Execute Order 66

Does this mean what I think it means?

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It means he thinks Jones will have to be re-elected in Nov 2018

this. only a 2-year seat


Day of the Rope is about to commence.

Well he did said once that he can shoot someone and still get elected so I wouldn't put it pass me.


He knows the Dems played dirty, and fell right in the trap...go get em President Trump

It's because the seat is up for reelection in 2020. Not a full term.

hahaha day of the rope awoo we are magapede orange man is playing 4d chess haaaaa I fucking love /r/the_donald too B)))

they set a trap for them busing in black voters. shits going to get crazy soon. brother is an official near huntsville. they planned this trap months ago to finally put an end to the bussing in votes. its going to get very ugly before the recount vote.

>its going to get very ugly

That's where I thrive user.

Already confirmed this is a Kellyanne tweet, not Trump. Trump's rage-out sperg will be tomorrow morning as per usual. CAN'T WAIT!

"I wanted BIG Luther all along! MERGA! Sad!"

He specifically said he could shoot his supporters and they would still suck his cock. Trump is too scared to shoot at somebody who might shoot back.

You think Alabama didn't already have every system in place to make it as hard as possible for black people to vote? Where did they bus votes in from? Out of state? Did they forge enormous amounts of state IDs and no one in Alabama was able to catch it?

>It never ends!

What is wrong with providing transport for voters who need it?

It's a three year seat, he's up for reelection in 2020, Sessions was reelected in 2014.

Haven't you heard? Being black in America makes your life easy. You get free money, fancy cars, get to be on TV for free, and even get to be President. Being black in the USA is fucking easy street.

Don't you know?

He's a Senator until Jan 3, 2021.

>I wouldn't put it past me


People who can't afford their own transportation have no business making decisions that affect others.

If he shot someone, I would elect him even harder.

They were giving out free IDs to anyone who didn't have one.

All votes should be submitted with your tax returns.

Did the Democrats really think that they could use their own bullshit tactics while Trump was in charge? Under his watchful eye? CHECKED.

>5th Avenue
>trump supporters

We will see how this plays out. I smell a trap, and the Dems fell for it. Moore refuses to concede. They went to the courts before the vote to hold data. This is a set up.

2020 not 2018


I thought because it was a special election that it’s full term?

this. hopefully after 2 years of bullshit the state will vote Jones out

Checked. I hope you’re not yanking my chain desu. My heart can’t takw it

Id ‘s? Nigger where you REALLY from? Sadly Dems won’t let us use voter id. Soros would’ve had them register there, bus them in. God you’re retarded

I sincerely hope you’re joking

Jones will finish sessions term. then another election in 2020


I live in NYC we don’t fucking even use id’s. Where the fuck you live at!?

Imho the odds for Moore were too high for this loss, Desu.

Hmmm ok ty.

Lets hope

Since when is niggers full of lead hanging from trees ugly?

Did that not get turned down?

When does he start? January?

God I fucking hate liberals and wish that faggot Soros would just die already


And yet, MAGAfags are allowed to make decisions for others.

Almost like democracy doesn't always turn out the way you want it.

People like you should never vote
It’s a filler for 11 months if seated in the first place

Look up what a special election is kid

He’s out November 2018 Moore would have been a tougher fight

Listen I have never in my 35 years met 1 non corrupt democrat. Every single thing Soros & Hillary have their hands in ends up corrupt, morally bankrupt and benefits ONLY them.

NYC is a socialist shithole. Of course you don't use identification.

Every other major country on the planet uses voter IDs. Only Democraps refuse to use them because it easily exposes their voter fraud.

They didn't think the left was idiotic enough to do it this time but they took the bait. Democrats couldn't resist this because they would be humiliated completely if they lost this after investing such a large scale character assassination in deep red alabama. The media will start backpedaling heavily soon after they start to comprehend what's going to happen.

Blacks asked to come in from Mississippi to vote in Alabama.

Nothing to see here, move along......

I want to see this entire ZOG establishment come crashing down now. I've had enough bullshit

did this pic scare away the shills?

Sup Forums is consistently the most gullible board that constantly falls for LARPs. the only board more gullible is >my brother is an "official" in Alabama and he says its happening
>you retards eat up every word

I thought the trap was calling him a child molester over and over again

>making assumptions on whether or not I believe something is true

You have a lot to learn

Fuck off JIDF piece of shit.

I just assume you're a retard so I'll never be disappointed.

>getting this mad about being called out as a 85-IQ gullible moron
Hey buddy, my dad works for nintendo and he says shit is going down soon. You should sell all your assets and buy 20k worth of perishable fuel and bugout gear.

because if you actually care you would walk

fucking Shareblue. Get a real job loser.

>More whining about Soros

Your jew boogeyman shit is not appreciated. No one outside of this festering neckbeard dumpster gives two shits about George Soros.

Clinton was a cunt. But if it comes down to the party of theocratic child molesters and the Dems, I'm going with the Dems.

Educate yourselves and maybe nominate a non-pedo the next time you want to win an election.

Dumb fucks.

Doesn't matter what you think. It won't stop whats going to happen. This state isn't going to let the filthy rats get their claws in and spiral us down like Georgia is quickly heading

You probably fell for the Calm Before The Storm LARP didn't you?

You call others dumb fucks ? Wow you make .002 a post Dumb fuck

uh huh, civil war any day now according to you LARPing faggots for the 10,403th time this year

>my sides

You say this while trumps entire cabinet is on the take from the Russian

Time will tell who will have the last laugh, won't it? The difference is I'm not committing federal crimes by being here. Shill on fucker


what federal crimes am i committing by trolling you larping retards on an anime imageboard? pls tell

>oh wait he actually thinks im paid to do this
i wish lmao, you faggots are way too easy to rile up

just make up cryptic shit and act like it's a leak against the "deep state" and you dipshits take the bait hook line and sinker.

some dude lead Sup Forums on a wild goose chase for 700 threads dropping "breadcrumbs" of literal cold reading tier bullshit and you act like you're some kind of expert at detecting shills when you fall for obvious larps because you so desperately want to believe in anything to validate your worldview. truly weak minds.

These dumb fucks still have the reddit thread up, asking blacks to come in from other States.


Was the text still there when you posted that link? It's deleted now.


I just tried it and the text was still up

only time will tell

nothing will happen like the last 9341 times u fags predict "martial law" and "civil war"

grow up

Why were there no exit polls?
No live broadcasts from the corner 100ft from the door?
No canvasing?
50% turnout?
Those ballots were trashed.
Have faith Sup Forums
They never would've done this had Strange won.

I'll take it one step further.

there should be a minimum net worth, I'll just spit ball a number, $50,000.
A F T E R any out standing debts.

AND, OR, be a property owner.

If you are on the doll in any form what soever you should be ineligible to vote due to conflict of interests.

I've been saying this for years.

That and bring the hammer down on voter fraud. Felony, 5 years in the fed MINIMUM. $50,000 fine.
second offense is execution. Tired of people perverting my fucking democracy.

This is a hot post. Gimme a free (You) cockboy.


>it never ends
i dont know how i feel about that

Nice try soros shill you jist want to play with us and then destroy our hopes

lol ur an aggressive guy, remind me alot of obama leaf,

I agree with you, last time a "leaker" walked up in here it caused the whole place to sperg out over nothing. And its not the first time pols gotten its hopes up over nothing, I remember when this board thought Trump was gonna make the best possible, most conservative health bill congress ever saw the 2nd day he got into office. And now every piece of legalization that come out of the executive branch has been an rushed piece of pipping shit. This websites filled with alot of hope and no outcomes...But you never really never know, nothings probably gonna happen, but plenty of strange has already happened

>they set a trap for them busing in black voters. shits going to get crazy soon. brother is an official near huntsville. they planned this trap months ago to finally put an end to the bussing in votes. its going to get very ugly before the recount vote.

I like this version of reality.


just 2spooky

bumping cause why not


Voters were blatantly threatened so they would not vote for Moore youtube.com/watch?v=dcmKZ63T0ac

This is fake news.
He never said he would shoot his own supporters. He said he could shoot someone.
Get your facts straight shareblue.

Cali does the same thing.

Pro Tip: It's because your DNC overlords want spics to determine who wins (more DNC people).

>You think Alabama didn't already have every system in place to make it as hard as possible for black people to vote?
I've yet to hear how in the year of our Lord 2017 black people are still getting their votes suppressed in America. It's always just vague things that sound kinda possible to a white liberal like apparently photo ID is an alien technology to niggers or the line to vote is too long and they feet hurt ;-;

Bus from Mississippi?

Look at who is really behind the attacks on the GOP. How do you drain the swamp? A REP seat was sacrificed to prove a point. Its almost like the National Inquirer is scripting politics. MAGA.

I prefer this version of events.

Any chance this is actually what happens?

I enjoyed the Calm Before The Storm story very much.

What appears to be "reality" does not have the plot points that I prefer. CBTS has better plot points.

Can confirm. They got caught in a honeypot, voter fraud send to DOJ. Sessions incoming.

And because you have the name "NSA user" that means you're with the NSA, that means everything you're saying is true, and you also sound like Qanon somewhat. This is great news everyone.