Original bread: Bread two: I figured I'd format this sucker so it's easier to digest. Pic related.
This one redpill/chad text thread
ahh the old fight with her then bring up marriage, second oldest trick in the book, after telling her you love her that is
>A guy should talk to a girl instead of talking about Syria for 30 minutes
Can someone post the picture of the guy explaining why he'd rather talk to his fat guy friend about anime than a woman
Fake and gay
Thats some good stuff.
Of course mods moved the thread to /bant/
that's some next level autism cringe
that convo is how an actual man deals with a woman.
90% of the Sup Forums virgins here couldn't pull that convo off.
>wait can we talk more
>but I like family stuff
Made my night thanks
he is Chad. pathetic vermin like me would get laughed at and called virgin
>she starts coming back at the end
She's mentally damaged m8
A girl comes up to you, starts railing you about how HVAC workers are plagued with disease and beat women, then just radically shifts to how she wants to be a single mom and you're a faggot beta male that plays video games that's scared of being a dad. Wouldn't that be a serious red flag?
How not? Once she used his interest against him it was over. How she mentioned it made it clear (if by accident) that she was into him. When he stuck to his values it just made him 10x more attractive to her. Despite the constant blue pilling, the need to have a legacy, to have children, pierces through. So when he starts talking about family and how he feels she doesn't measure up, it makes her insecure. Usually this would just cause defense walls to go up full force, in this case those walls were broken by her interest.
Good read
Well we have talked about family models in germany. There are 3, a traditional family (Man / Women / Kid) a "rainbow family" ( Man / Man / Kid. Women / Women / Kid) and last but not least a "patchwork family" where the mother got kids with another male and the father got kids with another women.
Long story short, the left leaning guy (aka antifa) in my class then said, that a "traditional family" would be another word for a conservative family and therefore right.
To conclude it, you're a nazi when you have a traditional family
this is the most fake shit I have ever seen!
>talk about syria for 30 minutes on a date
how hot is she on a scale from 1-10?
To me that reads like a fake conversation written by a guy who doesn't have much experience talking to women
This one?
I don't think he was on date desu
But anyhow that is how you should treat a girl. Stand on your feet and values. Don't fucking change because of her.
Why is this drunk neckbeard's opinion in your pic even matter?
Betcha he's still chasing after the V and never had any
It's no wonder most people here never get laid
>Why is this drunk neckbeard's opinion in your pic even matter?
You seem to mistake opinion for reality.
That was a good thread
He nearly fucked it up but then some user came up with the traditional values line, completely messes with the head of the modern roastie
Shittesting is real, whether women realise they're doing it or not, gotta stand your ground
lol theres nothing Chad about that convo except standing ground and walking away at the end (which is how you handle shit tests btw). Tone was too fucking whiny instead of matter-of-fact and he entertained that chicks bullshit for way too long.
yeah my sides went absolutely orbital at that part
how to spot a polack in the wild
>never change your values for a woman
>got his entire world view from an anime image boards politics section