How do we destroy the republican party?
It's going to destroy itself the question is who will rebuild it?
>reclaim your birthright
>be 2nd generation swarthy german or eastern european immigrant
really tickles the old thinking cap
Well seeing as they have billions of dollars they have access to we would have to subvert them or hack them or shoot them.
Just do what the Democrats are doing
We are well in the process of doing so
Where have you been since 2015 and now with the sexual harassment mass hysteria both parties are hemorrhaging old blood.
This bleeding is good, it must get bigger, we should fight it out for real. Get rid of the undergrowth. The Bad blood.
Vote and support Dems every chance you get
Accelerationism is the real red pill
this gen z fashywave homoerotic bullshit makes me wish a nuclear holocaust did happen
Okay go live with blacks
goddamn gen z was a fucking mistake
what the fuck do niggers have to do with me calling your taste in art garbage?
paul ryan sexual scandal when?
im 25 i just had it on my pc chill
That would be golden. Nehlen takes his seat? I’d die
This, the answer is violent revolution and insurgency
Hang RINO traitors and leftist scum from the bridges
Destroying the party requires losing essentially the entire country at once. When the Republican party was first made, the Whigs got raped in elections. Democrats gained power, but then got BTFO.
You basically have to refuse to vote Republican, and, if applicable, vote for a third party. The problem with not voting is that it doesn't get factored in really. Voting third party can send a stronger message, but getting a unified third party across the country is essentially impossible. Republicans did it by having newspapers for their cause.
So basically:
>rape the shit out of the media
>watch the republicans die and shit on them every step of the way
If you're not willing to fuck everything up even more, you'll never set things right.
love nehlen, i think he has an uphill battle though. he needs something majorly bad to happen to ryan for him to win. ill probably donate tho desu
Probably what it will come to inside of 50 years
He needs to hire some skanks to accuse Ryan of sexual harassment
No, you have to genocide the non-white populace
the only final solution
>kekistani flag
>makes an utterly stupid post
all works out
So why are you posting pics of a famous norwegian national romantic painting OP? Don't you have something american?