if all men went on strike women would literally starve to death and we'd return to stone-age conditions within a generation
Daddy issues.
rotten milk
Where's Hitler 2.0 when you need him...?
Gross. Would fuck of extremely drunk
If all women went on strike, we'd have artificial wombs and cheap high end sex bots developed within 5 years.
What is this milk business?
Guess she doesn't want to be a part of the future
>Not being able to curve sub 5/10 even when blackout
You would sleep with her when you weren't drunk and no one knew if that's the case
The future is definitely not that kind of female
In case I was too subtle:
Because she looks like jar jar Binks had seen with predator
Would wife.
Don't you mean, like, sub 3/10?
I live in Portland. I'd say about a third of women here look like this, and then another 30% are thinner versions of this look. It's rough out here. They're easy as shit to fuck but they're all brainwashed completely by the leftist zeitgeist.
sour sjw milk
sour sjw soy milk
I never said she was a 5, just that she falls within that braket
accurate ranking though
I mean, I am left, but what the hell is wrong with these women? They look awful
Girls like this love being dicked by fascist dickheads btw
My fetish is overweight sjw girls with colored hair and half shaven heads. They make the perfect slam piggies.
They are left. That's the end result of leftism. Abandonment of beauty ideals. Promotion of alternative lifestyle.
One of the reasons it will never happens is because of women themselves and their preferences. In general, women only marry up, and they will always take a 'spanking' from an alpha. They'll always be a princess or a queen to a king. This is why patriarchy has always been the thing for civilisation since it gives men the options to self improve to attract the opposite sex. Something women have never had to do.
The west is probably the furthest away from a patriatchy right now, but it's still a form of patriatchy hence why men are the breadwinners in terms of work. Men are still the only NET taxpayers that are holding up this society where justice is against them with family courts, quotas etc. Call it a cucked patriatchy or a cucktriarchy, but it still stands, and it will only stay like this until it all crumbles and gets swept up by another patriarchy, or some kind of political revolution takes place.
I fucking hate the biff naked haircut
I didn't mind it on the odd punk or betty here and there, but this shit is getting stupid
Godamn warthog.
the future is diabetes and high blood pressure
The future is fat.
This is changing. The left managed to take over the institutions big time to the point where logic is rejected. Most uni graduates are already women if I'm not mistaken. If you want things to go back to normal wait 30 years.
There is no bottom to degeneracy.
We will slip further and further down that path if we allow it to.
I'm an atheist, but the Christians who tried to warn me of this 20 years ago were correct.
fuck does 'future is female' even mean?
This looks really stupid. Those furry tails I can understand because they can be hot, but this?
>This looks really stupid.
That's the idea!
I want to kill it in the
most inhumane way possible.
No, but not "sexy stupid", or "submissive stupid".
Just stupid.
A friend is marrying one of these, also brainwashed. It has started rubbing off onto him.
A depressing thing to think about.
How do you make an artificial womb?
They're complicated enough that there's no reason to make them as long as women are complicit with childbirth.
Men have stronger connections between brain areas for motor and spatial skills. ... On average, male brains are about 10% larger than female brains. "However, bigger doesn't mean smarter," says Daniel Amen, MD, author of Unleash the Power of the Female Brain. He's studied more than 45,000 brain scans.
I had to google to see if this image was true... I'm surprised it is. Even if you might be mayhaps sexist, thanks for the useless fact.
Every time
This future is going to be Islamic because of women :^(
An acceptance of a libertine lifestyle with no underlying standard by which they judge their behavior undesirable to restrain it.
I asked one of these people once: "Is there ever a point where you'd fight a undesirable social change?"
They answered: "No; I would just adapt to the new social norms"
These are the people running the major cities. It is why they are decaying in front of us. Because they don't care.
dumb tattoo
degenerate milkers
These people are always broke yet somehow they fork hundreds of currency units for tattoos and traveling.
I want to grab that fucking thing by it’s hair, slam it against a wall, but open the fucker and hang it by it’s own intestine and if that doesn’t work I’ll use the hair or just to a full on blood eagle or some shit.
Most things women do in education is totally pointless though. What exactly is being a graduate, if all you studied was spreading shit on toast for 3 years? Again, it will stay like this for a while. The furthest it will get is Sweden. You can get people to graduate, but you can't force them into positions they're not qualified for. It will crumble.
Really think about this, long and hard; Do you really want to see what that things' intestine looks like?
The future is diabetes
Most of them have fathers. The white ones, anyway.
You can tell they have fathers because they all have issues with them
She will die childless and alone.
Millennial women are going to be a depressing group when they hit fifty.
That thing is probably infertile. Not the future.
>looks like a lobotomy patient
fat and ugly, would not talk to
She voted for Roy Moore. She's white as fuck.
It's ugly
Where'd you get a pic of my gf op?
This is the look. I snagged a crude racist seattle version of this girl and she's not so bad.
Patriarchy exists because every rule, law, social convention, etc. is enforced via threat of violence, which men have the monopoly on
Men agree on rules
if you break the rules, violence falls upon you
women cannot enforce rules, because men can almost always successfully respond with violence against any rules not enforced by other men
Take a strong woman like in OP down any city street and black men will say awful things to her. All you have to do is say "that was rude" as an extreme understatement or anything of that ilk. After this experience is repeated, she will be programmed to think that (((they))) are rude. Easiest way to quickly make fat women racist.