used to it.
Sell the most absurd and damaging stories to the dummies who vote. It's going to be a fun time!
>Due process and all that.
Can't wait for defamation charges
fuck off shill hannity
did he stalk girls under 16?
of course he did
>Without pressing any criminal charges
Statute of limitations, my friend.
>did he actually do it
does it really matter?
How are we supposed to get along in this world when people like you are beyond obvious simple information? I'm issuing the challenge so you say the location so I don't get tricked into waiting somewhere for hours. Where are you? If I'm nearby I'll come kill you tomorrow. I'm probably not, but are you man enough to take the chance?
>chances are if a teenage girl accused a man of any sort of sexual offense without explicit proof he would threaten or cause harm in retaliation
>that or people just would flat out deny it and blame the girl
and yet we're also supposed to simultaneously believe that the police banned him from malls and schools as a known predator...
Funny how the narrative isn't internally consistent, almost as if it's made up.
Did he actually do it? yes
that's why he didn't shut them down.
if he tried to make a case about the women it would go to court. if he lost it would bring him more fights
so "provided context" is what we are calling it.
guess it all depends what the definition of "is" is.
Libel and slander are already illegal, user
The problem is that both were run by dems, which seems to imply that slander tactics by dems still work pretty nicely
Oh, what a convenient narrative!
>Just believe women, it's a woman so you shoudl believe her.
I got news for you, libcuck, this kind of emasculated brown-nosing isn't going to get you laid, and it's certainly not going to get you a wife.
What's stupid is your blind trust. The only reason you believe this woman is because she's slandering a Republican. If it were against one of your shitty communist party politicians you'd be saying that none of it's proven.
Admitting to forging the signature would be admitting to a felony.
Bought and paid for by Soros
She literally forged it by "adding context" and passing it off as genuine.
They also waited until JUST AFTER the Republican Primary where Moore barely won.
Had the allegations come out a week earlier the other Republican would have won and crushed the Dems in the Senate Race.
it would be nice if it was still a criminal matter. we could see moore go to prison and propably get shanked. they don't like child fuckers in prison.
>No proof of anything beyond hearsay
Hearsay is when you testify to what you (hear)d someone (say). In other words, it's second hand information.
Victim testimony about what they went through isn't hearsay.
It's way too loose. They are outright printing lies and get away with it because you have to prove they did it with malice which is impossible. It should be changed to more reasonable terms and should be changed with the assumption that the media and people in general are fucking lying scumbags.
lel, keep up your desperate conspiracy narrative loser, YOU LOSE, take it like a man, not a cuck.
>If Hillary's emails are such a big deal, why didn't we hear about them until the election?
Wow it's almost as if the veracity of a claim made by WikiLeaks, an organization that has never been wrong. Or should I trust a hit piece by the Washington Post? An organization that literally had to rescind one of their Pulitzer's because the writer made the entire thing up.
>Franken under the bus because a Republican has no chance of winning there.
Trump only lost by 1.5 points.