thread for any democratic related discussion
Democrat thread
Why are they so dumb?
neolibs get fucked
anarcho-syndicalist revolution NOW
Was a life long democrat.
Still am, but I'm voting for trump next election also.
2018 is gonna be a shitshow
Is roy moore a neo-con?
whys that,user?
The us needs to collapse plus most of your conservatives give zero fucks about white preservation, they only care about stupid shit like abortion and gays marrying
Why don't you ask me why I was a registered democrat for all of like 3 years before re-registering independent?
I don't really like democrats but I hate trump so
Biden/Warren 2018
Because he's not a cuck. He's not going to let Muslims run ramp-shard over things like women's rights and shit.
It blows my mind that there are Nazi's sympathizing with muslims on this board, I wouldn't expect anything less than depravity from the skinheads though.
Is he anti-immigration? Otherwise, he's another neo-con
>normie faggots like this unironically browse this board now
Or its bait and switch reverse schilling tactics i can't fucking tell
If you're a democrat does that make you part of the kkk?
One of the funniest things was meeting a fellow cuckservative during my time as an #insurgency op. Cuckservatives are cucks tho. Just another phase.
bump. Also sucks that it takes a major upset for us to come out of the weeds gentlemen. Let's be fucking proud for once, and conquer 2018
Thats rich coming from a leaf. If we fail you're fucked
lol no
>any right wing at all
Pls god no. Tulsi gabbard and gilepsie for 2020. Rubio and christe for republicants
Democrats are morons for importing savages who are misogynistic, homophobic and backward. The reason I don't want islam here isn't due to muh terrorism but how backward they are.
Republicans are morons for being obsessed with non-issues like abortion and gay marriage.
Okay thanks
Ok Democrats why should I vote to re-elect pic related next fall? I wrote him a letter asking him his opinion on DACA and he is not in line with what I beilieve.
As if I give a fuck about canada. I just want europe to return to being white and i dont want to see the us intervene in europe deporting their non-whites and for it to turn into another yugoslavia fiasco
Your way out of touch leaf. Its not going to end in some biblical anime battle. Its going to be a slow decent into hell. The ride never ends
It’s not going to get any whiter if we have anti white democrats in power.We run the show here, and electing more of them will only make europes situation worse, not better.
How does it feel running out of money?