Is the US really doomed to be a third world shithole? Is this 56% meme really true?
Is the US really doomed to be a third world shithole? Is this 56% meme really true?
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the eternal Hispanic woman
Yeah, but don't worry. The shitskins will be living in 3rd world squalor, so I kind of don't have a problem if it does happen desu.
It already is where whites are the most comman race.
It's gonna be like that movie Elysium, except there won't be anybody left to build a space station, there won't be any health care, and there won't be any jobs. And it'll all still be white peoples fault, it'll be taught in schools that whites were evil, and paler children will be shunned.
white race is so fucking pathetic you don't even fight for your existence. strong race always takes over weak race. In this case niggers and sand niggers arr strong race who are multiplying in numbers and you white people are getting BTFO because of feminism and LGBTQ degeneracy.
Eurasians are the new whites, time to move to rice land friend.
The 56% thing is reality, pedro, it's not a fucking meme. Wh*tes are finished in your sad, pathetic country.
Funny how the Clinton family is white
Yeah but it's beyond that with us in the sense of civilization. White people are like a pillar, and once the pillar goes down, half the civilized world will turn into a 3rd world shit hole the likes you couldn't imagine. China will be the new overlords, and unlike us they will show not an ounce of mercy. Just saying, pretty sweet silver lining. The shitskins will live, yes, but it will be so bad they wish they were dead.
Either the Chinese or the Russians, Europe is fucked, America is soon to be fucked, Whites are idiots.
Europe isn't far behind.
This assumption that brown people are completely incapable is just idiotic, desu.
Let's not forget that they had thriving civilizations thousands of years before white people first realised that there might be more to life than living in caves and hunting rats and other critters for a living.
A bit of a blackpilled perspective imo, but if something isn't done within the decade, we will no be in good shape.
Yeah but like I said. Everyone will suffer for it, as they deserve.
Brown people and by brown, we're referring to mediterraneans in Sumeria and Egypt did so... before Islam. And sub-saharan africans never have, not a structure standing in true nigger Africa that stands for more than 20 years.
Niggers = welfare monkeys that love killing each other
Spics = welfare monkeys that love having babies that end up broke and pregnant by 21
Ragheads = Allahu Ackbar!
This is the truth
>lol your grandkids are going to be brown
Then I won't have any grand kids because I would have disowned any child of mine that fucked any non white person
If we all die off knowing China will genocide these fucks puts a smile on my face, they'll do what we were too nice to do
Not if i murder her and the rest with a hammer and a hacksaw
blackest of the black pills
Don't really care. The shit skins are already living in squalor. White still live better lives than the shitskins in the US. If they keep pushing their taxes, they're just going to turn all the whites against them that they murder every shit skin they see.
You just said this in /sg/. Kill your self. Your bait is shit.
dude, just look around. just open your eyes, man.
She thinks there are white people in the US, how adorable
There are successful blacks and hispanics too, in spite of the fact that the whiteys tried their hardest to keep them down for so long.
They really were, Mr. I-paint-pretty-horseys-on-cave-walls-i-am-amazing.
>lol your grandkids are gonna be brown
Not if I don’t raise my children to be racemixing whores. I won’t even have to be overtly racist either, I’ll just have them hold a standard of intelligence that black and brown people can’t reach (still susceptible to asians and jews I guess though).
How stupid can these people be? They goad and provoke whites. They are celebrating the destruction of beauty. White chimpout is long overdue.
She has that sign because no one will fuck her.
>there are successful blacks and hispanics too!
1 out of 10 or 2 fifths? You produce more shit tier hordes than you do success because you're closer to animals. This is why even in your own countries you fail, and just the same when you come here, you fail.
Just give them some pride in the achievements of their ancestors. Then they won't want to destroy their own race.
I can't get enough of this broad. That fucking tummy is hypnotic and I want to rub my face in it.
Someone gets it. Rock on.
All i heard was ooga booga. Translation?
>niggers trying to claim the civilization of Semites and Arabs
they made you slaves and castrated their slaves
Don't go gentle into that dark night, rage against the dying of the light
Sure thing, achmed al shitistani
Dont forget it'll be taught that white americans murdered 100 gorillian babies in an abortion holocaust 100 years from now.
What did you build, and how can you prove it? Cultural appropriation is a crime.
I hope so, we desperately need you as a cautionary tale
>1 post by this id
don't bother with this one lads
>try to be successful
>jelly white apes come and burn down the whole community
>live in fear for ages
I can't wait for the petrodollar to collapse, we'll finally leave this zionist union.
Europe is nowhere near as fucked as America, you're retarded.
dumb frogposter
>try to be successful
>try to be
>try to
Implying you ever were before we got there, implying you ever will be. '''''Tried'''''' but never were.
>Japanese nuked, reduced to complete nothing
>20 years time, rebuilt
>60 years later, worlds 3rd economy
You're literally just subhumans m8.
if you're worried about turning brown and are this easily triggered by feminists, try drinking bleach
It's easy to rebuild a few houses when you don't have whiteys trying to fuck you over at every junction.
do you tell yourself that to sleep at night?
Newsflash you have been on the richest continent on the planet since humans were a thing and you did nothing with it literall nothing but raping and eating each other and selling each other. The entire african population cut be cutout of history and no invention would be missing today not a sinlge one... thats what you have provided to the world nothing but horror and begging for handouts on a continental scale and the only thing you do is blame other better people for this millennium long failure, kinda amazing.
>never figure out how to mix concrete
>whiteys fault
This is why you're the lowest tier ''''humans'''' on the totem pole.
Yes if we don't stop all immigration and send back all non white people.
Can somebody just nuke the whole world pls ?
No world is better than a world with niggers
you would bake to death in a house made out of concrete in subsaharan africa. their mud and thatch houses are smartly built for the environment and serve their purpose well
fuck off faggot
>not having AC
literal subhumans
So what? Africa was a cozy, sparsely inhabited place and there wasn't much need or incentive to build anything big. This has nothing to do with genes, however.
Things are improving fast these days anyway.
The final redpill no one deserves this world
Mostly due to your new Chinese overlords. Not blacks themselves. It has everything to do with genetics.
africa is whoring itself out to the chinks. the continent will be recolonized
>nothing to do with genes
Ok. Then point to a single majority black nation that isn't a shithole. Oh wait you can't.
Ok just point to a single majority black region within a larger nation that isn't a shithole. Oh wait you still can't.
>no incentive to build anything big
>african tribes constantly at war, killing/raping/cannibalizing
>no incentive to build anything big
idk about you but that is enough incentive to learn how to mix cement and build some walls
>tfw have been long enough on Sup Forums to see the white majority go from something like 64% to 56%
And it's only going to go downhill faster. Anyone who thinks this is a "meme" is fucking kidding themselves. This country is doomed in every sense of the word so I suggest you either plan ahead somehow for yourself or just accept your fate and go along with it.
I'm not joining that unless you agree to add the PNW--after purging it of course.
Here's America's only hope:
>Start white nationalist party
There is no chance of winning a majority, so we have to play the long game.
>Play role of opposition. Vote everything down.
>Gain enough seats to fracture the Republican party
They have to go. They're dead weight holding us down
If the Democrats fracture as well:
>Continue voting things down and organize racially exclusive self-sufficient private communities.
>Kick back, relax, watch the republicans and libertarians struggle against an ever growing tide of increasingly militant brown socialists.
>US balkanizes.
If the Democrats don't:
>Aid in constitutional uprising
>Start normal political action
some regions yes, some no, I think that if it does come to it, there is gonna be some major fucking genocide down the line when whites have been backed into a corner. will probably happen once whites lose control of the house. senate, and start worrying about all those WMD's uncle sam buried in the back yard.
Yes please. Get rid of Colorado though.
Jesus christ you spics are truly the ugliest race after niggers. You look like a mentally ill rapist
Naw. People actually get lighter as they mix. White man genes iz dominant says science.
Lmao reminds me of that Sam Hyde skit. I have no idea how they fucking let this air and how his biggest executive supporters at AS were a black guy and jew.
>Be nigger
>Have retard-tier IQ average
>Live on the most resource rich continent in the world
>Massive wars and conquest by the Europeans and Chinese just to get hold of Africa because of resource
>Be unable to invent the wheel
>Have entire continent be taken over because nearly every other race on planet progressed to some extent except niggers who live in mud huts
>Lmao reminds me of that Sam Hyde skit
The shameless shilling of this unfunny faggot continues.
>over 105 IQ
I do recall some controversy about them purposely only letting people from big Cities take the tests. Although IQ != creativity
>inb4 suburban and rural retards
Meme is 100% False. You'll never have kids, much less grandkids you on-the-spectrum cucks.
This, it'll be racial karma on a grand scale. I hope they enjoy living in Mexico/Brazil 2.0.
LOL let's break this down.
Of European descent as proven by recent DNA tests.
>Sub-Saharan Africans
Literal savages, invented only sharp sticks and poop huts
Well, just look at India, street shitters
Shitty camel Jockys who's biggest claim to fame is getting fat off oil the Brits discovered then gave to them
Without us, you're fucked. Enjoy your AIDS infested South Africa tier world.
>Be "successful"
>Get owned by people you describe as cave painting savages
Hmmmmm something about this doesn't seem right.
Lmfao you guys never cease to amaze me. This is the mind of the average barbarian.
>it's your fault I can't do math!
Most of Africa has been left alone for quite some time now, the west literally dumps money into Africa to try and help them out and what do you guys have to show for it? Absolutely NOTHING even with funding out the fucking as from EU and NA.
Same thing In America minorities are literally subsidized up the ass and have nothing to show for it.
You guys just sit in the corner and cry like little fucking babies that broke their own toys then cry about it.
>muh mental gymnastics
>muh excuses
>we wuz kangz
Welcome to the club!