What's with all the shills today? It wasn't even this bad during the election

What's with all the shills today? It wasn't even this bad during the election.

this isnt reddit you beta cunt.
m-muh safe space

>wanst even this bad

kek fuck off back to /r/the_donald. Sup Forums was filled with civic nationalist based black based israel cucks

These faggots always raid after shit like this, the election was way worse

Btw fuckface this board has always been racist as fuck

head to the bunkers

>Btw fuckface this board has always been racist as fuck

Thats why trump cucks need to go back to plebbit

>Represent stupid, backwards minority idiot opinion
>Call everyone else shills

They narrowly beat out a nazi racist pedophile and they are capitalizing on it.
Come back in 12-24 hours when the reddit kiddies leave

I guarantee you 90% of the people aren't shills but autist Sup Forums posters pretending to be liberal

i guarantee you that your are jdif/cia

literally proving my point

FBI text scandal distraction

You have no point cuckboi

They're shilling the text scandal threads down with the usual 'nothingburger' shit

For some reason people have been led to believe they can somehow "win" against Sup Forums. I blame the media, and wonder if we can convince them that Portuguese men-o-war and cactuses are fascists who need to be punched.

You're a retard, he's most likely right. A lot of the "shills" you are arguing against are actually bored Sup Forums posters. I wouldn't say 90%, probably 40%. Another large chunk is people from other boards thinking they are "baiting" and "trolling" Sup Forums. If nothing good is going posted on Sup Forums, they'll come here and make some blacked thread or gun control thread. Then you have the /leftypol/ faggots, they're all over the place. Then you have the shills.

probably to slide upcoming happenings, pic possibly related

>dems bus in votes yet again
imagen muh shok

It's been this way for a while. I think (((someone))) saw the effect we had on the Presidential election and got scared. There's nothing you can do. The imperfect thing about this board is that it's very weak to shilling attempts. Literally spamming the board with whatever you want to spam it with over a long period of time will influence new users. Eventually the site becomes the culture that was spammed into creation when the new users outnumber the old.

You can't deny it's possible. You can't deny it's reasonable. So the only question left is why wouldn't they do it?

Its particularly low quality shilling at that. They have advanced there vocabulary slightly, but a lot of the what I presume are new shills don't seems to know how to reply to a post and just type out what are obviously meant to be replies to other post with out linking to that post.

>What's with all the shills today? It wasn't even this bad during the electio
They're trying to use Moore's loss as a means to weaken our resolve. They saw a crack in our foundation and are trying to take a hammer to it.
Little do they know, this means nothing. This is a blip. A temporary intifada.

And there they are. So easy to spot.

Russia's working overtime to control the narrative.

We're not shills OP, we're Trump supporters joshing Sup Forums for (you)s

Certainly reasonable, (((they))) have engaged in gradualism in media and schools/education.
The only problem is that the effect is slow, and Trump is in office NOW.
I think it's more reasonable that right now they're just here to disrupt and frustrate.
If (((they))) manage to stall long enough then they might actually use the board to edit opinions overtime.
Might be pretty hard though, it's hard to plug someone who is redpilled back into the matrix.

trump cuck snowflake is triggered

Not an unreasonable stance. It's possible that the treatment for this is more redpill threads and ignoring shill threads.

Because Donal Drumpf is a moron excuse of a president. #NotMyPresident. Hillary Clinton all the way unless Bernie runs again. I HATE how the presidency if now a sort of daycare for old guys. Can you believe drumpf has played more golf in a year than Obama's entire president terms? TG the Constitution exists to prevent pansies like Trump from destroying America.

I don't know how effective that would actually be. most regular pol users are here because the polical view they hold are heavily frowned upon in polite society and want to both express and discuss those views in anonymity. Any new users that actually stay would be here because they learned about Sup Forums and like the idea of virtually unlimited free speech. Coming here to try and change the views of the users would be like going to the Nazi high command and trying to convince them to become zionist

Sup Forums needs to learn to recognize the difference between shills and trolls. Most of the shit today is just people getting a laugh out of watching Sup Forums freak out.

These guys know what's up. Anybody who's been on Sup Forums for any decent length of time is more than familiar with trolling/baiting/shitposting or whatever you want to call it. Sup Forums is a paradise for people who've spent years saying shit they don't believe just to watch overly serious autists lose their shit.

They're desperate to try to take advantage of even the smallest bit of pro-Dem-globalist news. They haven't had much.

You're right, it probably would be impossible to convince Nazi high command to become zionists; but what about their kids?
Maybe teach their kids NotAllJews.
Then, the kids that now think NotAllJews have kids. So you then go for something like "you know the Jews aren't really THAT bad".
Repeat this process over several generations and what do you get? Well just look at the state of Germany today.
I wouldn't be surprised if some great-great-grandchildren of actual Nazis are literally welcoming immigrants into their country.

Now if you can annoy old Sup Forums users with shills that they leave, you could, theoretically, accomplish the above with the new Sup Forums users.
Food for thought anyway.

its happening

Maybe Trump shouldn't be kike cock sucking puppet.

listen up deplorable white trash of Sup Forums.. this Doug Jones victory represent the turning of the tide.. people are SICK of sexual predators in office like Trump, and possibly Roy Moore (thank god he lost). Just wait until the midterms.. you ain't seen nothing yet. Just accept it that your white trash candidates are going to start to lose a lot more from here on out. Obama's support for Jones helped in this race, too.. I hope Obama can influence a lot of voters in the upcoming elections. This is what you get when you try to get a child rapist elected.. Moore was a demon.. and hopefully that old evil man will die soon.

weaponized tay sachs

first indictment unsealed
it may actually be happening

>being this surface level

>not realizing you have to get close to your enemy to stick in the knife

this desu

Just don't give any of the shills (You)s and it will be fine

Starting to really think blueanon was real. Remember he mentioned a wave of Trump and sexual harrassment shill threads would come a couple days before the obvious wave started?

Billions are being spent by NGOs who focus on just this kind of shit, attacking and demoralizing boards like this.

They pulled of a successful White voter suppression op. and are energised by it. They're celebratibg silencing White voters.