Why do (((they))) work overtime to discourage whites from dating Asians, but at the same time spam a million blacked threads?
Why do (((they))) work overtime to discourage whites from dating Asians...
All your asians are belong to zukerburg
I dunno man, I think it might the Internet Yakuza trying to stop you from 56%ing their hot babes
What is it that scares them so much about whites dating Asians?
>tfw creampied 10 asians in the last several years
Again this thread?
Don't talk about this subject goy, get yourself a sweet black or Hispanic girlfriend instead.
retard slave race can't be smart
once they breed whites out of existence i expect them to just nuke china and india for population control
>Why do (((they))) work overtime to discourage whites from dating Asians
Elon Musk
The combination of European Creative intelligence and Asian Spatial Intelligence.
Duplicate thread/pic
Spamming these threads instead won't make you not a race traitor
To keep stupid people distracted with trivial bullshit, like you're doing.
99 to 1, black on white, compared to white on asian. Even though real life is opposite. Does make you think, user.
Also notice how the incestuous title ones are always white
>creaming different asian mutts almost every day
the white race is over
Actual hapa here, jews in hollywood make tons of movies with white male and asian females. The actual hapas are the ones against it.
Because Asians are what (((they))) call an “Active Race“, that is - in short - Asians are also intelligent and productive.
(((they))) dont like that. (((They))) want dosile and dumb animals only, cuz they are easily to control slaves.
Thus they want niggers and women 'empowered'.
Hope i could help.
Because the primary goal is to attack your self esteem, not actually promote racemixing. The fact that 1 in 2 Asian women universally prefer white men to their own might bolster your self esteem, so they are against that.
They need you insecure and hysterical.
every single one of Elon Musk's ventures are in debt and propped up by government subsidies.
So like, trump is paying for musk to fuck around? nice.
because breeding with niggers dumbs down the population and creates chaos where as breeding hapas makes smart people that usually side with whites with only a minimal chance for them to supreme gentleman. If we become smarter than the jew then they know they cannot win.
I don't care what race you put your seed in just keep spreading white genes every where
>describes the white woman in the 40's
Asian girls now vs White girls a century years ago.
You really don't see White girls praising Jesus so often anymore (in urban areas).
Daily reminder that Finns are bleached mongols (3/4 Nordic Viking + 1/4 Mongol khan)
I banged a Thai girl who looked just like that back in 2016. Was heavenly.
This is it