>blue wave
>country finally run by the +100 IQ elite
get in here, brainiacs
>+100 IQ
would probably be a vast improvement tbqh
>i define my intelligence with circular tribal logic
please stop being a bigot and discriminating against people with low iq you democuck
Have you heard of mexican intellectuals?
>post you're brain when you figured out the country is split into two political parties and there are two sides to a bell curve
>put bell curve in three dimensions
>now fours sides
oh shit
>define sides to be the point at infinity
>the bell curve now has one side in any dimension
>cant delete thread
what have you unleashed
>try integrating gaussian function in front of class
>tell them to go home and try it on their own knowing full well there is no analytic solution
>blue wave
You already had that, remember?
>student asks me about how to prove integrability
>go into tangent about analytic functions in the complex plane and define measure theory
That was a year ago retard. ALABAMA just went blue. Reddit really appreciates it, btw.
>one senator for two years
>Alabama turned blue
being this fucking stupid
Being educated doesn't necessarily make a person intelligent.
>durr im a self-edumacated furniture mover
>implying alabama isn't turning blue for 2 years
you can't be this retarded
>one senator
>two senators per state
this is the people we lost to
shameful 'bama
Lel wish I could draw.
purple is closer to blue than it is to red
>hurr I attack people's character when they have an idea I can't refute
>gurr im a fucking dumbass grizzly bear
Why would people who advocate South American and African immigration be enthusiastic about IQ?