Redpilling qt in uni class

>redpilling qt in uni class
>getting pretty far into redpilling
>long talks about nationalism socialism in and out of class
>she agrees with alot of things I have to say about fascism
>mention my hatred towards kikes
>"woah, ok, user. My best friend is Jewish, that's really offensive"
>a large part of fascism and Nazism is hating jews
>"I don't want to be a Nazi, I just like learning about them."

fucking christ, all I want is a qt aryan Nazi gf why must god do this to me

Learn how to be subtle and let her reach the conclusion on her own

How you say things is important you can’t just say “fuck the kikes gas them now” you gotta be subtle, point out something the Jews are doing and say “Fuck this is wrong and shouldn’t be happening”

Just say there's aspects of Judaism the religion that you don't agree with (chosenites who will Lord over us when their messiah comes). And then talk a lot about banking and international finance. Ppl know youre talking about Jews but talk about the system. There's tons of whites in it too so just say they all gotta come down

Captcha: ROTH Allianz

Eh no thanks

You fucked up your pushing your intent on her which is very Jewish but your being obvious about it which is white and dorky. Let her come to her own conclusion user you already fucked up honestly but learn from this. Red pilling isn't about shoving the pill down your throat it is about making that red pill look like a red skittle so they try one and get hooked.

If you are low-IQ enough to fall for the muh kikes meme you really don`t deserve to reproduce.

>this is what alt fags consider white genocide

except that's bullshit and you can separate national socialism from the jews, yes they are an enemy of national socialism in most cases but the political doctrine doesn't need to revolve around them

and dont forget to throw in a laugh once in a while

It actually does, since the anti-socialist nature of NatSoc requires the jews to explain Bolshevism.

Just shove your dick down her throat. Women need to be taught. As the Alabama elections show, they can't be trusted to make political decisions.

How I talk about JQ with morning relatives without sounding like a nut job:
>”Jews have occupied a unique role throughout history...”
>”Jews have always been a minority in the countries they inhabit, so they naturally feel threatened by nationalist sentiment of the majority...”
>”Jews have developed a predictable set of behaviors...”
>something about disproportionate control of media too (memorize numbers)
The thing is to not sound hateful. Talk about their behavior in a neutral tone and wait for them to make judgement. If it backfires and they begin to admire Jews, remind them that Jewish interests are fundamentally opposed to our own.

My wife was the same way brother, just subtly slide in the foreskin sucking ritual and you've got them beat 100% of the time

Because gassing 2 million Jews isn't considered a good thing.
How the fuck did a meme become something you guys actually fucking believe in.

This really happened to you user? Jesus christ try getting it in before the genocide talk. Sounds like you almost got laid retard

Simple solution OP.

Don't refer to them as kikes. Call them Zionists.

Make sure you distinguish Zionists from regular Jews in the same way she's probably used to distinguishing terrorists from regular Muslims.


>go on omegle
>tags Sup Forums and nazi
>match with qt girls who just learn more about it
>attempt to redpill them
>actually have good conversation, learn about their life

chatted with a 8/10 leaf today, would chat again

>2m jews
what hole did you just crawl out of?

youre a fucking retard

Yeah OP, you're probably just some dumb kid who got made fun of at school because you told a racist antisemitic joke. You deserve it desu.

Yea well I bet you'd eat nigger soup with a nigger spoon with a big nigger smile on your face


Wow, looks like someone learned a new word at school today! Did you tell mommy and daddy about it?

>EU flag
>muh Jews neva did nuffin
hey schlomo.

It's because you're an edgelord faux intellectual who's convinced that the more that everyone else disagrees with his opinions the closer to the "secret truth" he is getting.

You are making it about jews.
Say atheist Talmudist.

They believe in no god and use the Talmud to undermine culture and economics.

nigger nigger leaf nigger syrup nigger nigger

This. Hell even modern religious Jews don't like to be lumped in together with secular atheist Jews (aka. the Hollywood kikes).



>falling for the racism meme

God hates you for sucking all that cock...

She already got this far on her own. Shouldn't be a problem for her to walk the last mile as well, especially if you show her the facts.

Only fools rush in.

The propagandist's purpose is to make one set of people forget that certain other sets of people are human.

Quit being desperate and keep going. Bitches take a while.

i'm sorry about your autism user
have a ktten

HAHA you will learn young one. Anglin and Weev aren't joking when they say women can't be redpilled, not like men can. They wan't you to lead them, but the truth is your hatred of kikes IS a sign of fear, we should all fear the advantages they have over us. She picks up on that, it lowers you in her eyes. That's why you can't ever show hatred or fear in front of a woman. That's why a good dog or a bro are better company than a woman. Women are there to make children, not to be your soulmate.

>a large part of facism and natzeesim is about hating joos

Jews have done lot of things on this planet, but its not coordinated,organized nor planned.

I was talking about the illuminati with a qt, I guess she's really into it, and said something about the jews. She gave me a funny look and I didn't bring up jews again. Whatever. I guess at least she believes in and hates ZOG in a roundabout fashion. Why ruin it?

just kill her friend. ezpz

You know she's just studying you right?

>Jews have done lot of things on this planet, but its not coordinated,organized nor planned.
Well then they have some genetic ability to immediately figure out what the next step is required to profit most or how to steal the most power

Lol you feel for pol's stupid fucking memes virgin.

>National (((Socialism)))

lmao killyourself. No woman is going to date a Nazi LARPER. American Libertarian nationalism is the correct route and it makes the girls wet because they love a man preaching individualism

Maybe try not being so fucking autistic and be more subtle. You better at least be a major chad, thats the only way you can get away with behaivor this autistic.


You mean college? Nothing more cringe than americans saying things like “uni” or “mate”

I can guarantee you that no girl is getting wet because of your political ideology

46th post best post

Same to you commie faggot

Why are Lolbertarians so retarded?