you white people need us bcause your boring and depressed.
White people need us
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Ruined that breeding sow.
I cUMMED lole
not only are they depressed but they are insane and creepy
yeah I saw that, boner went down 30%
ffs learn how to spell nigger
Nope. We need ro gou out and burn this place to the ground, kill all femnazis n niggers! Thas much more action n fun!
Thank you for further cementing my belief that blacks and whites are fundamentally different
Ps. In Africa their idea of fun is tying flaming tires to the necks of their fellow darkies and watching them try to escape
>whypepo so creepy dasss why i fap to whyte gurls who be gettin dat bbc dawg
lol shut the fuck up nigs and spics are way creepier you just don’t know this because whytes won’t tell you
The only people whites need are each other
We are boring and depressed because we see what our ancestors built being ruined by third-world human refuse, niggers and jews. We are not bored, we are waiting and planning. This is your only warning for what is to come when enough whites get mad.
nope, i've been on the internet long enough to know how the races function. white people are for sure the creepiest in their manner and do the most despicable things when they finally snap.
Crying is healthy. It's literally toxins leaving you're body.
Is it bizarre I would feel much more safer around a chimp with a gun than a nigger with a gun?
It's normal. Chimps are not known for explosive outburst of random violence.
I read a book by an expatriate Rhodesian who visited Zimbabwe not too many years ago. Traveling with a companion, she stopped at a store along the highway. A black man materialized next to her car window. “Job, boss, (I) work good, boss,” he pleaded. “You give job.”
“What happened to your old job?” the expatriate white asked.
The black man replied in the straightforward manner of his race: “We drove out the whites. No more jobs. You give job.”
At some level, my students understand the same thing. One day I asked the bored, black faces staring back at me. “What would happen if all the white people in America disappeared tomorrow?”
“We screwed,” a young, pitch-black boy screamed back. The rest of the blacks laughed.
Nah nigga,
who dat?
stop stealing my money. then we can be friends
Nah because Chimps are actually intelligent creatures
were u lookin at sum lolei thread fagget
depressed white girl from chaturbate
Looks jewish
kinda looks like Chelsea Wolfe
chaturbate / sherryshen / this is her account, she is on every night
And you can't spell.
Fucking spammers.
Also my idea of fun.
t. someone with little real world chimp experience
What would the black population do, realistically, if ever white American woke up tomorrow thirsty for negro blood in the streets?
no you would literally die without white giving you gibs
shes possibly an Argentine.
This. Look at pics from the 50s and earlier. Whites were happy as fuck before having mass 3rd world trash shipped into their utopias
Need who? A camwhore?
Moar pics?
I will legit stop being a white nationalist if you send me more pics, brother.
I will redeem your entire race and campaign for you to get reparations if you gibs me dat gurl.
>white girl
Wait, nvm. Found a video of her disgusting diseased looking brown vagina. She isn't even white.