>Moore losing is actually good! Because ______
How will Sup Forums 4D chess Moore's loss?
Moore losing is actually good! Because ______
same way they always do
>m-muh donald is lookan out for me
trump endorsed luther strange
Sup Forums usually opts for denying they ever supported the losing candidate
>t-trump is just pretending to be a retard!! y-you'll see!
It's not, but we'll move on.
Minnesota next, there's an open seat left by Franken.
>trump endorsed luther strange
and roy moore
10 republicans are up in 2018 as opposed to 25 democrats. I think.
They gop better do somerhing or theyre ass is toast come 2018. No dought, Trump is the way you fools.
You will find out soon
It will be hilarious when they figure out Trump is a Rich New Yorker Democrat who seriously looks down on southerners and poor whites. He only cares how many shekels he can take off your nazi ass.
Because it was a blatant hoax and now dixies will get angered to start a full scale armed conflict.
Because this might finally spur Trump to kick Jared Kikener out of the White House.
Trump supports Moore early, contrary to Jared's advice, and he forces McConnell and Co. to fall in line and support him as well. These allegations wither and die with no support, Moore easily wins.
they are so delusional its almost like they live in an alternate reality
Moore losing is objectively bad for democracy and the justice system
>can destroy any political opposition by accusing them of rape well beyond the legal statutes
>get enough people and it slanders their image irreparably, even if multiple are shown to be lies
Plus it makes Donald look like a loser and it adds yet another obstructionist seat to the senate. Anyone who thinks this is good either voted D or has room temperature IQ.
except none of this would have happened if everyone just agreed to support Mo Brooks
So you didn't support Hilliary?
Explains why she didn't win, aye?
Moore had a deepstate handler, accusations were leaked to strip blackmail of it's power in the event that he actually won.
Additionally, from a war point of view rather than battle, this shows a strong aversion among the voter base of the very acts that the deep state depend on.
Until now, that aversion has been a good thing for them.
As the truth seeps out more and more, it becomes a bad thing.
I don't get how people on Sup Forums can cheer about liberals getting destroyed because of sexual harassment allegations but when its one of Sup Forumss guys, its somehow something that should be ignored.
There's no way to spin it unless you're pulling some serious mental gymnastics. The only caveat, and I say this as a libtard, is that likewise anyone who isn't delusional also is fully aware this seat will not stay blue. Jones didn't win because Alabama likes him or his policies. He won because Moore was too controversial, and unfortunately it took him being outed as a pedophile and not a retarded Bible thumper who doesn't follow the Constitution to make the difference there.
Basically the Democrats have another example of how voter turnout actually matters and Republicans are finally learning that there are consequences to backing extremist, controversial candidates. Something Dems have been in the process of learning and hopefully finally understand after Hillary's loss. I'm sure Trump's approval and what happened in November were some good insight already for Repubs already though.
Hopefully this means they'll both get their shit together so we can have a working Congress that's willing to compromise again.
It's called cognitive dissonance and it's literally the root of everything Sup Forums stands for.
More abortions means less niggers. Checkmate bitch.
Soros will cut funding to shills and the board discussions will return to sanity for a few weeks. Otherwise we would have had to listen to weeks more of this muh pedo bullshit and Russian hatching allegations.
Also this means the trump sex abuse narrative will likely be dropped. The just did muh Russia so next should be muh internal chaos which i like.
It’s bad both ways when there’s no evidence to actually support their claims. At least Franken and Weinstein has actual, physical proof that they did it. Most of the laughing at leftists is just schadenfreude, considering they’re mostly people who talk about “women would never lie about this” and “always believe women”.
muh muh innocence until guilty in a non court of law of public opinion reeeeee muh fags are pedos reeeeeeee muh Christ was a "jew" reeeeeeee muh mpga make pedo great again reeeeeeee muh all holy bibi and his embassy reeeeeeee muh huge debt reeeeeeeee thanks obama and so forth and so on muh cheating muh recount muh voting records reeeeeeee muh niggers muh muh muh muh
America is dying. These extremist conflicts are just the sign of a dying empire. Look at the trends and historical lifetime of a world power. China is the future.
Not everyone who laughs at you retards is a shill.
Moore's seat is a -1 for 6 years max. Alabama returns to the GOP at next election, and the Dems burn political capital by tipping their hand with minority mobilization and whisper campaigns.
Oh my. Truly a momentous loss. 2018 is all that matters, and the Dems have an unbalanced number of seats they must maintain vs. HOP.
This will end women and blacks voting rights.
That meme died once this board got flooded with lolberts. How the fuck am I supposed to get excited enough for meme magic like 4d chess to work, when I'm sharing a board with Conner the MBA student from Ohio who thinks that Paul Ryan is just awesome, or Larry the plumber from Texas who's not racist or anti-semetic, just hates moochers and loves burgers and football. Goddamn normalfags all of you, you killed this.
It's OK faggot. Continue to act as if this is at all a victory.
was it reddit
>Sup Forums usually opts for denying they ever supported the losing candidate
Ya but first they'll try some petty whataoubtism first
It's good because if Moore won, his sexual scandals and investigations would have carried into 2018. There were even articles with headlines "If Jones loses, it's still good for Democrats", and they were right. The reverse is also true.
Because Dems are still pretending to believe the victims and now that the republican voter base has upheld its character dems will have to do the same
go after the dem who handed down his seat to his son dems have already said he was a criminal why should a criminal have a seat
when is this?
Republicans will eat eachother until only the strong remain. The Dems are already socialists. 2020 will be amazing.
This proves character assassination within the court of public opinion is alive and well.
Or maybe....pic related.
>Muh bogeyman soros
im sorry but everyone just thinks you're fucking retarded
>Also this means the trump sex abuse narrative will likely be dropped.
If anything they'll double down because it's proven effective. On one hand, this is good because accusations against Franken, and honestly Trump himself especially with the shit he says, are credible. On the other hand, this kind of thing is going to be used to further tear away at our Democracy. I know you fags are happy about things like Gorsuch being sworn in, but our institutions are being picked apart piece by piece with the sort of obstructionism and changing of rules that's happening to avoid working together. They aren't perfect, but the way they're going about these changes is not healthy for our country.
I won't pretend that I don't feel the same way. To me Trump's foreign policy decisions are accelerating this further. Like it or not our power is rooted firmly in globalism, not isolationism.
Well, we're predicting one of two possible outcomes here.
1. Wall.
2. Race war
Choose one.
Moore winning would have been better for Dems because they could continue the sex scandal narrative in the media.
Unironically this. His tax cuts will save him billions in the coming decade, while all the tax cuts for the poor fucks will be removed by 2027 (literally).
I've had a roller-coaster with Trump. Went full shill for him during elections but started hating him once he became prez. But now the more I observe the shit he's doing, the more I respect him.
He told his supporters that he would fuck Muslims over. What did he do? He gave Muslims the biggest weapons deal in history! State of the art weapons! And his voters ate it up like the good cucks they are. Then he gave big tax cuts to his billionaire buddies while cutting social programs for the poor people mostly used in the south (who all voted for him), and they still ate it up.
Trump is a genius.
3. Both
Typically people here pretend that losing candidates were never supported/always disliked.
Look at Le Pen.
Tbh having this lunatic in Senate would probably be a disaster. This way we can hope everyone can forget as soon as possible that we nominated a fucking pedophile.
>cutting social programs
You don't get it, Trump voters hate the federal government and it's more money for dem programs bullshit. those are nigger helping programs we don't want.
If they win, we win.
We can't. Trump cucked and didnt support moore like he said he would. Trump let alabama down
So Sup Forums is saying they didn't support Moore? Is that what you're trying to say?
Lol, good try, David.
>He gave Muslims the biggest weapons deal in history!
There was no deal, that was fake news
>we nominated a fucking pedophile
I going to need proof of this, was he convicted anywhere except the court of moronic opinions like yours?
]>Being this much of a bootlicker.
I don't think Trump's a genius so much as his voting base is retarded. From the beginning I don't understand how you retards thought a fucking Manhattan billionaire with a kike son-in-law was on your side.
His excuse was literally 'well, he can give us a vote so just hold your nose' lol man its nothing like a ringing endorsement. Trump even knew Roy Moore existed and went to Strange from day one.
Liberals don't? You agree with spreading false rape allegations?
Yes only if you take the most extreme interpretation of what happened to Roy Moore, there was a LOT of evidence against him just nothing conclusive, I don't think we are dying in fact Moore losing is arguably good for us long term.
Imagine if people thought a pedophile won a Senate seat, it would have torn this country apart.
>His tax cuts will save him billions in the coming decade
He's already lost $600 million dollars since he became president.
How dumb do you have to be to believe this?
I wonder why we didn't support Hillary....
>Imagine if people thought a pedophile won a Senate seat, it would have torn this country apart.
we had a kennedy in the senate for 40-some years that murdered a woman
Because we got 7 more years of REEEE its gonna be glorious.
Let's not pretend this board wasn't full on shilling for him as /ourguy/ on top of not wanting anything to do with Hillary. I guess I shouldn't expect better from Sup Forums though.
You are so ignorant for real. Muhammad bin Salman is one of the greatest leaders today, he captured and assassinated many of his countries most evil and twisted Muslim scum and is allowing movie theaters in Saudi Arabia for the first time. MOVIE THEATERS
He's actually a pretty cool dude so far. Google it.
Also I do realize I contradicted my post there but I just had to mouth off to that leaf.
Somehow it didn't work against Trump though?
Or is it just because Clinton was such a bad candidate that it was character assassination vs. character assassination?
And raped god knows how many others, but now the party of abortions is now the morality police, we have Mourning Joe on MSNBC who literally killed his intern, criticizing the president every morning.
Because people who play 5 d chess can spot a shill thread
Trump endorsed Moore's opponent in the primary. Too bad the party didn't get behind him then. They wanted To show him up, now they lost a seat. Fuck em.
Because Trump had time to prove the media was aligned against him, and the whole Hillary stealing from Bernie debacle.
Well, there is no weapons deal. Nothing was signed, there is just bullshit they said to the media which doesn't bound anyone to anything.
I didn't say anything about Salman being a bad leader. I agree with you actually, based on what little I know of what he's been doing. Muzzie weapons deal isn't the only move Trump has made that would make the usual Sup Forums poster cringe.
Please, no one in the party at the national level was supporting Moore
Moore wasn't an insider, the establishment republicans screwed him. And it really was the cause of his loss. Now they lost a seat, but what do they really care?
Moore losing is actually good! Because now Trump's legacy has the perfect excuse for why he was ineffective as a President and failed to keep any of his campaign promises
OP Seriously were you born with a fucking vibrator in your brain?
Because for once a pedophile didn't win. The jews lost.
Actually this seat is one of the 10 coming up in 2018, do Jones will be there max 1 year,
I thought he'll be serving Session's term in full until 2021.
Won't. Woulda been lulzy if Moore won though. Oh well there are always more opportunities for fun.
What's that $18B down to now?
the polls were still massively wrong
>Somehow it didn't work against Trump though?
People in the rust belt wanted jobs. Trump promised them jobs while Hillary danced on stage with Beyonce.
Roy Moore had his character assassinated by the media, but he also didn't help matters by being a douche to everyone that wasn't fully supportive of him. Bannon acted like a complete asshole the whole time and alienated a lot of Luther Strange voters.
Trump's message: jobs, security, 'fuck you to Obama/Hillary/Deep State'.
Moore's message: help me and Bannon say fuck you to McConnell.
Protip: I bet less than half the people in Alabama know who McConnell is, and most of the ones that do don't know what a snake he is. Moore tailored his whole message about someone most of the public didn't know, or didn't care about.
It was a horrible campaign strategy. Bannon needs to fuck off.
Its not an allegation anymore if they admit to it
I can tell you're not from alabama so I'll ignore this post
Same as always, by saying it was what they really wanted all along so they can keep telling themselves Sup Forums IS ALWAYS RIGHT.
Neither was Hillary. Ooops!
Announcement coming tomorrow for an interim replacement. We have a cuck governor, so that'll be Democrat. Real election coming in 2018. Both MN senate seats will be up. That could be a big opportunity.
You're right, I'm from North Carolina. I would be ashamed as fuck to be an Alabamian right now. Y'all just elected a radical baby killer to the US Senate.
680,000 less (R) Alabama votes for Moore than for Trump.
Dems ran a successful voter suppression campaign gaslighting Whites that bullied them to stay at home. Dems did NOT increase their vote, they only suppressed ours just enough to win.
Gaslighting works. Voter suppression works.
It's true though. Trump is playing the dumb card. When will you leftards learn? Do you want another election night lesson, faggot?
Worked in 2016
Worked in 2017
Thanks for the tips, Rs
Race war sooner?
>Dems did NOT increase their vote, they only suppressed ours just enough to win.
Nope. People didn't want to vote for Doug Jones because he's a dem, but they didn't want to vote for Moore because he was a pedophile. So they didn't vote at all. So all those Republicans who were going to vote for whoever the GOP fielded just weren't there to support Moore.
Limp-wristed dem voter suppression is enough to stop whites from submitting a ballot then race war basically never.
Hurr durr, democrits spent so much money... went all out and over extended.