I remember in November 2016 my ex called the cops lying to them saying I hit her. Cops came threw me in a cell for a few days and came out in full rage. Even managed to rekindle my dad's syrian roots and commit to rage ever since. I calmed down immensely and started hitting on women like crazy, been running lifting etc along with receiving a set of skills in smithing that can be taken anywhere from Los Angeles all the way to China and Europe. It has been great to be honest, I had the realization finally that it doesn't matter if you are a faggot pussy or an alpha male you WILL see jail at least once in your life. And knowing that I won't be a wage cuck and a rent cuck for the rest of my life even if it happened again I can always just move somewhere else, I became free to do as I wish. Testosterone starts flowing better, u can tell women are more interested in you and you just become an overall better person. What doesn't seem to leave you is your hatred of police, they brand you as some evil woman beater even though u were innocent, they don't care, you are just a black guy basically to them and they hate you. You basically gain nigger status with cops which makes u hot to women when u start working out more, when you feel this way your mind begins to learn how to uncuck yourself from the Western Bastards. Go ahead, stay in school be good little beta males, drink your soy, learn your computer programming and hope to god you can type faster in code than the chinese or pakistani kid. You become so ridiculously hot that even lesbians want your D. Fuck cops they are the faggot enforcers, I don't blame Black Lives Matter at all. Come join in the fun you little bastards, let the rage out, work out hard, learn a trade and grow a beard. Start becoming the alphas in even the poor neighborhoods where I work.
PS Women don't give a shit if u go to college they give a shit if ur an alpha male and a success at the same time!