
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

>It's the most wonderful time in 8 years
>Joe is Joe Christmas Songs pastebin.com/0znNg4MM

DAILY SCHEDULE (WH Press Corps) publicpool.kinja.com/
TrumpTV Weekly Updates: pastebin.com/6HbHjbqF

>Pres Trump signs NDAA 2018 12/12/17
>AG Sessions/DHS Sec Nielsen briefing on MS13 12/12/17
>SoS T-Rex @Atlantic Council 12/12/17
>WH Press Brief (Sarah, Dir USCIS Cissna) 12/12/17
>StateDep Press Brief (Heather) 12/12/17
>WH Video: FlotUS Melania visits Children's Natl 12/12/17
>WH Video: Christmas @VP's Home 12/12/17
>WH Video: First Family hosts Hannukah Reception 12/12/17
>Pres Trump signs order taking us back to the moon and beyond 12/11/17
>UN Amb Haley @UNSC on Res 2391 (G5 Sahel Vote) 12/11/17
>WH Press Brief (Sarah) 12/11/17
>TrumpTV Weekly Update #20 (Lara) 12/11/17
>WH Video: Soon, Christmas @VP residence 12/11/17
>Pres Trump Weekly Address #43 (her name was Kate) 12/9/17
>Pres Trump/HUDSec "Sleepy" Carson arrive in WPalm Beach FL 12/7/17
>Pres Trump tours MS Civil Rights Museum 12/9/17
>Pres Trump speech @opening for Civil Rights Museum 12/9/17

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

Other urls found in this thread:





>mfw dems are feeling energized and smug

Is there a split or something? how are we on page 2, and barely moving?

Real thread^^

It was a split because the old thread got to page five. Use the other thread first.

I don't think this will derail tax cuts.

Next salt mining expedition will be after net neutrality is repealed.
Hope you learned your lesson and will trust Trump next time.


I'm black and I'm a Trump supporter.

A conversation in late November 2016
>Trump: We need to decide on an attorney general. We need someone who will prosecute the criminals in Washington. Maybe someone like Rudy Giuliani.
>Bannon: I think you should pick Sessions. He knows his way around the law and he wouldn't hesitate to go after any politician.
>Trump: In that case, there would be a special election in Alabama to take his place in the Senate.
>Bannon: Oh, don't worry about that. I know just the guy. He's a judge, but he's as anti-establishment as they come. He'll win in a landslide.
>Trump: It sounds like you know what you're doing. Let's go for it.

>doubt Trump
>get stumped

Reminder that the only endorsement he gave Moore was "He's not a Democrat"

This was the previous Senate election in Alabama, and the term Doug Jones will be finishing the remainder of (since the seat isn't up until 2020)

it shouldn't,if anything it should help it along because they still have strange for a short while

Can't wait to crush their spirits again once we regroup. Alabama is our Alamo, our catastrophe at Capporetto.

Alabama is actually blue, holy shit. what is happening

Why don’t we talk about how Whites didn’t turn out instead?
I only hope Asia can inherit our progress once the west collapses and are not stupid to ever use niggers outside of Africa

Trump University Central

>Top 10 Anime Deaths of All Time

>We should have listened to Trump!
>We should have voted for a neocon! It was our fault for trying to elect a conservative!

Just denied it like trump and move on to the issues. Moore like Evangelion went full retard and not campaign properly.

This was a fluke of the highest due to the GOP throw it to the dems.

what retarded faggots refused to listen to was that even without allegations,moore was a risky pick.....he probably would have pulled it out but it would have been just as close....he only won by like 2 percent in 2012 for whatever he was running for

It won't

So when is Jones up for reelection? 2018 or 2020?

when is Jones taking office?

Of course even though Trump didn’t event want Moore everyone will be blaming him for this, Trump must be infuriated right now
But what the hell can he do at this point? This is FUBAR


He can't, Sessions would actually arrest the president right then and there.

Its part of the 4d chess

Turns out being a republican isn't enough to make up for being a shit candidate even in alabama.

I will admit pol that you do have an amazing level of integrity and tolerance considering what just happened. I'm amazed that the majority here are willing to own the loss instead of crying over something trivial. But at the same time that is what worries me. The left has no level foundation of integrity, or tolerance whatsoever and it's exactly how they've become so effective over the past 10 years, short of the rise of Trump himself. The left can cry about whatever they want with as much intensity as they want, because they mirror fools to begin with. And the right, constrained by integrity, selectively chooses to let them cry, fearing that engaging with them questions their integrity. Liberals have truly harbored an interesting tactic here.

Trump won because he used this shit against them. You can make no mistake about it -- the left just learned they can flip a stronghold simply by accusing someone of 40 year old rape; you can bet your ass they'll use this tactic again. It's cheap, effective, and deteriorates reputation forever. They will use this tactic in 2018, and on Trump as the chisel away at the Republic support for the next two years.

Typical right will collapse at these accusations because they, and their base, revere their convictions for honor and integrity. How can the Right sustain such attacks? Is there a way to inhibit the effectiveness prior to their deployment? We need another Trump, but noone has the balls to see it through. It's a shame.

Bannon works for Kissinger. ;)

Minorities and liberals are about to Illinois the entire country
Buckle up because no matter what happens the country will only destabilize from here

Timeline shift. Someone is meddling with chrono technology again.

Fucking niggers

Moore should've have waver on Hannity in his radio show and Hannity should've never aired it. Moore should've have had a little girl interview him nor should he have went to a sports game on the week before elections. Lastly trusting boomers to vote with "morality" is a mistake.

Blacks from Mississippi told to go to Alabama to vote.

Can you say fraud?


12d Snakes and Ladders

>We gave up a Senate Seat we couldn't even afford to lose in FUCKING ALABAMA but at least we stuck it to the establishment for a few hours ;)

>don't go with Trump's choice
>lose the reddest state in the nation
Just listen to Trump you idiots, we don't need more strategist like this

>RAISE act doesn't pass and wall is cancelled
>America becomes another spic dominated country while Europe becomes fully Arabic

You wouldn't believe how suicidal I am right now.

>the four special elections that went to the GOP in gerrymandered deep red districts was a HUGE VICTORY FOR TRUMP THERE ARE NO BREAKS ON THE TRUMP TRAIN!

>The GOP wipeout in Virgina and victory of Doug Jones are't Trump's fault though don't say that!

The absolute state of blumpkins.

1. Accuse Jones
2. Jones resigns
3. Another special election
4. Mo Brooks or Luther Strange wins

>>RAISE act doesn't pass and wall is cancelled

Were you honestly expecting to pass those in a 52/48 majority?

Pretty much this

As for your first comment, I already stopped being cocky after Virginia, and that sudden Fox poll put a bad feeling in my gut.

Thanks, Bannon.

>shit candidate
>not your own party abandoning you at the sight of trouble working with dems to sabotage trump.

I'll give that he acted poorly on campaigning but come on now.
>being the retared.

white race is so fucking pathetic you don't even fight for your existence. strong race always takes over weak race. In this case niggers and sand niggers arr strong race who are multiplying in numbers. fuck white people.

then an hero. Faggot.


Gamble on Moore=loss.

Now we win nothing.

If Obama can pull money out of his ass and give it to Iran I think we can come up with wall money.

So... when the accusations fall off the face of the planet and that forgery is 100% confirmed, and Moore is 100% vindicated, how are these faggots going to justify themselves?
Also, is that voter intimidation campaign actually going to face criminal charges or what? Cuz, you know... that happened.


Doesn’t matter, they won’t investigate it

Wtf we lost??? How??

>we should have ignored trump!
>we should let a commie flip a seat in alabama! it's our duty to go with bannon's pick, regardless of his electability!
oh, wait

drumplets got fucking owned I'm cummingggg

Where is the source for this CNN article?

How are you going to deal with living with spics and asians. Because I'm not, I rather purchase some land in russia and become an unrecognized nation. No way I'm letting my children grow up among nonwhites.

If the RAISE act doesn't pass, expect tons of sane white americans leaving. Because we are not going to let our offspring get killed by spics and niggers.

Now it'll be much easier with a dem majority. Blue wave babbyyy

>the country will only destabilize from here

For once, I think the possibility is growing. If the commies when this time, they will win for good. I'll gladly die before that happens.

They went full media smear campaign, which actually works on people who aren't Trump. If you're on the right, you have to be equipped to handle non-stop lies about you from all angles.

Why? It’s not your fault that most whites chose to be suicidal, why join them in that mentality?

With whites gone niggers and muslims will kill each other off and live in huts again. Humans were a mistake I hope we get another world flood again.

steave banon ego cost you the election

>white working class got their candidate in the primary
>Butthurt middle class white boomers stay home

Trump's online presence was key to his victory last year. I don't want to give us more credit than we deserve, but his online presence absolutely played a role. Since his victory we've been slipping.

We need to take the 2016 us against the world approach from now on.

Roy Moore rand a pants on head retarded campaign. He literally coulda benefited from an online autistic presence organizing his rambling thoughts.

I'm upset but I just want us to be better. We need 8 years of Trump to redirect our country in the right direction. And we need votes. No more slipping guys.

>moore was a gud boy he dindu nuffin
He was a shit candidate. He lost.

>support the guy Trumps tell you to support
>Virginian does everything to distance himself from Trump
>Alabama ignores Trump supporting strange

>Yeah well Moore got the moral victory

>Yeah well Sessions will surely go against the jewish interest

My negros

>If the commies when this time, they will win for good. I'll gladly die before that happens.
who is up for a mass suicide, fellow /ptg/ posters?
That will show those libtards!

Alabama election history.
>2008, Jeff Sessions gets 1.3 mil votes for Senator. Dem gets 752k.
>2010, Richard Shelby gets 968k votes for Senator, Dem gets 515k
>2014, Jeff Sessions gets 796k votes for Senator. No Dem opposition.
>2016, Donald Trump gets 1.3 mil votes for President. Dem gets 729k.
>2016, Richard Shelby gets 1.3 mil votes for Senator, Dem gets 749k.
>2017, Roy Moore gets 650k votes for Senator. Dem gets 671k.

Something doesn't smell right! They expect us to believe the R vote collapsed while the D vote only went down by a small margin.

It was rigged, boise!

Bannon is a larping faggot and I'm happy he got canned. I'm even happier that this blew up in his face.

I didn't post it. But I looked for it, and couldn't find it. It looks legit. Maybe they took it down?

Doesn’t matter they won

Shut the hell up you beaner fuck, you did this to us. Gladly deport yourself out of this dying country. You have 26 fucking nations to live in.

What do black voters genuinely stand for and vote for? And don’t just say gibs, serious replies only.

>tax reform faltering in conference committee
>lost Alabama senate race to a pro-choice liberal
>Democrats ramping up sexual harassment charges against Trump
>blue wave forming right before our eyes


so what happens now? fucking minorities fucking always voting for Democrats. fuck Lyndon B. Johnson and Ronald Reagan both those kikes are the reason why this is happening

Then do it fag. I laugh when libshits act like you are now. I on the other hand would rather die fighting them. You're not fit for a Trump presidency if you're gonna act like a god damn liberal.

Democrats have been in a seething tantrum for over a year now. They have mobilized their base over a lies and propaganda.

Republicans have been comfortable and smug since the election, its time to become uncomfy and get people in that 2016 mindset.


You ARE aware this is a primary year right?

Gibs and other coons


it seems believable as republicans time and time again show to be cucks
I don't know why I root for these guys sometimes.

Just stop. We lost. Get over it and move on.


Sup Forumsfags are quite butt hurt tonight and looking for anybody to blame the loss on but themselves for sticking with shit tier candidate.

Lesson learned fuckbois?

Trump is literally a genius-IQ madman with a unique skill stack that makes him resistant to those kinds of attacks. We can't count on other candidates being able to tank a hit like that. We need to get people to start drawing first blood, and going after the things they can't defend. This is why the Left got out in front of Pizzagate and SHUT IT DOWN so hard. If that ever gets proven in a court of law it's going to be the eternal fucking albatross around their necks for a generation.

The only problem is that it has to be the candidate themselves going on the attack. Trying to play "above it all" and "holier than thou" just ties their hands and lets the Democrats hit back harder. W tried to be above it all and let Cheney be the attack dog and he ruined the party for ten years. We need a complete leadership change at the RNC to get people who understand this shit in a position to help candidates strike the right balance between hiding their power levels (fucking Nehlen) and hitting the enemy's weak spot for massive damage.

Believe it or not most republicans are pretty moderate. He was a highly controversial far right candidate.

> Europe becomes fully Arabic
Does anyone really care at this point? Let it die in piss.

It always was there, I started to think Trump was averting is from it, but looking at the Virginia results snapped me back to reality

they stand for things that allows them to be thugs and niggers without consequences.


>8 Years

Trump will be impeached during the Midterms because the GOP is so cucked. Pack your bags we might as well buy some land in Russia and start all over again.

There won't be a Trump presidency for that much longer because our nation is filled with mongrels and nonwhites.

If there's no RAISE act and Wall, then it's pointless to live in America. I'm not going to be here when spics start controlling our government and implement socialism.

Niggers did this. Nigger wave.

This was a pretty big blow, but at least we still have Trump at the helm and there's bound to be some reddit salt if they repeal Net Neutrality on Thursday

>wake up
>Moore lost