I'm an unapologetic Muslim.
I have a job and a girlfriend (guess where she's from?)
And, I'm not afraid of Sup Forums's xenophobic, autistic and retarded memes.
You will not stop us from mixing with your chicks.
Death to Jews.
Long Live Palestine!
I'm an unapologetic Muslim.
I have a job and a girlfriend (guess where she's from?)
And, I'm not afraid of Sup Forums's xenophobic, autistic and retarded memes.
You will not stop us from mixing with your chicks.
Death to Jews.
Long Live Palestine!
nice flag
Good assimilate into a much superior society
>larping with a meme flag
Hey everybody, this retard thinks magic is real and omnipotent wish granting genies are a reasonable premise!
Everybody point and laugh
I live in Germany but I'm a Muslim. So yeah... I'll not use a infidel's flag lol
Go back to your shitty cave, hobbitcuck!
Prove it shitskin
I like to LARP as a Muslim also.
Wanna talk about Muhammad? I think he's totally great!
After Jews we're coming for you kiddie-diddling ass backwards fuck faces. Count on it Muhammad.
>meme flag
>larping faggot
>low quality bait
You're MUSLIM, and you think pol is xenophobic and retarded!?
I'm too afraid to ask how old is you gf
gays for allah unite!
You're not allowed to have a girlfriend if you're Muslim.
Get the heck out you HARAM boy
>calling someone else xenophobic
top kek hans ahmed
Inshalla brother. I currently have 5 German boyfriends, damn their asses are tight and dicks big.
Whatever you say, eurocucks!
Old enough, leaf! Old enough.
Fuck off, muttalo!
Doesn’t work that way you larping dune coon nigger. Shitskins like you need to be put down.
Fuck mudshits; you're all cockroaches
You are literally what's wrong with our people right now. You need to learn to get with the times and appreciate western civilization for everything it has given you.
We stay away from white women because we are not worthy of them.
We can be proud of Islam and that's fine, but there's no need to treat others as the enemy.
haha tell your gay ass lesbian faggot politicians any day now
Low energy.
>posts JIDF tier bait under meme flag
>you retards fall for it
the state of poll these days
It's "mulatto" retard. Stop making us look even stupider with you fresh off the boat-esque spelling skills.
Bahubali 2 is a terrible movie. It makes me even more ashamed of my culture.
>he responded
Just checking if it was a real mudshit cockroach and not a shareblue shill. You can fuck with white people as much as you'd like, we all know who the real enemy of the Semites is.
No, you're the reason we're still consider weak and pathetic. Grow some balls. Islam will once again dominate the world, إن شاء الله brother!
Reconquista time soon.
>low caste patel NRI detected
Vaishya scum stand at the back, nigger.
>Just checking if it was a real mudshit cockroach and not a shareblue shill. You can fuck with white people as much as you'd like, we all know who the real enemy of the Semites is.
Muslims need to read the Qur'an and learn what it means to truly unite people. We need to be compassionate, forgiving, and open to new ideas.
We need to stop with this hatred of white men. And we need to stop taking their women and diluting their genes, brother.
It'd be wrong not to respond.
nice larping brother, inshallah :^)
Only redeeming factor was that it was made by based south Indians and not those disgusting nothies
when are you attack a christmas market?
Jews and degenerate faggots will be purged when Allah takes control of the West.
Spoken like a true infidel. You are a lost cause.
Islam can only dominate the goat's ass
Palestine was the name of a Roman-held territory. Long live Palestine, land of Juno, Jupiter, Janus, and Mars Pater! May Ceres bless your crops with bountiful yields, my friend.
Fuck off, mudslime goatfucker!
Can fuck a goat right the fuck back to the desert where you came from
Dogshit tier; you'd be better off reading Harry Potter
>compassionate, forgiving, open to new ideas
The jew cries out as he strikes you
>stop hating white men
I only respect WASPs and Scandinavians. Frankly, the rest aren't white.
>stop taking their woman
Only a low caste dalit fuck that converted to jizzlam would ever dream of out-of-caste marriage, fuckboi. Screenshot this post, this is the great Hindu revival that will send you mudshits back to the desert your crawled out of
poo in the loo
I can't wait for them to toss you in an oven.
Refer to
According to the Old Testament, the Amalekites inhabited the Negev, which is southern Israel
not white
What the fuck are you??
List your state and caste now or you're dalits; this is the only way to fight the street shitter meme. Teach the ferenghi the difference between noble castes and the shitskins.
>when Allah takes control of the West
The world will long be gone by the time your allah shows up, Mohammed.
I suggest you use the remaining time wisely and not fuck goats.
I would unironically be scared to go to Germany as a nonwhite. Like... any other country, fine... but GERMANY?! That's just bad judgment
Go shit on a street poo kumar.
Doesn't matter! It's our land now. Now kys, Kike!
Only Jews fear oven, faggot! We grow up with live grenades ffs
Interesting that you (rightfully) attack Sup Forums's xenophobia, but you use ableist slurs like "autistic" and "retarded." Sad.
I think a grenade is a lot more archaic than what Germans are capable of should the TV ever shut off for a week.
Germany has been beaten into submission for the last 7 decades. They can't even fly their own flag or sing the first stanza of their fucking anthem.
>Death to Jews
I'm phoning Interpol.
You just commuted a crime and we have your IP.
What were you saying about there being nothing you can do. Watch.
pick one musel
do you english?
eeeey, brudi, geil dass du n job hast, macht dich schonmal etwas weniger unmögbar, reicht nur halt leider nicht, raus aus meinem land du widerlicher schmarotzer
I am muslim myself but i do not commit zina
Settle down and marry a good muslim girl
Also Nara-e-Takbir!
so glad my government paid me to kill your brothers, the worst part of that is I might never have that much fun again
Aww did I hurt a leaf's feelings?
Grow a cock, cuck!
Don't stop hallucinating, brother!
I've seen the German "men" here and they are not even worth half a woman in my country. Sad and pathetic excuse for a man! I guess too much cock in your ass can have adverse effects on your masculinity.
please write in english the mods dont like it when we write in german
I'm just saying the argument loses potency by engaging in the same behaviour thats condemned
>immigrant from Algeria
Shit man, at least be consistent you are supposed to be in FRANCE
that would have been a lot more convincing
Look who's acting like a parasite now. I'm not going anywhere, pussy!
Find me if you can lol
Fuck off, you autistic LARPer
"I guess too much cock in your ass can have adverse effects on your masculinity." Clearly someone is insecure about their own masculinity. Its okay, you don't have to be so angry and bitter trying to achieve these unrealistic western ideas about being a man. Just relax and not engage in homophobia. It is possible to be a man and not be a fuckin ignorant tool
My favorite thing about being Muslim? Personally I got say its the all the fine kid dick that gets pushed around the mosques here. Although sometimes I prefer locals.
just checking if he understands
guess not though, sad
Mecca and medina will be turned into pig farms, but first we will dig up mahammad and bury him back inside a dead pig
You don't have a job, do you?
Yes, I'm not good in German. Imagine the shock!
I haven't seen any proof of that so far
Fuck outta here, Ozzycuckroach!
opps, no proof of german knowledge whatsoever*
*Puke noises Nasty Photo and I recomend that four Chan bans that shit due to shear and life threatening levels of uglyness good god how can you stand being that fat either lose it or kill yourself.
You're not a muslim
A real muslim would overcome whatever hardship in his home country or die trying, not leeching off kuffars
>opps, no proof of german knowledge whatsoever
Wow! An Algerian guy doesn't understand a fucked up language that consist of 50 letter words and sounds like force fucking a hippo... Haram!
I just saved this slide thread:
0's: Die in your sleep tonight
1's: Die by mudslime terrorist attack
2's: Die in WW3
3's: Die in 2nd US Civil War.
4's: Get drafted to fight Korean War
5's: Die of cancer
6's: You live out the rest of your days in a trailer
7's: Starve to death
8's: You go down in a blaze of glory
9's: You do a suicide attack and kill a bunch of muslims in your wake
Dubs: You survive, and live in the restoration of civilization
Trips: You become glorious leader of your new nation after the end
Quads: Conquer the world
Quints: You are the God-Emperor of Mankind, and you will lead mankind to glorious conquest in Your name.
Kek has spoken.
This, Indopoos know better
I smell, goat anus.
Bath you fucking cat turd.
The West has infidels and cash. Leeching them off their hard earned tax money and sending it back home works quite fine by my standard.
Absolutely horrendous!
Not a single original stuff. Pathetic.
Enough! I'm out.
>Long Live Palestine!
so you are going to go fight to free palestine are you? thought so. hypocrite, comfortably living in a western country.
your only self worth comes from a religion founded by a Pedophile. May God have mercy on your soul.
>I'm a Muslim immigrant from Algeria
In other words: My shitty homeland and its mohammedan culture are so disfunctional and primitive I had to run away... permanently. Yet, I brought the rubbish with me.
>Maybe it'll flourish in a modern society of white Christendom.
Ofc you should.Even though I am no big fan of mullahs,I completely encourage them going en masse to western nations,fucking up their demographics and eventually end the western civilization itself.Its the most degenerate civilization responsible for almost 90% of the degeneracy you see today-false egaltarianism,homo and trans acceptance,fat acceptance,muh no borders meme,hedonism,hyper sexual gratification,etc...
Day of the Rope is sooner then you think camel fucker.
Leave Germany and fix your shithole country
No you're not. If you were a real fucking Kanacke, your English would never be that fluent. You can't even speak German properly.
Do you like this buck?
Enjoy this view, goatfucker!
Here: kek.gg/i/3QfGVV.jpg
>posting image links
Yeh nsfw image he chutiya betichod
die paki scum
I didn't use the photo directly, commie idiot!
baby's first larp after he discovered the meme flags
guaranteed replies from the netizens of Sup Forums, the street shitters, self hating spics and other assorted mutts, and other social rejects
high quality board over all
>sandnigger is totally distracted by white pussy to realize he's being set up for a holocausting when the Fourth Reich eventually rises again.
you think im gonna click that shit
Aye, sandy vagina! How many goats did you fuck today? How many members of your family were raped by ISIS heroes? How many childrens have you fucked? How many begums are you planning to have?
no german flag? sounds like a larp to me. sage