Alright Sup Forums lay it on me.
What the fuck went wrong?
Alright Sup Forums lay it on me.
What the fuck went wrong?
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republicans put up a guy that wanted to bring back slavery
seemingly this did not go well w/ the blacks
Niggers, as always
Better luck next time!
A jew named Allred
Yeah I imagine those comments had way more effect than the kiddie accusations.
White people are fucking pathetic. We are in a fucking war for the future of our country and these cunts stayed at home instead of fighting. I'm fucking speechless.
You do realize that Soros owns the voting machines...right? He also paid for the Jones campaign. He paid for that commercial. He paid for false accusers. He paid for Gloria Allred. CNN and every other media channel is on his payroll. So is every republican
Retard here, why was this election so important and all over the news?
The fascists lost
Higher black turnouts + unsubstantiated allegations from 30+ years ago that painted Moore as a pedo.
They chose an unpopular candidate in the primaries who got even worse later on. Should've been Strange.
Voter turnout. Libtards were at 95% of 2016. Republicans 50% of 2016.
Low iq retard, spotted.
I’m pleased to see schizophrenics like you can find a safe place here. Poor Sup Forums just can’t stop losing.
Because of false accusations
It was an election in a normally red state that was looking to be close.
A dem won for the first time in like 30 years for a senate seat in Alabama.
Unsubstantiated or not, his responses initially ("Oh, they were nice girls.") pretty much confirmed he knew them somehow. And his later denials went into some really fucking wacky territory. "Mary and Joseph were 14 and 30 so that makes me fucking her A-OK!"
This, the Dems bused them to vote
you went with roy moore. literally anyone else would've whooped jones's ass.
Also I'm pretty sure Soros has the Infinity Gauntlet. It's not looking good. We really need an omnipotent trillionaire to counter Soros or this is just gonna keep happening.
Trump is playing 16D chess, it's all part of a greater plan that will end with the destruction of Israel and the beginning of a white America
1/3 of the population didn't go out to vote
White women and niggers. Its over.
Lack of traditional support. High write ins for nick saban and other guys.
Also I noticed Moore spent more time talking about God and pretty much ran away during the last week. Trump kept spamming on jobs and kept campaigning towards the end.
US politics is a pendulum. It's why as a Bernie supporter, I cheered on Trump in the general. When one team wins, support will start swinging towards the other team as everyone gets sick of the winner. When the winner is someone who burns as hot and bright as Trump wins, the pendulum will swing back faster and harder than you've ever seen. Someone to the left of Bernie wins in the next go round.
black people
i never thought about it this way but this country unironically would be better if slavery never happened
>muh soros
stay mad cletus
If that's right, Republicans cut in half, there's no way that's not fraud. Alabamans weren't exactly in love with Trump, to turnout big then. No way did 50% of them stay home because of the allegations. Polls showed more than that thought they were lies. Something is funky if that's true.
>People thinking it matters if a republican or democrat wins
>not realizing that the same (((people))) control both parties
>What the fuck went wrong?
You sided with a shit party.
Gee I wonder why black people would want to vote against the guy who wants to bring back slavery? Quite a mystery
>Reps betray Moore and cut the little funding they give to him
>Smear campaign
>Ad threatening voters on TV and internet
Black voters turned out in numbers that were previously unheard of. If they keep this up, the state will be completely blue by 2018.
I'd have to say it's a new precedent and strategy established by the Democrats.
When you are 2 to 3 weeks out from an election you just hit your opposition with sexual harassment allegations and watch the GOPe do the rest for you. You don't have to submit proof. You can make up stories and create forgery and such and the media will just present it as fact.
The 2nd thing is in other states such as Virginia you don't have to do much other than import new voters from either blue states or from outside of the country to drown out the voters that disagree with you.
Not really that difficult.
a genuinely terrible candidate who Trump did not endorse in the primary lost
blame bannon
no we can finally stop defending Moore to spite liberals and go back to talking about the only cure for pedos being rope
he lost like 8 billion last year when he bet against trump. only the global puppet master who controls everything could've done that.
Notice all the cities in Blue? Thats the niggers and shit bags. They do this in every state. There wasn't enough reasonable people to vote against someone that hates the constitution.
The Moore family admitted they have a friend who is a Jew
admittedly this did not go over well in alabama
How many illegals and dead people voted ?
Your candidate was a fucking pedo. End of story
GOP put in the Hillary Clinton of Republican candidates. Basically the dirtiest, most scandal-ridden candidates who is the only person that could've lost to a Democrat.
Republicans took one of the safest elections in one of the deepest of red hick states and went all-in on the worst possible candidate hoping people would just vote R regardless of who they put in, and just like Democrats with the presidential election, Republicans got fucked by unenthusiastic turnout and write-ins.
So many shills lol
Moore's a useless white nigger that even Trump voters hate. Literally any other candidate with an R by their name would have one, but bible-thumpers managed to push him to the front out of a 15-man primary race.
Niggers, probably
Pretty much this ^^^ Should have been either Strange or Brooks instead of Moore.
Well, the final count isn't in, but its mostly in. Just google alittle to find the 2016 vote totals that have an interactive map, with todays one. I saw a rural county at 4/10 the vote total go for jones, while Trump 62%- 30 something. Republicans didn't turn out at all.
Niggers and Boomers.
Civil war when?
Blacks are programmable and believe whatever the media tells them.
What a cunning manipulator, to throw the fucking presidency and not fix it as securely as some dinky ass Alabama senate seat. You look fucking ridiculous right now. Bama has some of the strictest voting laws in our country, this one is one Moore being Clinton tier garbage.
>And his later denials went into some really fucking wacky territory. "Mary and Joseph were 14 and 30 so that makes me fucking her A-OK!"
Do you have sauce on that? I remember a fox pundit saying something like that but I don’t remember reading Moore saying anything. I don’t give much of a shit about Moore, but I haven’t been able to find much that would actually prove him guilty.
The Black Belt of Alabama.
>Moore openly talks about flouting the constitution
>Moore fired twice from state supreme court
>but it's the other guy who hates the constitution
What did Alabama mean by this?
>False rape accusations
>Shaming whites
>False rape accusations
>Shaming whites
>Voter registration drives in nigger hives, including prison
>Busing in niggers and homeless
Republicans put all of their eggs into the basketcase promoting slavery, accused of child molestation, and every other reason to turn out Democrats & minorities and keep many whites away from the voting booths. No way in hell the blame is on anyone other than Trump and the other R shitheads.
They should’ve had this is the bag but royally fucked up instead!
Bannon somehow got the worst possible candidate nominated.
Republicans eat themselves at any hint of trouble with one of their candidates and pig-piled him in right-wing virtue signaling for over a month.
Dems sensed an opportunity and people who normally don't vote in the state because it's deep red were motivated to turn out in support of Jones.
The accusations were also just enough to turn off a portion of the female electorate you have to have to win as well as turn men to "write-in" for a clean conscious.
Perfect shitstorm.
Roy Moore molested some kids.
Btw should bannon just go away?
He has the right view but his method is ineffective. It's almost like a liability at this point. Views are no good if you can't win
You let a child rapist run for senate
Alabama is also very Christian, and many pastors told their congregations that Christians couldn't vote Moore in good conscience. It was a very coordinated attack, and what happened to Moore could happen to anyone. The script from Chapelle with the written consent form is becoming more and more true as time goes on.
White liberal fags and SJW's in Alabama happened. Welfare nigs came out to support their master like the good old house nigs they are.
Dude wanted to bring back slavery lmao
The pedo accusations were too much to overcome. This election was a referendum purely on personal character; AL is not a swing or blue state.
the only informed post in this thread
>strictest voting laws
>emergency measures to immediately destroy all voting records after election
My noggin' is a-joggin'
yeah he is well fucking done.
It's pretty obvious with the pedo allegations conveniently coming up right before the election. This is exactly the same tactic they used with Trump in 2016 which failed in getting him to lose the election but worked to alienate women.
Oh cool the Dems won an inconsequential seat.
wow guis I think you really swayed me
who likes Bannon here, NOT ME, lol amiright?
All the more reason for the Dems to cross over. They like the peds.
According to the polls, the accusations themselves didn't have much effect.
However the accusations caused the main GOP party back off from supporting Moore meaning he's not "socially acceptable" to vote for. This in turn affected the female vote in my opinion.
Easy: Donald Trump is deeply hated by most Americans. So much that ALABAMA now has a Dems Senator.
Bannon is a cancer, Republicans can't pass bills. Oh and did I mention Americans FUCKING HATE TRUMP.
Roy Moore didn't lose to a democrat today, he had already lost to the swamp that is his own party.
(((They))) learned from their mistake with Trump and they won't let it happen again.
Lets review the facts about what happened to Moore:
1.) His own president opposed him in the Primary.
2.) Democrat media machine was allowed to try and convict him in a "back to the future" sex scam.
3.) His own party didn't stand up for due process.
4.) RNC pulled all funding midway through his campaign.
5.) Last minute the president and RNC swing back and say "He is our goy" just so they can say they supported him, but then point out how bad Bannon's choice was.
The fix was in from the beginning. If you didn't see this coming you are a stupid nigger and should neck yourself.
>What went wrong
When you piss off women and black people enough they tend to vote against you?
When you make a huge fuss about Islamic men sexually abusing young girls and then don't give the benefit of the doubt to women who claim they've been sexually abused by a powerful man, you look like a hypocrite?
When you put a lot of weight behind a candidate not because they actually have qualities that matter in a legislative environment, but because electing them will "trigger the libs," it makes you look petty?
When you continually tell anyone who has any doubts about the agendas of Donald Trump, Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell that they're worthless pieces of scum who doesn't belong in America, they'll vote for the guy who is Not Doing That?
But what do I know, I'm just JIDF right
the tactics they used, however, are NOT inconsequential. This was proof of concept for them.
Out of state money and the NAACP started their marching orders. They ferried people to their designated polling places, got pastors to "get out the vote" for Moore, and placed ads in formats and in ways normally associated with malt liquor and menthol cigarettes.
They increased the black turnout to overcome a so-so white turnout for Moore. This is use of a racial block specifically to show everyone else how it's done, and it's being credited to one Democratic operator in particular - Tom Perez.
We need to put at LEAST as much effort into electrifying whites to vote.
>But what do I know, I'm just JIDF right
More so than you even realize.
strictest in the sense that they make voting as difficult as legally possible for poor, primarily non-white voters through voter ID laws, lack of election workers in primarily non-white counties so lines become very long, asking for arbitrary information like county of birth in order to vote, etc etc etc
what's insane is that even with all these obstacles black voters still turned out and rejected Moore overwhelmingly and put Jones over the top
TFW a SENATE seat in ALABAMA with an already razor-thin R majority is “inconsequential”.
Delusional fuckwit.
white women voted for Moore just like they voted for Trump. Look at the exit polls, dumbass.
What tactic? "Hope the Republicans are dumb enough to put a twice-disgraced nutcase on the ballot"? Doubt you'll see that repeated.
>All nigs on welfare and social services.
well shit.
What went wrong? They picked a dingleberry to run on the Republican ticket...Fuck really Doug Jones and you could only pick Roy Moore for the Republican candidate who couldn't buy himself out of a fucking box? A fucking idiot period...Jesus
Republican voters are weaponized. There is no chance in hell that they stayed home.
The election was completely stolen using the same electronic machines that almost stole the election for Hillary. This time, the whole U.S. military wasn't policing it.
Take Jones 671151 and Moore 650436 and the average is 660793.5 not far from the symbolic 666666 or the 66% that Macron won.
Did he actually explicitly say this, or did he say something that the media was able to spin as "MUH HE WANTS TO BRING BACK SLRVRY"?
I would say though that getting the blacks to go out and vote + demoralizing/fake accusations against Moore (which caused enough retards to stay home or write-in) won the Dems this one.
May have thrown some fraud in as well but either way the Dems played this one quite well.
>200% nigger turnout
>50% Trump supporter turnout
Moore's comments on slavery and homosexuality were way more damaging than the pedo allegations.
That said, the Republicans will probably retake the seat in 2020 if they nominate someone who is actually sane.