Loki To Be Pansexual and Genderfluid


Marvel continues their descent into SJW madness. Now Loki has decided he's a flaming snowflake. Hurray. Next thing you know he'll have a list of pronouns and he'll dye his hair blue.

First they turn Thor into a chick. Now they turn Loki into a genderfluid queer. They've completely abandoned any basis in Norse mythology. Pretty soon Loki is going to be into beastiality at this rate. Seriously, wtf?

it worked so well all the other times they tried
On the other hand
>Capeshit finally dying
see, it's all good after all.

as the norse god is mischief, becoming a trap is pretty mischievous

>caring about (((comics)))

>bleeding cool
I know that's you, Rich the Leech. I'm not clicking on your shitty website. Yes Loki is genderfluid and poopsexual. he turned himself into a female horse, got fucked, and gave birth. And he turned himself into a female Giant. And in the comics he was a girl for a year or two. It's no big deal. He's a villain, he's supposed to be degenerate

Got tired of Sup Forums not taking your bait and trying Sup Forums instead, are we?
Reminder that Loki canonically turned into a woman and allowed himself to be fucked by a horse.
Catch up on your fucking Norse mythology before trying to incite outrage.


>Loki is going to be into beastiality at this rate. Seriously, wtf?
Bait detected. Everyone knows Loki turned into a mare and got fucked in the legends.

Who the fuck is Rich? The only rich I care about is Seth Rich you curry nigger.

Quality bait

>Nordfags are faggots

Accurate AF!

Dude, in the legit ancient Nordic legends Loki IS genuinely tranny tier. He shapeshifts into women all the time. He even shapeshifted into a female horse, got fucked by a male horse, and gave birth to Sleipnir, the eight legged horse Odin rides. I'm also pretty certain he gave birth to wolves a couple of times, too.

Not that I'm saying what Marvel is doing is ok, but at least do some basic research before whining like a little bitch faggot about Someone Is Doing That Thing I Don't Like.

He's the (r)ed(d)itor in chief of BC

Have you read Loki's lore?, the actual Norse lore?

>SvaĆ°ilfari is a stallion that fathered the eight-legged horse Sleipnir with Loki (in the form of a mare
The dude took the form of a female horse, got knocked up by another horse, and birthed a 8 legged horse....

>god of madness is a raging degenerate

Colour me suprised.

>coward, backstabber, liar, manipulator of the masses and spreader of fake news, megalomaniac

Most accurate portrayel of a gay man so far desu.

>TFW Loki, Norse God of Chaos and Mishief, is Trolling you

>Loki is going to be into beastiality at this rate.
>being so far off you're back where you started
you know that he actually was into beastiality and turned himself into a woman in northern mythology, you just want your (You)s

>old Loki: Intemidating as fuck, malicious, ugly, tensions with his father that are more than just muh daddy issues
>nu Loki: Gay twink that wants to take over the world because daddy didn't love him.

yass queen

>First they turn Thor into a chick. Now they turn Loki into a genderfluid queer.
They already made Heimdall a nigger and had a gook in Asgard in the first movie, it was cancer from the start

>>Capeshit finally dying

This. When it starts to die I realize why did we ever obsess over this strange abstraction to begin with.

>Loki To Be Pansexual and Genderfluid
So faggotry brings about the end of the world.

I'm ok with this. It's accurate.

>there will never be a true Silver Surfer movie while Stan Lee lives ;__;

>First they turn Thor into a chick. Now they turn Loki into a genderfluid queer. They've completely abandoned any basis in Norse mythology.
Troll thread, pun intended, move along

Marvel is perfectly aware of this. Back in 2014 Nu-Loki had a solo comic, and the villain was his future self who wanted to kick his ass for going through such a horrible phase

>He even shapeshifted into a female horse, got fucked by a male horse, and gave birth to Sleipnir, the eight legged horse Odin rides
Does Odin know he's riding his son's horse baby that he birthed hisself?
What the fuck kind of legends did these people have? No wonder they converted to Christianity.

Why is this in Sup Forums? This is about someone's creative freedom. If I want to make a comic about a gender queer Zeus then I should have the right to do so.

Or are you implying liberty and free speech should not exist?

Sometimes I forget just how much semen slurping faggotry Norse and pagan mythology really has

I think OP is implying this should be laughed at. I'd recommend it be moved to Sup Forums. Even though Sup Forums is the opposite of Sup Forums

you're pretty retarded for getting triggered over what a mythological trickster does

didn't he turn into a female horse to seduce a giant's horse to fuck him

this isn't anything new for loki

>he turned himself into a female horse
Thats just having taste

>Does Odin know
Yes. He gains wisdom by guzzling cum.

Where's that book excerpt about Odin eating sperm?

Beat me to it!

well he is the god of trickery so makes sense to be honest

Loki is Trudeau in the comics?


It fits both the comic and Norse lore.
I'm not even into futa, but it fits.

>Loki is going to be into beastiality at this rate
Norse and Greek myth is full of weird kinky shit.

funny because the guy who plays him is gay too

>not realizing Loki tricked himself into fucking himself and gave birth to his wife's daughter

I thought you faggot pagans understood your shit?

Fucking Zeus transforms into a bull and fucks greek chicks.

Huh. Dunno if that is on purpose. Funny since Cho got in trouble with some PC police over drawing some character too revealing.

The difference is Loki was fucked up because he was a deviant, this is going to be presented as a good thing.

Receding hairline.

You fucking moron. Loki birthed a child with a horse, and on a multitude of occasions transformed into a woman.


See this This is why you people should never talk about comic books that you don't even read. It's like right-wing SJWs when you do that.

Honestly if this shit fits any character, it's probably Loki.

How is changing sexes changing genders when gender is supposed to be independent of sex now?

Face it, there is no hope for Am*rica. The irony is that you make fun of Sweden, Germany and my faggot ass country but look at the shit you're doing...

>go up and talk to women lol just be yourself, bro

you probably don't even read these comics ya big baby

The cover that started the current run of outrage.

the outrage from the character's cocreator

and Cho's personal reply and gift

then he just poured salt on the wound with future comissions

That sucks. I remember when I was a kid I read all about Loki and he was my favourite character from the Norse pantheon. Wagonburners used to come in to school and tell us stories and some of their stories about Raven were very similar to the Loki stories and I thought they were connected and basically read everything I could about Loki, and have always kind of identified with him and felt a kinship with his mentality as it's portrayed in the old stories ect.

And of course he has to be gay now. Everything has to kiss the ring.
Since I'm born and raised new world I can't really claim my Norse heritage but still, it IS shitting on an actual culture and I think that's really disrespectful.




It's accurate to the mythology.
>Loki once became a female horse in order to get fucked by an Ice Giant's stallion and have baby horses.


Jesus he's pisses. Also how is he allowed to draw Spiderman on the cover of DC comics

Check your privilage, true believers!

>Still paying attention to the modern SJW-infested shitheap that are Western (((comics))) in current year

Loki is also evil in norse mythology.

These are comissions. They are blank covers fans pay to have sketches on. Technically DC or Marvel could prevent artists from doing sketches of their characters. Yet they don't since they want to hire from these talent pools. It is a grey area and artists are allowed to draw just about whatever they want. It is an unwritten law of comic book industries.

I just realized that this kind of 80s and 90s humor is utterly dead. What the fuck happened to the left? I never liked them, but at least they used to have a sense of humor, and thrived on offending people, rather than being offended.

actually... that is totally accurate with Norse Mythos so.... I can't blame the SJWs for this one

Corporations have long bred republicans as sycophantic, violent footsoldiers who will lash out aggressively at any attempt to curb their power. While funneling billions into electing politicians like Trump who only serve as vessels to personally enrich themselves. And for many decades they've been dutifully trained that it's not the billionaire who's raising their taxes, cutting their hours, taking their health care, and pensions, moving their jobs over sees, it's the black person or the mexican doing it. And the saddest thing of all is how they make republicans swallow this lie they've called a redpill.

Is there a way to break the brainwashing on the average republican before their programming goes completely haywire and their economic masters completely drive them to genocide as a last ditch attempt to protect their interests from politicians who would actually make them pay their fair share?

I am fairly liberal and even I am sick of some of the PC bullshit at the big two. Sad to even see some more conservative authors I like sidelined, such as Bane co-creator Chuck Dixon.

Heres the thing, the people pushing for shit like this in the various entertainment industries arent the ones buying the products.

All sorts of bullshit with feminism infested games for a whole, they tanked because whilst feminists can be outraged over games, they dont actually buy them.

Superheroes get blacked and roastied and twinked because LGBTQBXS5TRFUGRDR demand it, but those kind of people arent the ones actually buying superhero comics. Name the last time you saw a gay muslim black guy in a wheelchair roll past with a stack of freshly bought comic books in his lap?

Its the same thing killing bloated and corrupt industries. I say fuck it. We dont NEED goddamned comic books, videogames, and pro sports. We dont NEED movies and TV. Its all just leftist trash anyways. Get off your ass, unsubscribe from TV, stop playing timewasting games, stop fantasizing about being a retard in a cape.

Get mad, starve thier coffers, and make change happen.

The kikes apparently have no problems with culturally appropriating Norse culture.

Except that Loki was a fucking genderbending shapeshifting omnisexual in the goddamn Norse myths you fucking retard

Cho is fairly liberal and has a history of disliking Republicans. Yet now he finds so called fellow liberals are just as bad as the fucking Bible thumpers he used to get in trouble with.

>pagancucks defending this
This is why Jesus Christ our lord and savior is the true white mans religion.

>He even shapeshifted into a female horse, got fucked by a male horse, and gave birth to Sleipnir,
He was forced to do that by the other gods because otherwise they were gonna kill him for almost allowing the builder to complete his task but then right after that they just have thor go smash the builders skull in cause it turns out he was a jotun. So Loki was raped for nothing.

Don't forget Nordic Nigger Valkyrie. She's getting her hurr did in the halls of Valhalla

Oh you mean that one written by AN ATHEIST JEW HOMOSEXUAL?

I wasn't specifically referring to him. I just remember that style of humor from the 90s.

It just reminded me of how much the world has changed. The new societal norms creep up on you and you forget how everything that was completely normal 20 years ago, now offends everyone and can get you into a lot of trouble.

>Pretty soon Loki is going to be into beastiality at this rate.

He'll have to go through pedophilia first.

um no it's not. it's probably at the height of popularity

The modern concept of faggotry and tranny shit has nothing to do with the magical powers of mythological figures, and this is transparently Jewish poz. They aren't going to retell the sagas, they are just going to make an already shitty character in a movie a faggot.

Love Frank Cho since Liberty Meadows

He always did like boobs, and despite being Asian, he never really felt the need to fill his comics with them.

>He always did like boobs

Can't blame him for that. And he does seem to enjoy trolling.

So he's in my OK-book for the time being.

>Now they turn Loki into a genderfluid queer. They've completely abandoned any basis in Norse mythology.

actually iirc loki is ergi (basically a reciever of anal sex from men) and a siethr (witch). same with odin on both counts, plus odin drinks a ton of semen in the earliest tales we have.

not even joking.

>Pretty soon Loki is going to be into beastiality at this rate.
>They've completely abandoned any basis in Norse mythology.

what is Sleipnir for 500?

Thinking that gods have a fixed gender or can be queer is Amerimutt/christcuck limited thinking.

Any chance Loki would fuck a horse would be a (almost) complete break from Norse Mythology...

it "fits" the norse lore? i don't think that gods taking on the forms of animals or humans of either sexes had much to do with snowflakeism and cummies.

>Loki is a trickster and he has magic powers to shape shift
>Snowflakes take this to literally mean he's mentally ill like them

Just kill (((Marvel/Disney))) already.

If you have seriously EVER watched one of those films you need to be shot.


This is our religion they are kiking up and selling to the masses, it's disgusting

Totally not slippery slope!