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I guess fuck LBJ! is in order
Seriously, when are black people going to learn to stop voting democrat
Third world countries suck
choose one
Not true
Wanted 2 b gansta
But settled on wigger
Anyhoo - tikytoky
I'll give them a nice burning cross on their lawn to show my appreciation
After welfare runs out
Roy Moore wanted to repeal Amendments 10+
mfw reading your reply xD
Whoops meant for
Once again, blacks shitting on whites for absolutely no reason.
Getting tired of this bullshit from niggers.
>when whites vote red
"Whelp, it's just the racist whities again"
>when whites vote blue
"you're welcome whitie"
whites are getting trolled by blacks irl
They contradict everything you support lol
Thank you for making it clear that you will almost unanimously vote for your interests and against ours.
>when are black people going to learn to vote against their interest
Dear black people,
That cotton can't pick itself. Hop to it, or suffer the whip.
Your owner.
interest include the
Destruction of the black family.
Indentured servitude to the state via welfare .
Ethnic cleansing by spics because open borders and selective outrage.
Is blacks voting for illietrate niggers in Detroit an example of voting for thier interests?
Is blacks voting for the ANC in South Africa voting for their interests?
Is blacks voting for Mugabe to drive out the white farmers in former Rhodesia in their interests?
No, because Democrats are just pro-dysgenics of negros.
Checked and Kekd, the sad thing is that as third world demographic grows , we are seing third world politicians get elected with their same populistic shit.
that sorta cancels out then , since essentially saying they are lazy niggers who like to kill their own babies.
When will they thank whites for, well, everything?
Thank you, i guess i now have to give you a subaru too.
No fuck off you stupid niggers
This type of shit is why WE hate cracka
Dear Black People,
Slavery was America's greatest mistake.
Literally all white people
maybe stop treating niggers like shit
why is the president picking fights with them all the time? you think they don't understand racist dogwhistles like the NFL saga and telling cops to hit their heads?
Pretty sure it was mostly White people filling out those inner city ballots, just like in every other election.
Dear niggers
Fuck you for raising my taxes and supporting faggotry
Signed white men
my friend sad slavery was a mistake, i said i agreed.
So you choose to get genocided by Planned Parenthood, lose all the chance of actually being someone in life with things like the common core and "gibes" and kept pushed even lower than the lowest by illegal immigrants that will go after YOUR jobs first?
Must suck living in a state where everyone would kill u if tbey got a chance. Have fun nigger
You do know picking corn doesnt give you a tax increase?
This gives me hope for the future of America. Because at least the American Negro will die out as well.
I've said this to niggers before. Fucking hilarious how stupid they actually are.
It's because they legitimately agree with you.
Blacks want their own nation.
Watch the Democrats enable legal access to abortion for women and watch the black population kill itself off.
>are you defending slavery?
>the black voter
>win one election
Hey everyone, take a look at the narrative being spewed. Every plantation negro is shilling the narrative line.
Take note that this is a coordinated message and thus planned. Everyone relaxed and this shit happened. Time to refocus or give up.
Out of all animals on earth, the subhuman known as nigger NEEDS to be treated like shit.
They just sent a degenerate bigot to the US Senate. They don't get a thank you, they get a fuck you.
No actually it's not. They're offended and get pissed off. Almost as to say 'I have every right to be here too!' which is at odds with 'Whitey wuz so bad fuh taking us as slaves'. Either slavery was so bad and you agree you shouldn't be here, or slavery was awesome cause today you live in a (semi) 1st world nation instead of getting ebola and aids in Africa. The nigger can't reconcile both of these logical ends, and so rage.
I'm glad the white trash movement took a loss today you people disgust me
The feelings very mutual, but congratulations you've won 3 out of 11 necessary elections.
Take the Arghoslent pill Sup Forums
I'm going to build a 50ft tall robot that snatches niggers up and hits them with a giant cricket bat hard enough to put them into orbit. It's name will be Niggerbeaterbot
Niggers: Explained
Who are those peeps?
Ctr/shareblue employees
Fuck off if you're a for real nigger
Face it Sup Forums the Jews and their nigger pets have defeated us
when you stop being racist.
you niggers tricked a lot of beaners and niggers to vote for trump. after you won you all showed your true colors and real motives for why you wanted him in office.
this is just niggers and beaners realizing your (((sneaky))) motives
Thank you for this lovely cotton shirt. It is very comfortable, affordable and durable.
And Roy Moore, a Republican thinks that two men fucking one another have the same natural rights as the dog sitting on your living-room sofa, is perfectly OK with violating the Constitution (unless it hurts him, then he'll make sure to grandstand how important it is)
you faggots to the same to them
Through atrocity propaganda and subliminal manipulation the Jews have succeeded in the eradication of whites. It's only a matter of time before we voluntarily genocide ourselves and fulfill the request of the kalergi plan, a world full of half bred shit skin mongrels lead by their Jewish masters.
Oh it's happening sweetheart, it's been in motion since your grandad was in his daddy's nut sack
Here's a joke.
What did niggers use for light before candles?
This is because there are no whites and civilization has collapsed.
Have some funny Latvian jokes
>be Bama Nogs
>be entirely dependent on gibs
>be a whopping 28% of the Alabama vote
>come out in force and vote 96% for gibs
28%, though an impressivge plurality, is not enough to swing any gibs. Niggers owe whites a thank you, as usual. Yet here they are demanding tobe thanked. As usual.
Fucking niggers.
Literally this. I work in a kitchen with 8 Mexicans, they DESPISE black people. The more spics you let into this country, the more they will start to literally kill niggers. I'm not even sure I'm mad about it desu. I would rather just have white people though.
Negroes are still voting for the former Massas? Once slaves - always slaves.
Dear Black People...
Shit, I forgot they can't read words besides the basics...
> Masters
learn spelling fag
fuck off with your kike cartoon shit and go back to where you came from, fags are subhuman, I'd sooner give a dog more rights
spineless dogs like you allowed Jews to ruin this country