>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
>It's the most wonderful time in 8 years
>Joe is Joe Christmas Songs
TrumpTV Weekly Updates:
>Pres Trump signs NDAA 2018 12/12/17
>AG Sessions/DHS Sec Nielsen briefing on MS13 12/12/17
>SoS T-Rex @Atlantic Council 12/12/17
>WH Press Brief (Sarah, Dir USCIS Cissna) 12/12/17
>StateDep Press Brief (Heather) 12/12/17
>WH Video: FlotUS Melania visits Children's Natl 12/12/17
>WH Video: Christmas @VP's Home 12/12/17
>WH Video: First Family hosts Hannukah Reception 12/12/17
>Pres Trump signs order taking us back to the moon and beyond 12/11/17
>UN Amb Haley @UNSC on Res 2391 (G5 Sahel Vote) 12/11/17
>WH Press Brief (Sarah) 12/11/17
>TrumpTV Weekly Update #20 (Lara) 12/11/17
>WH Video: Soon, Christmas @VP residence 12/11/17
>Pres Trump Weekly Address #43 (her name was Kate) 12/9/17
>Pres Trump/HUDSec "Sleepy" Carson arrive in WPalm Beach FL 12/7/17
>Pres Trump tours MS Civil Rights Museum 12/9/17
>Pres Trump speech @opening for Civil Rights Museum 12/9/17
OP pastebin:
>when people thought Trump backing Strange was just le4Dchess and only doing it to appease McConnell
Trump could see that Moore was a fucking unelectable cancer. Dude just wanted to save a Republican seat so he could actually pass some bills
GG Bannon.
Thank god for Trump.
I ate too mcuh pie. My stomach hurts.
Take the black pill.
Nothing is getting done for an entire year. Has this hit you yet?
If the RAISE act doesn't pass, I'm moving to East Europe. I will not let my kids grow up around mongrels and subhumans.
White minority.
Brazil 2.0.
United Shitskins of America.
He's not wrong
lmao, the funny thing is that liberals will still bash Alabama for the rest of its existence.
Do you remember what we've discussed?
>I thought 'rural and suburban retards' was a meme
Drink three glasses of milk. Works every time.
Sure thing sweetie
bannon btfo by a weasly jew. what a night.
I saw this coming a mile away
You actually thought the tax reform was getting passed? Nope.
The GOP is in such a disadvantage come 2018...
I don't even know how many house seats will flip. 30? 40? 60? 70 is about as high as I'll go.. for now
Shapiro beat the drum for the write in campaign. He is to blame, among others.
You could have prevented this, /ptg/
Then why would you move to East Europe?
Doug Jones came out to claim Victory on a Race that his opponent did not concede. This Race isn't over and something fishy is going on. You can already guarantee a recount and voter fraud investigation. Don't believe this is over.
I cant wait to vote. This shut has me ramped up to vote and make sure my state doesnt become the shitshow Alabama has become.
For once that rat faced kike is right.
How many yearbooks will msm shill in 2018?
>Failure to deliver on those is what is sinking Trump and the GOP.
Trade is running well as I've seen. Immigration was impossible to pass before 2019 anyway. Infrastructure the same.
I shilled here for Strange back in the primaries.
Reminder that the fault belongs to Weinstein for starting this sexual assault movement
>off by one
There are great reviews for the Ruger DMR, and mags are still cheap.
jones doesn't even get to vote on the tax reform bill
>i tried to warn you
>yet he does nothing but try and drag everyone down with him
Nothing is getting done because faggots like you sit around and do nothing
is this the right's version of "move to canada"?
Reminder that Fusion is fucked
Couldn't Alabama just have a recall election to get rid of Jones?
>True Conservativism wins in Alabama
>Based Rosenstein telling Congress to fuck off
>Mueller has conflict-of-interest waiver
Feeling the heat yet, Drumpf cucks?
Yes doctor, my body is ready
Congratulations Alabama, you just became California-tier retarded.
I've already accepted the blackpill. Trump needs to realize that he isn't going to make any progress by playing nice with the GOP and passing their shitty tax reform bills and trying (and failing) to repeal Obamacare with a shitty plan for the 100th time. He isn't going to make any progress until he actually starting making an effort on immigration, infrastructure and trade. You know, the things that actually made people want to vote for him in the first place.
Best thing that may come from this is a wake up call to get to the polls for conservatives next year.
Turtleman will be turned into soup if he fucks up tax reform.
We should make it a huge national effort to illegally invade your gay little island when things turn to shit here and ruin the place.
We'll make Nancy pelosi queen of finland and invite all of africa.
I fucking hate that fat faced faggot Drudge
How did we get btfo so hard?
Dude. The GOP NEVER intended to pass the fucking bill LMAO
Here's what'll happen
>let's delay the bill for the newcomer
>oops can't pass it
-the end-
I'm with you.
Stick around to make a fuckton of money under Trump while the economy is stronk though.
Fuck off Ben Shapiro. Bannon does not control jackshit and is not part of the GOP establishment.
This week alone, didn't we restart the manned space program and start auditing the DoD for the first time in history? I was too busy hearing about all the Diet Coke our president drinks.
still got tay
stop not having Hispanic maids
Why does literally anyone give a shit about abortion? How is that a relevant or meaningful issue?
It's more of a grey pill, since nothing is going to happen to obstruct Trump either. The legislative branch has done pretty much jack shit so far (though they delivered on Gorsuch) and they'll continue to be useless for the forseeable future. Trump will govern through EOs and use that to his advantage.
Mooch's arc was too short.
No I'm use to this feel.
Its time to go back to work now.
Alabama like Virginia is apparently retarded
>I've already accepted the blackpill.
/ptg/ is an irrelevant general now.
They fell for the kiddie fucker memes and let reddit take the initiative.
So what did you all learn?
Acting like voters bare no responsibility for not turning out hard and voting wrong in the primaries doesn't make him right. The guy was actively campaigning against Moore.
Again, scaramouch did nothing. He was useless. I can't begin to understand this meme that he's anything. He was in and out.
Think how much fun it would be if the Democrats were the one with traitors in their party, constantly blocking Obama from getting anything done.
Republicans need to learn how to become a party
>Told people that Trump really was the movement itself and that we needed Strange because Mo wasn't there and that he fell in line to both Trump and Mitch
>Some shat on me because Moore told off some gays
Democrats are nihilists.
Anyone that isn't 100% Northwestern European is a guest and will be asked to leave on DOTR
>tfw I live in Chicago
Obviously I'll still go out and vote R but knowing my state is pretty much perma blue is sad yet reassuring in the sense that I feel no pressure
Ben was saying you shouldn't vote for moore, now he is complaining when he lost. What a clown
focus on bipartisan shit for 2018, get the wall in 2019 and raise in 2020
Not to mention they can't use Moore as a weapon now
Ban nice
Also Ted Cruz is not Roy Moore in any measure, he can hold his own quite well.
Ol' Mitchy needs his cheap slave labor
So republicans need to get immigration reform(RAISE act) and a wall funded if they dont want to get wiped out in 2018. Finish this fucking tax bill so it keeps the economy going along at 3 to 4% growth asap and focus on the wall + immigration. i dont care if they have to leverage DACA to get it, it needs to get done
nothings gonna happen user, we need criminals to swing from a rope
this shit is purposely run in a circle
At every fucking opportunity to split the GOP base, the establishment manages to do it.
Impressive, really.
>Turtleman after /hisjones/ won
listen to the man with the time machine and ability to curse people
>GOPe sabotage their own out of spite and cowardice of adversity.
>Moore couldn't campaign for shit and let the swamp define his campaign.
>Bannons ego and ideals blinded him.
Fuck this shit. Let's hope Moore get a recount.
The tax bill and the judical appointments are still happening.
rip bannon's reputation as a master political strategist 2016-2017
At least we'll still get our judges.
Don't go to east europe then.
>elect a complete idiot because he appeals to your low down racism and hate
>don't get anything you want
>lose all over the place
Nice going you sisterfucking retards. 2018 is going to be BRUTAL for you.
They never will, they only care about boomer shit like tax cuts and health care
680,000 less (R) Alabama votes for Moore than for Trump.
Dems ran a successful voter supression campaign gasliting Whites that bullied them to stay at home. Dems did NOT increase their vote, they only suppressed ours just enough to win.
Gaslighting works. Voter supression works.
when do we chimp out
Even if it was true, no one would believe it
>It never ends!
I think we may be on the verge of some major swamp draining. That will help. A major newspaper has been sitting on the news of dozens of congressmen doing some serious pussy and dick grabbing shit. Supposedly that story will break right after Alabama election, not to mention all the shit going down with the Mueller shit show.
This is true. It was always reddit, not Sup Forums that had more influence. Reddit flipped from Trump to not Trump, and flipped the online discourse.
>posting Pence
Pence sat out this campaign. Had he been involved at all, Moore would have got those extra 7k votes. Pence works for McConnell, not Trump apparently.
If you didn't think that when Trump won, then you're an idiot. 52 votes was never going to be enough and we're stuck waiting for the midterms.
I hope a ton of Alabama conservatives wasn't staying home instead of voting because they thought Moore's win would be a easy victory.
I hope Alabama's governor won't be as bad as my state's (NJ) governor.
>1.5% margin
>open for recount
Pick one
I said after the election; 'don't get complacent and cocky' just because Donald won. The Democrats are not nixed.
It's all ups and downs. That's just how life is.
I am socially pretty left. I'm the user with 4 white kids, a wife, and a transgender sidechick. Jones would let my gf live, but lower her pay by importing foreign workers lowering the demand for the kind of labor that she does for a living. I do not have political representation in america, and I wish I did.
I believe Trump shares a lot of my views, and I support him, it's just tough when you are both far left and far right at the same time.
Well tonight was disappointing to say the least. Only 20k votes and because records were destroyed. Now we can't be complacent and actually get people energized. Good night.
You mean brutal for the country.
Who is it you think you're fucking hurting? Your own self righteous hatred has you blinded.
He did nothing, he's a no one.