Hey guys, just here to remind you:
For a loser of a president who’s losing you elections, you gave up net neutrality
Good job, morons
Hey guys, just here to remind you:
For a loser of a president who’s losing you elections, you gave up net neutrality
Good job, morons
Other urls found in this thread:
“Hur durr muh limitless bandwidth”
>my internet bill immediately drops to $40
Nice propaganda you nigger
Lol keep believing that
Wonder what will happen to Sup Forums when corporate censorship on the internet is a thing
But this has already happened in countries without net neutrality
>normies would be stripped from my websites as they'd stop paying for them
>this is bad thing
Well I guess if you’re not an American and post here regularly then yeah it’s a good thing.
Oh wait Sup Forums is hosted in the us, and thus would be subject to the subsequent rise in bandwidth costs
I guess you wouldn’t be safe
how does it feel to be sucking this greaseball's dick
Already legal to have packages. ISPs can bundle websites anytime they want under the Obama's FCC rules
Like it even matters. All major internet discussion websites besides this one are heavily censored to fit the designed narrative. Just like Newspapers, TV, and Radio always were. The internet was free for a while. Now Twitter, Facebook, and Reddit are where the majority spend their time and they are already heavily censored. The repeal just makes it so the government won't be directly in the business of the censorship. At least that way there can be at least some competition. Remember when the gov. does something it knows isn't good for people they name it the opposite of it's true intent. Hence Patriot Act, Affordable Care Act, Net Neutrality etc....
You don’t know what true censorship is
But don’t worry, you will
This is already happening exactly like the Reddit way you dumb niggerkike.
lies retard
I think they should leave it the way it is, but I think the OP image isn't doing a good job of being being satirical. It looks like a good thing. Increase the prices.
Actually I dont give a shit what they do.
iirc this is a data plan
You wanna know what the best part is? The real reason internet companies shill so hard for net neutrality is because in the long run ISPs consider them end users. That's right, THEY could potentially be charged more for increased traffic. Do you actually think they give a shit about your browsing freedom? Why do you think google has been so aggressive in the last decade trying to implement their fiber optic network and become an ISP themselves? They know that it would be far more profitable to charge the multi billion dollar company a fee for using half the internet's data than it would be to charge some poor sap who reads an article here and there. Jewgle is afraid.
commies wont be able to afford internet.... . you neckbeards will have to go outside because you cant afford internet... if you ask me i think this will save our country if they start charging for websites. youre all fucking addicted to the internet how much more degenerate can you get . slaves to the digital jew
Fuck off
> Removes net neutrality
> Rural poor people can't afford the Premium Deluxe Social Media package
> No more Facebook for MAGAfags
> No more methods of GOP misinformation shilling available
> No Russian influence campaigns possible
How are you going to tell all 52 of your cousins that Hillary invented AIDS now?
Why? Can't handle intelligent arguments? If the powers that be are so superior why do they need to control the narrative at all? Could it be because they are totally full of shit, and can't into logic worth the littlest fuck? If all you are good at is subverting everything why would you even think you were intelligent at all let alone superior? Me thinks thou est delusional to the max. Why not try letting actually smart people at it for once. Who knows what could be accomplished.
Bandwidth is bandwidth my friend
Cute, you think they're not going to fuck you
>that didn’t exist 2 years ago
>t. Comcast
I know for a fucking fact net neutrality has been around for at least a decade you dumb nigger. Stop shilling and fucking kill your self like you know you should.
Excellent post
>we need to save obama internet!
nah, the last 4 years my internet service has been the slowest it has ever been
Cool, soon it will be slow and expensive
That's for cell phones you fucking leaf
Stop spamming that fake news. Zero-rating (which is not counting apps/services against your data cap) is completely allowed under FCC and EU NN laws.
I would love a wireless plan like that too for only $30 a month.
massdialers, the olds and tards love that shit
And what's the difference?
No, he is right. ISPs can limit site access either by package services or by their own discretion as long as they openly advertise the practice and they don't sell themselves as a neutral platform. Obama's "Net Neutrality" doesn't actually solve anything.
attpublicpolicy .com/consumer-broadband/the-surprising-to-me-narrowness-of-the-d-c-circuits-title-ii-decision/
According to the concurrence, which was written by Judges Sri Srinivasan and David S. Tatel (the same judges who wrote theunderlying decisionbtw), “the net neutrality rule applies only to ‘those broadband providers who hold themselves out as neutral, indiscriminate conduits’ to any content of a subscriber’s own choosing,” (quoting the underlying decision). The concurrence goes on to say, “the rule does not apply to an ISP holding itself out as providing something other than a neutral, indiscriminate pathway – i.e., an ISP making sufficiently clear that it provides a filtered service involving the ISP’s exercise of editorial discretion.”
I was surprised by this, though I should not have been since the FCC’s own lawyer implicitly conceded this point during oral argument. And even supporters of Title IInow appear to agreethat the scope of Title II is limited to ISPs not offering a “curated experience.” However, in the past, supporters of Title II often alleged that without reclassification, ISPs would be free to block unpopular opinions or viewpoints that they disagreed with. In the understanding of the D.C. Circuit panel majority, it seems that the Title II order does not touch such practices as long as an ISP clearly discloses its blocking plans to customers
wow it probably sucks to be an am*rican
Wow! That's exactly what my internet was in 2008!
it is slow and expensive now
no other country has internet as article 2 shariabluechan
Yeah their net neutrality laws aren't comprehensive enough, I'm not sure how that makes it fake news
It's not allowed under canadian NN laws and telecoms have been fined for trying it
Time to step down as chairman of FCC fag.
Would any of your amerifaggots really be against NN if you didn't worship at the feet of that kike-loving shitbag in the whitehouse?
Shill harder (((alphabet inc. employee)))
This bullshit was posted back in 2009.
I hated trump when I first heard about net neutrality (before he announced cause he bullied Ron Paul at CPAC...)
Were you upset when you have to pay more for DSL or cable coming from dial-up?
fuck net neutrality
I’m open to see what it does first before I judge him for repealing it.
>thinking an ancient meme photo is going to persuade me
Also, if the internet will be fucked, why not take the oppurtunity to go out and get some sun, make new friends, and quick jerking off for a fucking change eh?
Having 2-4 firms fight for what your allowed to see is better than the FCC deciding what your allowed to say.
The ISPs literally could censor or restrict any-site if they wanted to, Net Neutrality has done nothing to stop it, yet most ISPs do nothing and just quietly provide you internet at a high rate and sometimes sell some of your data off to advertisers.
Google, Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, and Wikipedia have proven them selves to be the masters of mass censorship. Google and Facebook specifically have received major help from the US government and functions less like a business and more like a government everyday anyway.
Cable was cheaper because I wasn't buying 2 phone lines, so no
So just because it's cheaper for you it's okay? I have three or four ISPs I can choose from, that means there's obviously no monopoly.
I have 4 ISPs I can choose from and the average prices here are cheaper than the US, and we have full net neutrality
I'm not sure what point you're trying to make
That dial-up to cable is not cheaper for everyone and no one made a big deal having to pay more. Even when other countries have faster speeds and are cheaper than the US no one makes a big deal out of it.
Okay, what does that have to do with anything?
I don't want this. Please. I'm terrified the whole internet will be blocked for me. The end of the world comes with this and I want to live. Society can't advance without the internet.
If you still need to ask, you don't get it.
It's okay you can put the spaghetti back in your pockets friend, I won't laugh. The dial up transition isn't comparable to the wireless transition.
>Also, if the internet will be fucked, why not take the opportunity to go out and get some sun, make new friends, and quick jerking off for a fucking change eh?
because you'll be arrested for disobeying a law you that was put into place that you never had a chance to hear about because anywhere that tried to discuss it was unlisted and ran at 1/100 the speed of the propaganda sites?
>my internet bill drops to $35/mo
>only 4 ISP’s
>not a monopoly
There should be a lot more than that for a so called “open and free” internet don’t you think?Most of america only has 1 ISP to fucking run on, and it’s strange to me that even with the current NN rules in place that ISP’s and cable companies are allowed to merge.
>allowed to merge
>choices for ISP’s/cable and saving your money are gone
>soon you are left with one ISP running the entire country
Reminds me of pic related.
They would castrate themselves and eat their own internal organs if it meant the off chance of muh pissing off libbies.
The ISPs in the US and Canada are definitely monopolies and I think it's a serious issue, but that's largely a separate issue from net neutrality
Arrested for what?
for questioning an oppressed minority you fucking racist. Ignorance of the law is not an excuse.
Yeah as if these “oppressed” minorites don’t ignore the law everyday.Last time I checked they wanted to kill cops, the ones who enforce the law.Sarcastic post or not, my point still stands.
>whats the difference between subscribing to a PaaS vs networking to your own hardware
jesus christ you literally know nothing about telecommunications
>sucking X's dick
>users demand a service and are willing to pay money
>corporations are just going to completely ignore what they want
>other people are free to start there own ISPS
>People don't realize there are hundreds of ISPs
>There won't be a huge demand for more and more alternative ISPs without packet shaping
>The only way that would be prevented is if you do stupid shit like expand the government to have control over the internet so they can just lobby for a monopoly instead of having to actually compete
I want to you to seriously, literally think about how completely misinformed you are. No one gives a shit about your retarded (probably shill) opinion because obviously you just want to be a virtual signaling altruistic white knight social justice warrior with no knowledge of basic capitalism or consumer economics.
Literally kill yourself.
Cellular networks are not PaaS, they're NaaS. This is some pot calling the kettle black shit.
You subscribe to the apps, which is delivered through their platform. You don't buy additional access to the network, because an app is not transport layer communications.
Try again retard.
I don't agree with you, but I'm not going to argue on in. You're being pointlessy pedantic when the context of the question was cleary in redards to net neutrality, not how are they technically different.