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Donate your bitcoins to save America! I can't believe FOX news called it for that satan worshiping baby eating nigger loving Doug Jones!
All bitcoins will be used to fund a recount since it looks like the Jews in charge of counting the vote will make sure the automatic recount doesn't happen. Roy Moore needs your bitcoins!
Yep, you got us, but this isn't over.
>looking like a child and a child rapist at the same time
How does he do it?
How it was done: gaslighting and voter suppression to collapse White turnout.
680,000 less (R) Alabama votes for Moore than for Trump. Dems ran a successful voter suppression campaign gaslighting Whites that bullied them to stay at home. Dems did NOT increase their vote, they only suppressed ours just enough to win.
does anyone even know what his platform is?
>looking like a child rapist and being a child rapist at the same time
How does he do it?
Humanity lost.
I don't live in Alabama.
>Mitt Romney: FUCK A MAJORITY!!!
Oh sweetie, just wait to see what Trump has in store for you.
Mitt Neocon Romney
>Hm, voter numbers are down. Wonder why?
>Could it be that it's an off year election with an historically bad candidate who's own party turned member turned against him amidst allegations of sexual assault and pedophilia.
>No, it was the jews.
does this guy have down syndrome?
all anyone knows at this point is that he does not rape kids
It's ok. White people need to wake up.
Yeah, because if Alabama is know for anything, it's suppressing white voters. Love the damage control.
but really I really think in was the Jews in the media.
That being said, if what is said about Moore is true, then yeah, the GOP fucked up.
But if it wasn't true, I hope Moore gets his day in court when he gets to sue the ever living shit out of everyone.
it over dumpf is finish
All that Soros money worked.
Doug "The thug" Jones
What a stud.
Sup Forums eternally BTFO
>implying i didnt vote for him
>all that pedophilia didn't work
ftfy shill
Doug “Blacked” Jones
Less than half the Republican voter turnout than Trump got? Last-minute court order to destroy election records? Seems a bit fishy to me.
You won.
Blue Tide comin' in
That's right. We lost.
white voters were suppressed...in a state where they're the majority...kys faggot
no one votes in non-presidental elections retard, and most conservatives don't want to vote for a pedophile. you're delusional.
>No proof
it was a court order to not destroy records. what world do you even live in?
okay with that logic, then maybe we should give all the liberals who have been accused but had "no proof" back their places in the media. the Alabama Republicans chose a horrible candidate and he lost fare and square.
>you lost
i don't live in Alabama
He's a Democrat, of course he rapes kids. he just hasn't been caught yet.
The discovery phase of the lawsuits would probably kill h im legally speaking. He's already sent notes through his lawyers that he is going to sue if they don't quit it and they haven't budged an inch since then.
He had his day in court, he had many days in court, getting kicked the fuck out of the Alabama Supreme Court, twice.
coming from the party filled with pedos and homofaggots that’s rich
i noticed soros owned voting machines
i also noticed he spent millions against moore
how much you want to bet that on top of the fake accusers it was also rigged to shave points
id like to see the paper trail
Haha lmfao
>coming from the party filled with pedos and homofaggots that’s rich
>Willingly forgets Bill Clinton, John Podesta, Anthony Weiner, Al Franken and all the other DemonRats with skeletons in the closet that refuse to go away. The cognitive dissonance is strong in this one!
Mindlessly lapping up baseless rumors of sexual misconduct is why you lost.
That's fine. I totally agree. In this country, you are innocent until proven guilty.
Literally looks like the old pedo from family guy
Humanity did.
I didn't lose, I live in Michigan. The people of Alabama lost by believing a fucking lie and voting for a cock sucking, pro-abortion, pro-illegal immigration, anti 2nd Amendment Democrat.
>Bill Clinton,
John Podesta,
never held elected office
Anthony Weiner,
stepped down
Al Franken
is going to step down
whats your point again? how many republicans have had to step down because they get caught fucking men while claiming to be family men who vote against the gay agenda.
Moore got schlonged by tens of thousands of black Alabama schlongs
>anti 2nd Amendment Democrat
you haven't read a thing about Doug Jones have you? he has fought his own party because he is a staunch supporter of the 2nd amendment.
You mean a hit campaign? Democrats cheated and slandered despite zero proof. Stupid autist.
My point is, the fucking Democrats threw a couple of their own guys under the bus, so they could turn around and claim they have the moral high ground against the Republicans. How stupid do people have to be not to see that's what this is really all about?
Everything we've heard about him up here in Michigan says he's fucking anti 2nd Amendment, and we have no reason to doubt it.
Oh, so they should have fallen for the pedo's Christian virtue signaling?
they did whats right, instead of supporting a dumbfuck pedophile. The man has never had a thing that isn't fucking retarded. yet everyone feels they have to support him simply because he has an (R) next to his name. The republicans here in Alabama fucked up and chose an absolute moron as their guy. Its no one's fault but their own.
Boo Ya...Get in here Guys pol is lefty again
Wow, you're really pushing hard with your projectionism here Skippy.
>believe political propaganda without proof or research
Get out we're full
That's not a word.
Question for you. Outside of the allegations that conveniently only popped up right before the election, what reputable, 100% irrefutable evidence do you or anyone else actively possess to support your accusations that Roy Moore is a pedophile?
According to the Alabama Political Reporter, Jones described himself as “a Second Amendment guy,” but stressed that some gun control is necessary. He said, “We’ve got limitations on all constitutional amendments in one form or another.” This position is contrary to the clear language of the amendment, which states that the right to keep and bear arms “shall not be infringed.” He stressed that he loves to hunt but still believes in “smart” gun laws.
>eat a bag of dicks, asswad.
fuck off Yankee, this heres a Southern thread.
Typing in all caps, as if that somehow makes your argument more compelling, only shows that you had nothing of intellectual value to add to the discussion in the first place.
Well, your problem is obvious then, Southern boy....
Next year is gonna be awesome. Politically, and just in general. I can feel it in my bones. Blue wave 2018. Magatards got a taste of their fascist fantasy and blew their wads too fast.
You guys, you lost fucking *Alabama*.
nice meme dad, but I think you misspelled facebook on the address bar.
>picks up one fucking seat in an off year special election.
>thinks this somehow means they've already clinched 2018.
>Fails to realize that the Alabama seat is up for grabs again in 2020, alone with several other key states which the Democrats could lose.
KYS, seriously
Jones said he is “a Second Amendment guy.”
“We’ve got limitations on all constitutional amendments in one form or another,” Jones said. “I want to enforce the laws that we have right now. The biggest issue, I think, that’s facing the Second Amendment right now is that we need to make sure we shore up the National Crime Information System, the NCIC system for background checks, to both keep guns out of the hands of criminals, but at the same time, cut down on error so that law-abiding citizens can get those.”
Jones said he loves to hunt and has a case full of his own guns, but wants to make sure regulations are “smart.”
good job editing the quote you stupid cocksucker.
Like I should give a rusty fuck what you think, toadboy?
When we say you are on the wrong side of history we aren't joking.
You'll learn to lose so much you'll get to love it soon and there's nothing you can do about it.
Fuck you, you liberal asslicker. Go beat off to your new pal Jonesy.
So you're just going to ignore that "well regulated militia" part of the second amendment? I understand. It always conveniently gets left out.
Honestly yeah. Even without any of the allegations Moore said and did lots of radical shit that rubs people the wrong way. Openly saying we should go back to slavery in a state with a lot of black voters is really stupid. It's the same with Trump. He acts like an idiotic asshole. People would be more likely to extend them the benefit of the doubt if they acted level headed, professional, and so on. But they act like stupid dickhead children. All the harassment news is really a backlash to Trump being an obnoxious idiot.
They have no one to blame but themselves. Any grown up can do better. And even if things do pan out for Trump, I don't think he's playing 5D chess anymore. I think he's a rich idiot puppet of globalist corporatists who got where he is through dumb luck, twitter, and shitty reality tv and like any annoying loud pop culture fad has worn out his welcome with people.
oh no someones mad that somebody can actually post facts instead of making things up to fit his own confirmation bias.
The actual quote from alreporter:
>“We’ve got limitations on all constitutional amendments in one form or another,” Jones said. “I want to enforce the laws that we have right now. The biggest issue, I think, that’s facing the Second Amendment right now is that we need to make sure we shore up the National Crime Information System, the NCIC system for background checks, to both keep guns out of the hands of criminals, but at the same time, cut down on error so that law-abiding citizens can get those.”
So he supports laws already on the books, nothing more.
>eat a bag of dicks, asswad.
pic related
have fun inheriting a dying empire
The phrase "well-regulated" was in common use long before 1789, and remained so for a century thereafter. It referred to the property of something being in proper working order. Something that was well-regulated was calibrated correctly, functioning as expected. Establishing government oversight of the people's arms was not only not the intent in using the phrase in the 2nd amendment, it was precisely to render the government powerless to do so that the founders wrote it.
Do you know what "well regulated" means, faggot?
Can't fug the Doug
Oh no, like I should really give a flying fuck about your opinion jackass?
Whether it was a special election or not doesn't matter, the state just carried Trump handily a year ago. Look at the numbers and see the depressed turnout from white voters in areas that were Trump strongholds last fall. Look at the surge in black and young voters, they held their levels from 2012 and in some cases exceeded them. It doesn't mean anything is in the bag for 2018 but its a great harbinger of what's to come, and you are a fool if you think this was not a referendum on or a response to Trump. Arizona and Nevada are very much in play, and Beto's making waves in Texas too.
2018 is going to be a fucking good year, I'll tell you this right now. Momentum is not with Republicans anymore; start looking at yourselves and asking why.
Everybody lost user. Everybody lost.
Really the ONLY thing this guy had over moore was that he wasnt a child rapist.
But other than that, hes just a shit as moore
>I think he's a rich idiot puppet of globalist corporatists who got where he is through dumb luck, twitter, and shitty reality tv and like any annoying loud pop culture fad has worn out his welcome with people.
Well said, his dumbshit supporters haven't gotten the memo yet though.
you're a child who can't except that he's wrong. grow the fuck up and learn to accept facts instead of distorting everything to fit your ideals.
>wasn't a child rapist.
We don't know that yet. The way all the stories keep popping up about alleged sexual misconduct, I'm not going to be a bit surprised if at some point, ol Dougy boy finds himself thrown under the bus because 'They expect one of us in the wreckage, brother.'
He literally has the "fuck my shit up senpai" haircut
>Bannon is a Zionist
>Southern Baptists are all Zionists because the bible says Israel belongs only to Jews
>Roy Moore is a massive fucking Zionist, even if he thinks Jews go to hell once they die
>Orthodox Jews all praise Trump and Bannon's policies
hes a faggy liberal theres now way he doesnt want more laws
Democrats couldnt even get a landslide over a pedophile, even with the entire MSM shilling for them
I guess it edged out the Russian money this time around.
didnt trump back strange?
Sexual misconduct is Russian Roulette for every celebrity and politician at the moment.
It can kill anyone, but as long as you survive everyone else you win.