The #resistance is real and with each victory we get stronger and stronger until we oust that cheeto in queef
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This can't be happening!!
I can't believe we were conned again..
Ya'll in hilldawg territory now.
Stop larping against yourself, Sup Forums.
Victory on all fronts, starts with victory behind enemy lines.
only two days, nice
yes, goddess. please may i worship your perfect Aryan feet
Drumpf BTFO
96% of the black vote went to Jones, really makes me think
hmm that seemed to work. It's like shill repellent
The more democrats you get elected, the faster the socio-economic collapse and return to sanity.
But didn't George Bush Senior's presidency end because of a recession, and a Democrat fixed it? George Bush Junior's presidency ended with a HORRIFIC recession, and a Democrat, again, fixed it?
No to both? All the evidence you need for the latter is that he going out of office immediatly made the recovery accelerate because the guy who replaced him just said he wasn't going to do shit.
But job creation has been steady at around 2% for years now. Also, no major polices have been passed by Trump. He's had some executive orders directed at reducing regulations, but those don't actually mean anything unless congress passes a bill.
Wow it feels like the elections all over again with the shitty shilldawg memes. Does anyone have the hacking the memeframe one? One of my favorites.
>But job creation has been steady at around 2% for years now.
But that's a blatant lie. Job creation has wobbled between positive and negative for 8 years, only to keep being positive for a year straight under Trump, in addition to accelerated growth everywhere.
As i mentioned, Trump literally doing nothing is showing to be more effective than Obama doing anything.
Nah, it's been pretty consistent since 2010.
> Dem build bubbles
> Oh shit! Better elect republicans to deal with bubbles.
> Bubble blows on Republican term
> Republican policies put back on right track
> Vote Dem
> Dem are saviors
Look, Canada is much farther down this rabbit hole and I actually don't care. I pay very little income taxes due to minimalist lifestyle and owning a very very small business (effectively going Galt).
Let the looters feast on the industrialists until the system collapses. Without a host the parasites will die off. Then we can rebuild.
so glad Jones won and Moore (and Trump) lost.. hopefully this means that civilized people are starting to gain control again and deplorable white trash can go back to their pickup trucks and meth dens.
>Also, no major polices have been passed by Trump.
>Out of the TPP
>Out of the Paris Accord
>Muslim ban
>Coal regulation withdrawn
>No major policies passed
Roy Moore was the final nail in the coffin for me, he made me realize that the GOP has been completely hijacked by the far right. From my slightly biased point of view, the Democrats will attract the majority of moderates and fortify existing Democrat voters and take control of all chambers until the GOP shifts back to the center.
I can't believe the majority of this board seriously thinks the world or US dominance is going to end, read a book.
Like the housing bubble that blow up the economy under Bush Junior?
don't take Sup Forums too seriously.. half of this stupid board worships a cartoon frog for god's sake.
>establishment resisting against free people
I can't really pin down what's happening, I've been browsing Sup Forums off and on since the expansion when it was half trolls and half people legit interested in politics, then somewhere along the line it got hijacked. Half of the trolls continued trolling, half started believing the shit they posted, and then an influx of actual lunatics started browsing and posting.
Weird stuff.
But coal jobs have continued to decline. The TPP was a trade agreement, actual EPA emission regulations haven't changed since leaving the Paris Accord, and the Muslim ban negatively impacted stocks when it was announced because of its impact on work visas and the tech industry in particular.
>MAGA twitter whining about alabamans voting for open borders as if mexicans and muslims want to live in that shit hole
The coal thing was a fuck-up all around. Not only is it a step back in terms of emissions, but there won't be any serious boost in jobs because everybody with a clue in the industry knows it's falling out of favor and is starting to diversify. It was major in the sense of scope, but the impact will be small and more negative than positive.
Hold on a second while I go hang my self. God. I was so lost and confused.
You fucks cant win a damn thing unless you call everyone racist and have illegals and dead people vote just so you can fake win
Agreed, coal hasn't had a chance since natural gas reserves started opening up. It's a dead industry that's also facing increasing automation and failing prices in wind and solar energy. There are 3 times more solar energy jobs than coal jobs alone.
i'm willing to let niggabama burn if it means i finally get some fucking fresh hillpepe memes up in here, god damn
>twitter handle: iwillshutitdown
guess this shill's ethnicity
Notice the disgust for rural whites on this thread? Notice the complete lack of understanding or empathizing with the world view of conservatives by all the shills and left wing types here?
You are witnessing a cultural divide. Society is being altered, and this has been guided by scholars, businessmen, "philanthropists", politicians, and others.
The left lost the working class white votes, and as long as the Democrats are controlled by the neolib globalists, that will always be the case. This godless, identity politics loving, amoral shit of modern leftists has made a whole new white generation fucking right wing extremists. You guys fail to understand the depth of the problem and somehow think mockery and scorn will put us in our place. The problem is many of us are terrified and grossed out by this elitist, globalist, culture destroying wave, and disgusted by how so many go along with it.
We read authors like Dostoyevsky and Spengler and see telltale signs of an extreme hubris and folly in the modern progressives, and a hollow materialistic wickedness to it all that lends itself to the destruction of republics and the acclimation to Caesarism.
The new right wing extremists equally desire that for the sake of white identity and culture, that a totalitarian reaction is necessary. This is horrifying, and many right wingers like me do not want to see this.
Now add to this the increase in technology which will allow a dictator to have at his disposal absolute surveillance and the power to kill all of mankind, and you begin to see why this place is so fucking nuts.
It is a mix of many different world views and ideas, joined by the fact that many of us don't fit in the usual circles these days. You can mock us, but you do so at your own peril, because it is places like this that offer a window into the future, for good or bad.
Well, it doesn't help when your candidate is a pedophile that thinks every amendment after the 10th was a mistake. Luther Strange would have easily won.
The Machiavellian part of me believes that this was a move for the GOP to tighten their hold on the blue-collar rust belt. They know that without a doubt the next Democrat majority is going to turn over Trump's plans, cutting whatever minuscule amount of jobs his plans created. They'll be able to point to the Democrats as destroying jobs.
>You are witnessing a cultural divide. Society is being altered, and this has been guided by scholars, businessmen, "philanthropists", politicians, and others.
Politics has always been like this, the internet and access to news has just made people aware of it, so now they're pitting the masses against one another. The right is controlled by one industry, while the left is controlled by another.
>The left lost the working class white votes, and as long as the Democrats are controlled by the neolib globalists, that will always be the case. This godless, identity politics loving, amoral shit of modern leftists has made a whole new white generation fucking right wing extremists.
Not really, it's created them for sure, but they're not a majority, they just tend to congregate in places like this. Sup Forums has ironically become a safe-space for the alt right - it's the tumblr for them
>You guys fail to understand the depth of the problem and somehow think mockery and scorn will put us in our place. The problem is many of us are terrified and grossed out by this elitist, globalist, culture destroying wave, and disgusted by how so many go along with it.
The problem my dude is that the scorn the left spouts is elementary name-calling, while the scorn put off by everybody on this board is downright hostile, threatening, and overwhelmingly seen as distasteful by modern society. Calling someone a republitard is not the way to win hearts and minds, but calling somebody a "stupid jew" or "dumb nigger" not only casts serious doubts on your sanity, but completely destroys any credibility you had. The alt-right is dying because people who are not only racist, but openly advocate racist policies have hijacked the movement.
Good post user
If the Democrats have any god damn sense they won't let Hillary get anywhere close to the 2020 race. She's poison.
You lost a goddamn rigged election, you realize that ?
All medias for her, cheating on shows, cheating for candidate of the party, massive votes frauds (illegals, dead people, multiple votes, etc) and you still fucking lost.
An historic humiliation. I do not know of anything as pathetic in history. I am not even a trump supporter but one thing is 100% sure. Anyone supporting clinton is a fucking moron. It was the worst candidate of what i know of us history.
But don't you reap what you sow at some point? The majority of red states cost the Federal government more money than they contribute in taxes.
Decades of under-funding education, low infrastructure spending, and low wages have created poverty. Blue states do much better by every metric.
Turns out, investing in the middle class is what grows the economy. Wealth grows upwards, not downwards.
Democrats got a gibsmedat welfare seat from McConnell and the #resistance is claiming victory.
Cuckservative globalist White Man gave you a fucking freebie.
It's true. I'm abandoning Fascism as of now.
Thanks for misguiding me, Sup Forums.
Really makes me think that threatening the 15th amendment isn't a good strategy for the Republican party.
>reddest state in America
LAUGHING MY FUCKING ASS OFF. How hard will you try to downplay this election? This is why Jones won.
>I can't believe the majority of this board seriously thinks the world or US dominance is going to end, read a book.
Why wouldnt US dominance end?
All other empires have fallen.
Weak bait lmao
When will you faggots learn that every victory you win is a victory against civilization. Every step of ground you gain is one step closer to the demise of the West and you smugly walk towards your own doom. Look at Africa, look at China, Look at Brazil, this is the future you're fighting for and I hope to fucking god you get to live long enough to know how wrong you were. As for me, fuck it i'm out. I'll just live out my days while there's still some civilization left to enjoy.
Pol hit the mainstream in the 2016 election, since hillary went out of her way to put it under a magnifying glass.
During the election various (((groups))) funded companies to shill the hill and lib agenda on pol and reddit specifically, but most of those efforts backfired or failed outirght.
However, post election the funding didn't stop. There are places out there employing people to shit up this board on a daily basis.
It'll never go away. Even if certain (((individuals))) die off, new ones will replace them and keep funding these idiots.
Learn what a pedophile even means you brainlet mutt
Thats all speculation, solar and green energy jobs are pure speculation, at any moment some super advanced tech like nuclear power plants that actually fucking work could collapse that bubble and the normie green energy workforce will disappear overnight. Terrible investment.
Truly. I was convinced a 4 time bankrupt reality TV star was going to relieve my economic anxiety. I was sure his Apprentice ratings would translate well into governance.
Turns out all he's good for is memes.
He wasn't banned from an Alabama mall for violating the No Shirt, No Service policy. He did marry a person that was a classmate of an accuser.
Face it, you fucked up with Moore. Strange would've had this in the bag.
*Oh no... Not again!!*
*WHIIIIIIRRR-RRrrrrrrrrrrr r r r*
*walks away*
6 million Jews was a LIE
You didnt anwser my question faggot
Though to be fair, they would have voted for Moore if their IQ wasn't sub-white.