'Violence more common' in Bible than Quran, text analysis reveals
The Old Testament was found to be more than twice as violent as the Quran
'Violence more common' in Bible than Quran, text analysis reveals
The Old Testament was found to be more than twice as violent as the Quran
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>The Independent
>(((The Old Testament)))
It's always the Jews.
Violence more common in Islam than in Christianity, observation reveals.
That's nice but why do they keep exploding?
That is because the Bible is larger, contains history, and the Koran sucks.
That`s why you see so many jewish suicide boomers.
Good thing Christians don't follow the Old Testament. Those are the Jewish laws. Christ replaced them because they were shit.
>old Testament
Title should have been "Violence more common in Torah than Quran
>Christ replaced them
In fact he didn't.
Do Christians follow those violent passages?
No. Strawman
OP is a street shitter and probably inbred
Has a poo ever started a good thread? You guys really are fucking cancer.
Hebrews 8:13 rasmus
Sounds good to me, guess it's time to deport all the Jews along with the Muslims.
>Good thing Christians don't follow the Old Testament. Those are the Jewish laws. Christ replaced them because they were shit.
k, then why still include it in the Bible?
Love the way you kikes uses kids as human shields though
Yes, jews are twice as violent as sand niggers
your point?
You obviously have zero knowledge on the Bible. Why even say anything if you don't know what you're talking about?
Its called "Context"
Why do you poop in the street?
i am india, i am a muslim
If you describe violence in a book, that means the book contains violence.
The violence itself is not the problem with the Quran, but the fact that the Quran explicitly tells their followers to offensively attack and kill infidels is.
>violence more common
What does that even mean? There's more orders to commit violence? In which testament? There's more violent events recorded?
Exactly this, Bible covers some violent events but does not advocate violence in the same way
>more violent
Who's the religion of peace now?
I like the way Muslims use theirs as grenade delivery vehicles.
>You will be killed
>Go kill others
Exactly the same
Kys. Just take out some other poos while you do it
What about the new testament you shit worshipper
This was debunked years ago.
But Jesus is the one who said to turn in your cloaks for daggers because he would come to convert all the plowshares into weapons and force family members to fight each other.
Bronze Age genocide is more violent than Medieval Slaving.
>t. satan
why would anyone do that to the most beautiful book (scripture) in history
Oy vey, you seem to be forgetting the 6 million
>the book containing violence is the same as it telling people to go out and commit violence
Why are shitlibs such brainlets?
They didn't read either since they're not Harry Potter.
> a book that has over 463 thousands pages that chronicles history is more violent than a 70 thousand page book of a man who made it up on the go.
If you say so
>Old testament which no1 is supposed to follow
>After Mohammed the Warlord was "enlightened" by god which everyone is supposed to follow.
These comparisons aren't even trying to be unbiased
i meant words
The biggest difference is that the bible is implicitly the work of people. Its known that there are different translations, versions whiole books left out, contradictory sections and other stuff that so bible scholars acknowledge. Theres nothing stopping you from putting your own version together and distributing it as the Holy Bible.
Whereas the shit show that is the Koran is dictated directly to Mo' from god and is perfect and unchangeable. Any changes such as leaving out the Killemall sections would get you killed.
>nearly half a million pages
I think you mean words.
The Quran is way shorter and proportionally, it has more violent statements. You can calculate this easily using the data from their own study.
Plus, it doesn't look at material like the Hadith.
Oh and it's the Old Testament skewing results for the Bible to begin with.
So the jews are more violent.
And what about the New Testament? Where was the violence? Tipping over a table? One line about coming with a sword?
Jesus never did jack shit but get killed. Mohammed led an army and had people killed by the thousands in his own lifetime.
I did
>SEE! The Bible is even more violent and judgemental than the Quran!
>so as FAITHFUL and PEACEFUL Christians, you have to let them into your country
LMAO you're so retarded
>Old thestement
The Old Testament is literally about all the terrible, terrible ways mankind has fucked up, and why God pretty much had to commit several genocides just to get them in line because of big of fuck ups they were.
Your text nalysys didn´t represent reality, start again.
If I made a study proving that humans have 3.4 legs the thing people would ask questions about is my academic credibility and not the number of legs we REALLY have.
Who cares (even if it was true, which I doubt) Muslims are more violent in real life
>((The Old Testament))
You stupid nigger Muslims follow the Old Testament too.
Why would anyone follow a retarded pedophilic goatfucking pigshit like Mohammad?
Because you're all low IQ subhumans
Whatever you say Theresa.
Even if the Old Testament is truly twice as violent than the Quran, which I don't believe but let's just say it IS... who cares? That might be a point against Judaism, but as for Christianity our main text is the New Testament. The Old Testament must be read through the lens of the New and of Jesus Christ's teachings. Jesus said "let he who is without sin cast the first stone", boom, all those bits about stonings in the Old Testament (and to be fair there's quite a few) may now be discarded. Whenever something in the Old Testament conflicts with the New or vice versa, the New supercedes the Old. Similarly in the Quran if there's verses that conflict then you go with the one that is newest, this is the well known way to read the Quran. It just so happens that unfortunately most of the 'peaceful' bits of the Quran tend to be early on while most of the violent bits show up later in the Quran after Prophet Muhammad (terrorism be upon him) started getting huge amounts of followers and some political power.
Also, try comparing Jesus to Moe.
Jesus Christ
>Huge hippie who went on and on and on about peace
>One part of the New Testament talking about coming to Earth not for peace but with a sword but like so much of what He says, was very metaphorical
>Even when crucified, facing one of the longest and most painful deaths you can have, told daddy (God) "do not punish them, they know not what they do."
>Wanted separation between church and state "give unto Caesar that which is Caesar's"
>Again, didn't seek power; when He'd spent dozens of days without food He'd been tempted by Satan to take control of land and people but He refused the offer
Prophet Muhammad
>Waged many battles
>Started many wars
>Calls for his followers to fight in the name of Allah several times in his book
>Don't trust Jews
>Don't trust Christians
>Don't take Jews or Christians as allies
>Fucked a 9 year old
>Calls for Muslims to put people to death if they say mean things about him or Allah
>Durr violence is recorded more times than the Quran
>That means Christianity is more violent
Pic related
This kind of "analysis" is meaningless. You cannot just ignore the enormous difference between descriptive and prescriptive unless you're trying to deceive people.
Also, you can find a lot of novels with a higher rate of violence.
Luke 22:36
Joel 3:10
Matthew 10:34
>Christians don't follow the OT
Matthew 5:17
"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them, but to fulfill them"
If Christianity wasn't cucked, Europe would be full of theocracies
"Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a person's enemies will be those of his own household. Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. And whoever does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.
Matthew 10:34-39
That doesn't mean he orders you to fight your family, it means if your family is doing shitty things, then you should be opposed to them. You cannot value your family more than God, for he is above them all.
Notice also that Christ never ordered his disciples to commit acts of violence, and reprimanded them for doing so; *John 18:10* we are left to conclude then that Christ wanted this to be a warning to others that they are well armed and can defend themselves, acting as a deterrent to anyone who would strike them.
Christians don't follow the old testament. Do you even exegesis nerd? Christ fulfilled the old covenant by his death on the cross and rising from the dead three days later.
Then he who is physically uncircumcised but keeps the law will condemn you who have the written code and circumcision but break the law. For no one is a Jew who is merely one outwardly, nor is circumcision outward and physical. But a Jew is one inwardly, and circumcision is a matter of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the letter. His praise is not from man but from God.
Romans 2:27-29
>a history book has more events than a guide of how to live
Really alkalines my walnuts.
What kind of sick people would trick peaceful muslims into living in violent Christian nations?
That's just SICK!
>Christians don't follow the old testament. Do you even exegesis nerd? Christ fulfilled the old covenant by his death on the cross and rising from the dead three days later.
Bullshit. Stop your Christian taqiyya. The fulfillment includes the establishment of the Kingdom of God on Earth according to Christian exegesis. Yet it's not established and will be established when Jesus returns.
Has never read Hadith or life of Muhammed.
observation also shows that religious crime happens due to not following the true teaching of islam and were influenced by wahhabists teaching.
"Do not kill. You shall not murder."
2 counts of "Kill"
"Do not allow them to live, for they shall not know the joy of paradise"
0 counts of "Kill"
Context is everything. Quran is also way smaller.
>Old testament
I'm not even religious in the slightest and can spot the obvious bullshitting. Christianity rewrote their shit, Islam has not. Thus the Quran and islam is a violent religion.
Muslims follow the Old Testament as much as Christians do you retarded dumbfuck.
And there came a voice to him: "Rise, Peter; kill and eat." But Peter said, "By no means, Lord; for I have never eaten anything that is common or unclean." And the voice came to him again a second time, "What God has made clean, do not call common."
Acts 10:13-15
You're wrong, you stupid nigger. The new covenant is a fulfillment of the old, the old Jewish law no longer applies, and has been transformed into something new.
From what I've learned, the Old Testament points to the arrival or God's son or otherwise a Messiah to build upon what's already been taught. Jesus Christ came and did his hippie thing, directly went against some parts of the Old Testament (as mentioned; he who is without sin cast the first stone), and I'd also like to point out that the religion is called CHRISTianity. His teachings take precedence over what was essentially the early foundations that lead to both Christianity and Judaism. VERY early. Just from the top of my head, the book of Leviticus was written between 330-530BC, and as I recall Genesis and at least one other Old Testament book is believed to have started being written around 600BC. So the book of Leviticus was finished 330 years before Christ's birth, meanwhile the Declaration of Independence was written less than 250 years ago to sort of help put it into perspective.
It's also worth noting that as I recall the New Testament also suggests the second coming of Christ which means Christianity might yet someday get yet another Testament or otherwise an alteration of the teachings as they're known. After all, to my knowledge the New Testament was ENTIRELY written after Christ's death based on memory and oral tradition. They might have gotten some things wrong.
Meanwhile the Quran is the absolute word of God (Allah, different from the Christian God even if they claim it to be the same God), never to be questioned, never to be altered, and if anyone should attempt either then they should be put to death. Also if anyone leaves Islam they should be put to death for apostasy. Meanwhile, where in the world are Christians put to death for leaving Christ? Legit question; I'm open to learning of both the bad and the good in my adventure of learning Christianity.
What's funny is that it's actually true but it doesn't really means anything yet western degenerate subhumans gonna be like "well Bible has some violent stuff in it so we better rise our children as Muslims"
the difference is god was smiting people as opposed to your prophet slaughtering people
You outsource them
>more violence in the bible
geez its almost jesus told you to turn the other cheek and mohammed told you to loop off the head of the unbeliever
>it means if your family is doing shitty things
It doesn't say anything about them doing shitty things, it says to forsake your family for Jesus and threaten violence if they disagree, it even says to deliver death unto them a few sentences back at Matthew 10:21.
>Christ never ordered his disciples to commit acts of violence
In John 2:15 he made a whip of cords and violently attacked merchants in the temple then commanded his followers to destroy the temple.
No it doesn't you fucking idiot.
He didn't order his disciples in that passage either, you FUCKING idiot
How do you live being this retarded?
he didnt replace them pal, “Think not that I came to destroy the law or the prophets; I came not to destroy, but to fulfill. For verily I say unto you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass away from the law, till all things be accomplished” (Mt. 5:17-18).
>John 2:15
Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in them.
lying cunt
Only because God was pissed off and fucking murked people and picked sides
People are supposed to be like Jesus tho so it doesn’t matter. Plus Jesus wasn’t fucking 8 year old Girls so the Bible wins
>the Old Testament was found to be more violent than the Koran (by Muslims)
Why post about something you evidently don't understand, poo.
The OT is the Talmud. It's cancelled out by the NT.
The OT is a collection of history books recording what really happened. The Koran is the rambling of a schizophrenic paedophile with jealousy issues.
The Koran calls for the murder of non Muslims 104 times. Christ preaches forgiveness.
Go poo somewhere else. This street is taken, poo.
It doesn't say he directly orders them to, but the actions he orders will indirectly cause that to happen.
That is 1 John 2:15, you need to look up John 2:15.
Get a load of this cuck.
thread shoulda ended here
None of what you said is even close to correct.
> still believing in god…
>true teaching of islam
That would be ISIS. Although gotta give credit to Mohammed and Co, they were much better diplomats.
if only the old testament was still relevant
but honestly the thread should have ended here
>old testement
I'm not even a Christian, but isn't the new testament supposed to be the relevant one?
>still supports communism
If only the Old Testament was Christianity,
sigh.....you'd have an argument.
So they're saying it's not the religion's fault, but the people are intently violent? Neat
>oy vey how can we undermine dah goys today?
>Ctrl+F "fire"
>bible: You will burn in fire if you don't repent. The fire burns but doesn't consume.
>fire x2
>Quran: burn all non believers to the ground xd
>fire x1
>oy vey da fuckin bible is worse
>see, pls let them into your nation...oh but please do defend us from them goy