Will the massive Democrat voter fraud that we all know occurred be unearthed?
who got the 7's?
Instead I think he's gonna sue for defamatory libel, win, then Republicans (non sellout ones) will be able to say stolen election and set the stage for tightening libel laws after 2018.
Screencap this post.
Well we all know he doesn't know the meaning of the word "No". or "stop". or "I'm only 14, please don't put that in my mouth."
lol, I love the desperate last minute pandering to his retard base by riding a horse and trying to appear like he's a good old boy. Pathetic loser.
The fact that he refused to concede as well despite losing by 1.6% makes him an even bigger cuckold. Fucking child that can't admit defeat.
Lets take a look and audit the votes then, surely if it was a fair election you wouldn't be opposed to transparency?
do you have any evidence or can point to some? thanks in advance
dems are already fighting to destroy the records. liberal judge already awarded an emergency injunction to allow the digital photos of the paper ballots to be wiped. surely there is a legitimate reason for this and nobody is trying to cover their tracks right?
That doesn't seem suspicious at all does it?
i'm a texan and him role-playing as a cowboy with the horse he barely knows how to ride was the most patronizing, hilarious shit i've seen in several days.
Everyone already knew that. Attacking her will continue to do nothing until she actually screws up.
i have to agree it made my day seeing it on foxnews during tucker and i laughed
>Will the massive Democrat voter fraud that we all know occurred be unearthed?
Is it EVER? Fuck, we know it happened in the presidential election, too. Nobody does anything.
Most of the "Republicans" inCongress sold their souls to the left for Shekels long ago. And nobody wants to come out and admit to America that our democracy is a total farce.
Nothing will be done, user.
Nothing will change until the leftist media is too scared they will die to tell lies anymore.
lol pedotard BTFO
Bbbbut she’s smiling & those tits.
Works every time and she knows it too. Dirty little ho. Posting soft porn pics of her younger self.
WTF I like Lauren Southern now.
>Lauren Southern
Lauren Simonson you mean.
>Whole system's fucked
>when i lose
Donald pls
>Fuck, we know it happened in the presidential election, too
ah yes the fraud BS theory that has never been show to be true and is near impossible to even pull off given the nature of the system. GOP really needs to back off all of their attempts to back door into winning and focus on better more moderate candidates that can just win or get support on a national level. You can't count on voter suppression to be the edge in a close fight all the time, it's like going to the judges in boxing vs a knock out. RUN a damn candidate that can knock it out.
holy fuck, this is infuriating.
Christ, the comments on that website are pozzed to satan's anus and back.
Oh go fuck yourself, it’s people like you that caused this loss, a huge setback for the MAGA agenda. Now we have yet another vote in DC for shitskin immigration, endless welfare and baby killing. But some Canadian youtuber is a coal-burning kike and THATS WHAT REALLY MATTERS
Kill yourself
How mad are you autistic spergs right now :^)?
How does it feel to get cucked on a national stage? Prepare your buttholes Trumpcucks, there's far more of this to come. A few years down the line you will claim you never were a Trump supporter, you will cringe at your past and your autistic, contrarian behavior. Maybe one day you will join the realm of mature adults across the US instead of living in your parent's basements, jacking off to anime trump waifu MAGA pictures, maybe not, but if one thing is certain you got BLOWN THE FUCK OUT today and it's hilarious to watch.
This is what you're excited about?
Donate your bitcoins to save America! I can't believe FOX news called it for that satan worshiping baby eating nigger loving Doug Jones!
All bitcoins will be used to fund a recount since it looks like the Jews in charge of counting the vote will make sure the automatic recount doesn't happen. Roy Moore needs your bitcoins!
Will Roy Moore be shooting his horse now after he lost.
R.I.P. horsie
Why is sex with 14 year olds wrong?
Left fags NEVER have an intelligent thing to say. It's always just inane babble.
Don't forget gun banning
>Will the massive Democrat voter fraud that we all know occurred be unearthed?
>after both political establishments and entire MSM worked in overdrive to destroy the candidate they didn’t want
You already know the answer to this one. Just be honest with yourself.
"I'm only 14, please don't put that in my mouth, I want to lose my virginity now so I can tell all my friends about it."
>Kill yourself
How can we stop Moore from shooting his horse now?
Horsie is innocent.
Did you get aroused while typing that?
What a faggot
It's only wrong when it happens :^)
Are you actually this fucking stupid?
As opposed to conservitards, who are beacons of intellectualism? Stop being a tribalfag.
This is retarded
I did
So in concrete terms what does this victory mean?
it means that doug jones is senator for a bit
>mocks someone else's intellect
gj user
Why the fuck is he dressed like a cowboy in bumfuck Alabamy?
he's "relatable"
Glad to see you bumped the thread and gave me a (you), how's that ass feeling? How's your mental gymnastics to explain the loss working itself out yet? Got any conspiracies bubbling in your brain getting ready to explain how liberals / leftists / boogeyman "stole" the election? I can see it happening right now, in the next few days there were be countless conspiracy general threads full of ass-devestated r/the_donald faggots whining and crying about the loss and saying it was rigged, without any evidence.
Toppest of keks...you guys are starting to sound like Berniebros now.
Here's how Roy Moore can still win!
Because he (and other conservatives) believe this is what attracts their dumb base to them as candidates. Dress up like a good old boy, act like you're an extremely religious Christian, and all the rural rednecks in the south will be eating right out of your hands. It worked, for the most part, as he still got over 600k people in bumfuck Alabama to vote for him despite what a shitty person he is.
*sending prayers*
he's clearly never ridden a horse before.
>Will the massive Democrat voter fraud that we all know occurred be unearthed?
Fuck Bama!
take illegal spics out and moore cant lose
trump needs to go to bat over this
illegal voters and their entire families need to be rounded up and shot
you can tell he's a newbie because he's trying to steer by pulling on the reins attached to the horse's mouth. that just pisses off the horse. you're supposed to steer with your legs and go easy on the reins.
the horse almost bucked him too.
no one cares if he is a rapist
you are attacking our race
you are going to die
spics are going to die
niggers are going to die
democrats are going to get rounded up and sent to africa, and there they'll be killed by their pet niggers
have fun you faggot
>illegal voters and their entire families need to be rounded up and shot
Hey, moron.What about bitching at your politicians who allowed for this to be done, illegal voting.
This is not illegal voters fault that your American born politicians are dumb and dishonest.
Wow, its... its almost like we can get rid of both!
Crazy, right?
I was just in another thread where user said his brother told him Soros bussed in out of town niggers that registered to vote months ago. He said that’s what Trump’s tweet meant
>So in concrete terms what does this victory mean?
It takes away the Republican majority in the senate limiting their ability to pass bills.
This thread is all disinfo. These boards are getting slid harder than an alien selfie.
There is fuckery afoot
No, Republicans still have 51/100 seats, they have a majority.
What it does it makes passing controversial legislation more difficult, because all it takes is for 1 republican to cross over and vote against a bill to stall it from passing in the senate. They will still be able to pass a lot of legislation in the senate, but controversial stuff like the recent tax bill would be much harder to get all the votes for now.
Hmmm. Or, maybe, the people on this board, the SILENT MAJORITY of posters that aren't kekistani trump shills can finally speak, can finally have our voices heard because we had a victory and now WE get to laugh at you faggots instead of the other way around. Let us have this, move on and grow up.
And Americans are bitching that Russians were meddling in their elections.
Americans are doing it to each-other.
Fun to watch you retards.
But you’re still doing it. Using a paragraph to respond to a line.
Brevity = wit
95% turnout has never happened in any place, in any country, in recorded history
foul play is going on and trump needs to bomb the offices of the media companies
>Lose an election everyone expected you to win
>Suddenly everything is a false flag, or a conspiracy
Never change retards
>Muh soros
So fucking predictable. You guys never change.
global rule 11
Election fraud confirmed
>>lose an election everyone expected you to win
>not suspicious
Just how hard is it to breathe? Do you have to actively think about it?
Swapping out ballets would be easy not "near impossible to do."
And it's never been shown to be true because both parties do it.
See this reply isn't meant for me. It is meant for a wayward normie looking for info.
Fuckery afoot
actually even with a 50/50 vote the vice president casts the tie breaker
>global rule 11
is that some pedo code ?
did you think Trump winning was suspicious as well?
Wew lad kikes are jewing full steam
>Advertising (all forms) is not welcome—this includes any type of referral linking, "offers", soliciting, begging, stream threads, etc.
>molest some kids
>barely lose election
O, I was thinking they are talking about kids ages
Pic related
From neighbors thread
No one actually likes democrats.
A democrat winning anything is suspicious by default and guilty of fraud until proven innocent.
A LARP for a LARP: accusers for a fake cowboy.
Screencapped that shit because I don’t want to miss it when it does. Trump is all over this
Exceeding in mass if statistically proven.
Pray boys. This is why he is refusing to concede.
kill all niggers
Great salt mining thread OP bannon cucks lose and the Republican party is saved
I want to believe