What political party is the best chance for legalising child love?
Democrats seemed to be the best pick but Republicans are really becoming more progressive with this stuff recently.
What political party is the best chance for legalising child love?
Democrats seemed to be the best pick but Republicans are really becoming more progressive with this stuff recently.
Other urls found in this thread:
I thought the libertarians were alright but they only support homos
whitey wheres your keeids at?
haha 18 year old virgin
>let me just snug my neck up through this rope tied nicely to the ceiling fan, just climb up this chair and kick i
Declare allegiance to The Caliphate and it's legal
>Supporting child molestation
Kill yourself OP
He's right tho
You burn that shit to the ground
Kill all the old hags and their cuck manservants
Take the young girls who hath not laid with a man
Pare their nails, cut their hair, then you let her cry a bit
Then go in
child love
>child molestation
War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength
Why is a 14 year old off limits? They are sexually mature.
Not mentally mature.
Then again I'm of the opinion that nobody should breed until at least age 22, so what do I know.
why would mental maturity matter in a marriage? youre literally switching the father for a husband who does the exact same job. 14 year old girl doesnt need a mother anymore at that point.
this is funny stuff desuchan, lets go to torbrowser i've got good onions with "hard candys" just gibs me btc
Pedophilia and Ephebophilia have no place in modern society. If a collapse happens: "grass on the field = play ball'.
Child love could never compare to elder love.
Fucking eww man
This. Girls are ready when their father is ready to give them away.
Because what you're otherwise suggesting is slavery.
There is nothing wrong with slavery.
for now Democrats are the party of social change
The Communist Faggit Jew Bastard party, of course.
So you don't mind being a slave yourself?
Would you like to be forced into solitary confinement for most of the rest of your life in between bouts of time in maximum security prison?
No? Then why do you support them? Checkmate.
Islam or Judaism
Support who? What?
man is to woman as god is to man
hows it slavery?
Historically labor was traded instead of currency in many ways. Because a consistent value for currency requires a stable central government. Say you have x amount of fish, I can't exchange it for something of equal value. So I sign a contract saying I'll provide you with y amount of hours of labor which we both agree equals that of the fish. This is the basis upon slavery, otherwise they're acquired through war, and after war falls into the previous model depending upon the society. Say you're poor, you can't all of your kids and provide for them. So you sell your son to a farm, he works, learns skills, and in exchange is fed, housed, and during the end of his contract he'll go free better for it.
>"But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God."
Slavery based upon labor contracts was how disputes and debts where settled earlier too. It's spoke of in the bible
It's slavery because one human owns another - father owns his women and children. But there is nothing wrong with this, hierarchy is a natural law.
He compared replacing a girl's father with a new father, which implied she would just be serving under the new husband as she would have to her father.
Need actual reasons, bub, not just religious ones.
Not the slavery I'm referring to, and you know this.
>natural law
Not a justification.
I swear this board knows nothing about debating.
He did.t.stop hallozination again, shizzo
>Not a justification
It was more of an clarification, the basis of society is hierarchy. The basis upon all groupings is hierarchy, the top of the family hierarchy is the father. I spoke of what historic slavery is, because using the term slavery is only even applicable to family hierarchies when you're operating under the egalitarian ideology in the first place.
>the most respected book in the world isnt actual
if you dont know that man is the head of household and ultimately calls the shots, you are lost one bruce
I'm Orthodox Jewish myself, but even I know you can't use the bible in any form of argument.
We're very dangerously going on a tangent here so I'll just rewind us a bit.
Slavery is an objective wrong. Being forced into someone else's service with next to zero regulation or chance of freedom (unless you ask REALLYYYYY nicely for years) is wrong.
Contracts of labour are a whole 'nother ball game.
>I'm an Orthodox Jew
>Slavery is objectively wrong
You're lying and wrong
Also based upon the context of how this discussion started. When you use the term slavery - you are in fact speaking of the authority a father has over his child, correct?
>You're lying and wrong
Judaism does not condone or encourage slavery. Read the original texts please. There is no hint or inclination of positivity at all in the writing.
>a father has over his child
Correct, which is why I don't believe a grown fucking woman should be subject to that.
You're describing a contract for indentured servitude, not slavery.
you know cheese pizza has only been illegal for less than 30 years, right? just like most laws it was created to rule over a minority who was abusive
>Judaism does not condone or encourage slavery
Depends upon what you're speaking to when you refer to Judaism. Egalitarianism with a Jewish/Christian theme or actual scriptures.
If your basis for using the term slavery is that, you have even less a leg to stand on when it comes to scripture. If you want to discuss this further from a secular stand point we can. But don't pretend you're an Orthodox Jew, it's insulting.
>I don't believe a woman should be under her father's authority
We where speaking of a girl originally, a father giving away his daughter to be coupled with her husband for life. When you use the term woman, are you still speaking within this context? You need to explain your position a bit more and the basis for it.
wtf is going on in this thread now?
is this two kikes arguing over kike shit to confuse the goyim?
kidnapping people and enslaving them is obviously wrong, but enslaving a defeated tribe or a debtor can sometimes be beneficial to the enslaved.
bible says you can only enslave someone for 7 years i believe
I'm aware, a lot of people use the two interchangeably these days. The line between the two is quite blurred historically too.
i didnt know we were arguing. maybe you are, i was contributing information. in any case, you can use any source you like in an argument. the objective is to be convincing to the other party, so, you take their disposition into account
Delete this
The term derives from Ellis island where Jews signed with a circle rather then an X. Comes from the Hebrew word for circle. Using it as an insult - especially when not in relation to non-American Jews, has never made sense.
Biblical this term was used to refer to the descendants of the peoples of the bible who had abandoned the laws of Moses. Most "Jews" in the public's spotlight could be called Goyim.
Bible says you can enslave someone, and that the father has ultimate authority over his family and property. The latter is what this user is speaking to - that the children are enslaved and that's wrong. He's arguing against the very concept of patriarchy even among families. Which is the entire basis of ideologies like Judaism
the bible also ways you shouldn't wear mixed fabrics
On all fronts it's considered wrong, or at least extremely limiting.
>If your basis for using the term slavery is that, you have even less a leg to stand on when it comes to scripture
How so? Please explain.
>You need to explain your position a bit more and the basis for it
Adults should not be subject to the same rules that children are, yet the earlier user was implying adult women should be slaves to their husbands just like daughters are slaves to their fathers.
I'm not sure what you're so confused about. The above is an objective wrong (slavery as an adult) and is absolutely not condoned by Judaism. Otherwise show me proof it is.
My apologies then.
Judaism is not a patriarchy. It's closer to a matriarchy, at least in the family.
why is she so perfect?
Kys, degenerate.
i have been devout my whole life but no mixed fabrics? thats where i draw the line
fuck this
fuck everything
Or wear rings, of any kind.
Wedding rings are a sin on par with getting fucked up the ass by another dude and cumming buckets from it according to the bible.
Having nonstop gay sex but not putting a ring on it is on par with the moral average.
We're in a weird spot right now where liberals have been sort of pushing for more pedo acceptance while also running entire smear campaigns against people for allegedly being pedos.
>On all fronts it's considered wrong
By what standard? The only way it's "wrong" is when you're using egalitarianism as a basis for morality.
>How so?
Because practically all relationships of animals and man is based upon hierarchy - such as patriarchy. Judaism itself is based upon patriarchs, Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses.
>Adults should not be subject to the same rules that children are
>Adult women should be slaves to their husbands just like daughters are to their fathers
The discussion above was that ultimate authority over when a girl is ready for marriage lies with her father. That she is given away to her husband, marriage is an exchange of ownership, father to husband. A married women is under the authority of her husband, she is not his equal. This is hierarchy
>Not condoned by Judaism
>Judaism is not a patriarchy, it's closer to a matriarchy
This is how I know you're not an Orthodox Jew. If you're a "Jew" at all you're probably atheist or reform. Even in Genesis it states Woman was created to serve and support Man.
It's not difficult, just buy 100% wool or cotton
Get lost, Moishe.
Your Jew feminist tricks won't work any longer.
>Or wear rings, of any kind
What is your basis for this? Are you referring to the portion that speaks against women's expressing pride?
Like I said, just give me one good reason for why it's good for a daughter to be given as a slave to the next man.
I don't consider any religion where the wifecan deny sex to the husband indefinitely to be a patriarchy. Judaism is a matriarchy, my friend.
Hell, even in the bible none of the patriarchs ruled over their wives. Jacob's wives told him when they could fuck, Sarah was the one who decided what to do with the slaves in the household, etc.
>Where a wife can deny sex to the husband indefinitely
What are you talking about?
>Biblical patriarchs delegated house hold affairs to their wives
>This is the same as women calling the shots
>slavery is an objective wrong
>unless the slave owner is the father then it's not technically slavery
I guess it's not technically molestation then either, so long as the father is doing it?
>this is the same as women calling the shots
I specifically said "at least in the family" right up here: >What are you talking about?
In (orthodox) Judaism only the woman gets to decide when the couple has sex. Furthermore the wife can divorce the husband if he can't satisfy her in bed, and plus the man is not allowed to use "lack of sex" as a just reason for wanting to divorce his wife.
I don't argue with people who use strawmen. Learn to actually debate because you actually reply to me next time.
>My biggest fantasy is to wake up one morning and find my current adult brain in the body of a sightly over developed10 yearold girl. I would take that little body and allow my adult sexuality to wallow in the intensity of being every pedophile's wet dream come true. When I was that age I didn'tappreciatethe power of that highly taboo body. I used its power for silly reasons, wasted its potency to deliver a kind of euphoria that normal people will never understand. It takes an adult brain to know how to really enjoy that intensity. Ah, how youth is wasted on the young.
what political party and religion can accept me??
cute thread for u
Why is it not slavery when a father dictates what their child can do?
Where's the great distinction that makes one OBJECTIVELY wrong and the other right?
Now THAT'S cute
Treating an adult (who is of the right mind) like a child is wrong. I can't believe I need to spell this out for you.
that wasnt her asking for consent it was her touching the cat and seeing how it reacted
>I specifically said 'at least in the family'
Delegating is not the same thing as being in control. If you're the head of a company, does the distract manager you hired to delegate that region's responsibility now have more power then you? No, they don't. Man is the absolute authority over his family and house hold
>Wife decides when sex is allowed
>Divorce is allowed and wife can start it
If this is what you consider Orthodoxy, or what your area calls it. Then I would hate to see what abomination you call reform. Go to genesis, woman was created as a helper for man. Man has domination over all the creatures and plants of this earth and the helper God created to assist him in asserting his authority over them.
He's using egalitarian ideology. Egalitarian - all are the same, and thus deserving of equal treatment. It was re popularized in western society during the age of enlightenment. It's also what most people who claim to be religious are actually following.
Is that Laura B? I love Laura B!
>Wool is itchy
Not all varieties, shop around and try on different types. Otherwise try not using products which disrupt your skins natural oils to prevent it being so sensitive.
>Cotton was picked by Negros in the USA so no
It's comfy and warm
Women behave more like children than they behave like men. Poor impulse control, emotional outbursts, constant crying, compulsive lying, inability to accept responsibility for their actions, difficulties understanding cause and effect, run to male authority figures for protection and provision.
i only wear cashmere.
shirts, sweaters, underwear, even pants and shoes.
i'd tell you more, but, you wouldnt understand, because your not a bitcoin millionair
soon we will all be shamed by society into fucking 60 year old divorcees
That's because women lack independent agency, they are eternal dependents and most be properly trained and guided by their men. Otherwise they will be lead by other men
Come back when you learn how to debate.
>I only wear cashmere
That's fine too, as long as it's 100% of one thing, silk is also nice
Any conservative party.
Parental child love is a thousand times deeper than that of a damn pedophile.
I understand this and I also understand that this is Christian dogma. Equality is an insane ideology for fags
There's only one party that supports CP and its called Pizza Party
It always amuses me to see other anons that know of her and the others, also nice trips.
Both will do it exclusively for god’s chosen people gentile.
I strongly believe that paedophilia today comes from a combination of a natural non-sexual attraction to children (the beauty if young girls, and the boundless energy of young boys), and modernity's lack of constraints on sexual morality, and the inability to process natural emotions that results from it.
So this natural admiration and love people feel for children and young adults becomes "Hey, I should stick my dick in it" because that's how you express your love of anything else.
Because they're easy picking due to their naivety.
These laws are in place to protect young females from genetic dead ends such as your self. Where the law fails, usually the community steps in with their fists.
True. That is why husbands are called husbands, a word synonymous for controller or overseer. See animal husbandry. Women (overgrown perma-children) are lost without firm male direction and guidance.
What the fuck
It's not Christian dogma, the passage of there being 'no difference between Hebrew and Greek' was being literal. The peoples we call Mediterraneans descend from Japheth, the Greeks would be viewed as peoples of the bible who had gone astray. Jesus spoke of his entire purpose being to help bring back the lost children of Israel, the Greeks who abandoned their roots, of Moses law would of qualified. Scripture has been twisted to mean something it never did and never was meant to mean.
>Equality is an insane ideology
Yes, it is a belief system for the weak who refuse to accept the way the world really is
Because it's a moral talking point that caters to moderates and conservatives
Leftie academic circles are currently not influential enough to put "ageism" in the collective oppresion box, nor are they radicalized enough at the moment. Give it ten years and you'll see "agefluid" and "childkin" beagged to LGBTBBQ++-
Also consider the mental gymnastics of prioritizing consent when talking about children
you need to die in a tire fire ahmed. i know some people in the old country that can help
Indeed, the problem we have with women of the west is directly tied to the weak men in their life
Post pictures of little girls to prove that you actually like children and care for them rather than just being a weird violent fantasy nigger.
>These laws are in place to protect young females from genetic dead ends such as your self.
And then, at 35, she finally produces her own genetic dead end (comes out all screwey cuz she missed her prime breeding years).
Thank god for genius white-knights such as yourself protecting her!
>pic-related, you and your mum
Pedophilia largely doesn't exist, like much of psychological concepts. Pedohpilia as a clinical disorder as defined by the APA in the DSM is generally defined as individuals who are strictly attracted to pre puberty children. This means that if you're attracted to a 10yr old who hasn't hit puberty, but then still attracted to her at 13yrs when she has hit puberty, you're outside the definition of pedophile. Also, if you're attracted to a 10yr old who has hit puberty, you're also outside the definition. Puberty in girls is almost entirely tied to body fat percentage. This is why ballerinas tend to have delayed puberty, and why the obesity epidemic is causing earlier puberty in girls.
You are correct about many men misinterpreting their desire for fatherhood with lust though.
Yes, but in the West the State and other actors crush natural male authority. Legally curb stomp it.
Reign in the State and men will reassert domestic (family) control and right this sinking ship.