Liberalism prevails again. How does Sup Forums feel?
Doug Jones
russia hacked alabama
What liberalism ? Policing thought and printing out handouts isn't liberalism.
Some degenerate communist party that calls itself Democrat is once again killling the US. First it was bringingin slaves, then it was being racists shit, and now it is trying to spin shit around and guilt fuck the new generations of black and white inbreeds of america into submission. When will you understand that the Dem party is to the US what Germany is to Europe.
Concerned that falsely accusing somebody is now their only tactic left. Meme all you want, but this doesn’t end without blood, were past that point.
Trump only won because there was a social populist message to his platform; this social populist message is lacking among tradcucks, Evangelicals and an alt-reich that is more concerned with "degeneracy" than with poverty. They love the working class like many leftists love "humanity": as an abstract concept only, as a theoretical idea while having nothing but disdain for real, living breathing people and always being opposed to policies that could make the lives of actual working class people better (see this debate about health care, minimum wage, working hours, etc.) --- Sup Forums won't learn anything about this, tho. Trump will probably win a 2nd term but he won't really win against the Republican establishment ... who will lose ... and after Trump, the US is finished.
>tfw Trump had more scoops of Ice Cream than the democrats have won special elections
That guy looks like a legit kiddy diddler
Both sides were Liberals. It's impossible for them not to prevail
Maybe this will finally put the nail in the coffin of SoCons. An openly Pro-Abortion candidate won statewide in ALABAMA.
Don't bring Boo into this
That's a pretty common image
boo is a good account tho
You have a very childish understanding of history.
i hope mitch mcconnell aspirates his own vomit in his sleep tonight
Another blow to Steve Bannon, he’s essentially been thrown out by the republicans now and I doubt they’ll let him run a national campaign again
kinda looks like this guy eh
Bannon is the blue shell from Mario Cart.
He does what he does and will always appear, all you have to do is not be in 1st place.
shill raid
shill raid
Alright. Learned about the Alabama election. Bummed abiut the electiob, but hey. Not fun to win all the time. Gets boring after awhile. Good job champ
Let the tears flow.
says the dumb memeflaggot.