Why was I ever born into the most arrogant and parasitic country that has ever existed with even worse descendants yet, every action since the 1800's has been a false cause, a crime against all that is decent and good in the world, I have tried to love my country but it is like the mother of Jeffrey Dahmer loving Jeffrey Dahmer, how can such a small country do so much damage to the world, we have inherited our bloodlust and arrogance from our ancient Iberian ancestors and now we are just a pathetic country in the end, the empire was for nothing, we were for nothing, perhaps I would be happier in the South Pacific as far away from my country as possible. We have doomed the world around us and our own and all we can do is savour what little does remain,
To Germany and Ireland and France and every other victim of our evil, plz stop repeating our mistakes because WE WERE WRONG.
The Blackpilled Englishman
Other urls found in this thread:
In regard to England, Pope, Swift, et. al were right and you sold out earliest to the merchant class and to empowering this class (scum of the earth, no real values or decency or sense of honour and nobility) during the Walpole period.
France was a shitshow as well desu. There is a reason the French Revolution happened there.
>engaging in self hatred and apology
You're no better than a leftist apologizing for being white. You are not blackpilled, you are a cuck.
>our ancient Iberian ancestors
A wog or just retarded? If anything you were far better than the Roman Empire, post-revolutionary France or Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth of Tatars and Jews
We ruined the white race, don't you get it. Everything shit now is our direct fault.
Everyone is better than a Jew. But we enabled them, it is nice though I feel kinda better we were better than France and the Roman empire.
>far better than the Roman Empire
Holy shit that's some funny shit right there.
Britain became the Jew enabler, I mean that is our doing, mind you the Polish practically cultured Jewish culture the bastards, you know what, it was the Polish, they ruined the world with their Jew growing and cabbage crap.
fuck off dickhead
You have no shame you silly goose, we did all this, we practically invented multiculturalism.
Fuck off back home, Kanake.
Roman Emire:
Brought the jews to Europe
Had shitskin Emperors
Gave equal rights to it’s non-European subjects and allowed free movement to kikes, arabs and niggers
Essentially was a modern USA
Subscribe to blacked - walk like a Roman
The Roman Empire brought them to Europe and Poland later on gave them operational base. You did a far better job at anti-semitism than many other nations
Whew I don't feel as bad now. But what about Cromwell who killed the Irish and brought the Jew, every Englishman should be whipped for that sin alone.
>ancient Iberian ancestors
Might as well have said ancient African ancestors retarded
It's this attitude that has put us in the mess we are in. Go to the south pacific
I used to be a happy racist but now I am a sad, You know who are a nice bunch, Tongans, they go to church and everyone knows each other, basically it's an extended family all on one island.
The British Empire was a meme, the Commonwealth is superior.
Insert in sentence sad racist. That is what I am.
Only Antipodeans are cool. Canada is a failed abortion.
>happier in the South Pacific
you can try but it hasnt worked out for me.
Poland did far worse than England with Cromwell in that period. I can say that the share of Ashkenazi Jewish, Lipka Tatar or Armenian ancestry among the general population in Poland lays between 30-40%
That means poland is 60-70% white, as white as mongrel United States were in 1965
Let that sink in lmao, even Germany with 10mln nonwhites and massive influx of "refugees" is whiter than Poland
Poles cant claim that Poland didn’t :
A - gave refuge to subhuman gypsies killed by Germans
B - bring armenians to Europe
C - give a homeland to the jews
D - import lipka tatars
Racially purified CANZUK can become a superior entity*
But my ex was Polish and was the love of my life. Bastard left me in my current sorry existence.
so you're sad and bitter because of a woman? come on man, dust yourself off, pick yourself up and stop being a whiny bitch.
This is selective BS. British Empire and its offshoot (the Jew-S-A) were the engines of liberalism, democracy and the emancipation of inferior castes (whereas Rome was far more hierarchical).
Jews had no power in Rome. Jewish sites were frequently demolished in Rome. Romans thought Jews were a form of anti-nature: completely perverse and degraded, a form of human refuse to be viewed with utter contempt.
But Jews did use the British Navy as a weapon to expropriate riches from the world for their own benefit, through lackeys like Palmerston who owed them money--this was most of what the British Leviathan did during the 19th century.
And the British Empire was infinitely more tolerant and permissive of Jews than the Roman Empire was--the former was much more liberal, and more universalist too. Rome was happy to dominate others and integrate to some extent--British thought they had the "white man's burden", which is the exact mentality of masochism and superiority that dominates the modern western mindset. Mentality of Rome was antithetical to this and a few selectively chosen quotations doesn't change that in any way.
tl;dr : You are full of shit.
NZ isn't really South Pacific it's more Pacific Rim.
You know every nation and people have made mistakes. The Germans, Irish and French aren't without fault.
Cromwell was just the latest. You could put blame on William the conqueror. The list is long.
The pacific islanders are not the happy Christian family you fantasize about
i love how england is the sour old whore the jews left behind for young T H I C C america.
dem 100 years of sadness. hey were changing your language too, you mad cuz? gonna throw a collywaddle old cogder what hut ho? it's okay you get gypsies and pajeets to warm your wintry isles. chow that curry down.
Listen up dickweed, you're talking like a pussy. If you need another reason to love your country, other than it is the space that YOU and your FRIENDS and NEIGHBORS LIVE IN, an hero this second. You obviously know what the problem is, but have no problems sitting around feeling sorry for yourself. Absolutely pathetic, lad. Get ahold of yourself, or go blow a cactus, you self-hating simpleton.
Canada is superior, Britain should've never come down here
Oh, and Juvenal was a satirist, you retard, and those quotes show that racemixing was held in far more contempt over 500 years into the Roman imperium than in the Britain that had only been colonizing outsiders for 300 years (and where racemixing is not even mentioned in the popular discourse, except as a moral good--that is how much more acceptable it is).
Rome was also extremely patriarchal in its culture, religion and mores--utterly unlike the British Empire, which was always justified by a feminine impulse (helping the poor savages become better--"white man's burden").
Why? What's the hidden thing about them. Besides fuck Marijuana, Kava is the best drug, stuff might actually tame Islamism here.
Cromwell pozzed your national identity like no fault divorce did to marriage. Now both are useless shams full of faggotry and gayness.
Fuck off, are you blackpilled. You are another self hating traitor. This sort of apologetic nonsense is the cancer on which all the other forms of our national decline have grown.
Poles have highest % of Indo-Aryan haplotype yet "muh race-mixed by jews"
Polish peasantry despised the jews because they were constantly exploited by them, and the Polish aristocracy tolerated them because they performed tasks they considered beneath them. Neither mixed with Jews in large numbers. They did not mix into the society at large and were always seen as a class apart. You are that Russian sperg who thinks Italians aren't white but your mongol-raped ass is.
>shitalian subhuman
>triggered ugly manlet with low impulse control
Pick two, monkey
Rome and modern USA stand for the same things: equality of races, race mixing, egalitarianism, expansion
Ethnicity of the Roman Emperors:
-Augustus - Roman Italian
-Tiberius - Roman
-Gaius "Caligula" - Roman Italian (born at Antium)
-Claudius - Roman Italian (born at Lugdunum in Gaul)
-Nero - Roman Italian (born at Antium)
-Otho - Etruscan
-Vitellius - presumably Italian
-Vespasian - Sabine
-Titus - Sabine
-Domitian - Sabine
-Nerva - Italian
-Trajan - Umbrian Italian (family had settled in Spanish Baetica)
-Hadrian - Picenine Italian (family had settled in Spanish Baetica)
-Antoninus Pius - Gaulish (born in Latium)
-Marcus Aurelius - Gaulish and Spanish
-Commodus - Gaulish and Spanish (born in Rome)
-Pertinax - unknown (family of slave origins)
-Julianus - unknown, probably Roman Italian
-Albinus - Italian
-Pescennius Niger - Roman Italian
-Septimius Severus - Carthaginian and Celtic
-Caracalla - Carthaginian, Celtic, and Syrian
-Macrinus - Italian (family had settled in Punic Africa)
-Elagabalus - Syrian
-Severus Alexander - Syrian
-Maximinus Thrax - probably Dacian (supposedly Thracian and Sarmatian)
-The Gordiani - unknown (probably mixed Italian, African, and Asian)
-Philip the Arab - Mesopotamian or Syrian Arab
-Decius - Illyrian or Pannonian (born at Budalia near Sirmium)
-Trebonianus Gallus - Perusian Etruscan
-Aemilian - Mauretanian
-Valerian - unknown
-Gallienus - unknown
-Claudius Gothicus - Illyrian
-Aurelian - Moesian
-Tacitus and Florian - unknown, possibly Italian or Danubian
-Probus - Illyrian or Pannonian
-Carus - probably Gaulish and Greek (born at Narbo)
-Carinus and Numerian - probably Gaulish and Greek
-Diocletian - Dalmatian
-Maximian - probably Illyrian or Pannonian
-Carausius - Menapian Gaul
-Constantius Chlorus - Moesian or Dacian
-Galerius - Dacian
-Severus II - Danubian
-Maxentius - Syrian
>dates non-Celtic-Germanics
>not degenerate
Ever wonder why so many Poles rock that iconic “Der Untermensch” look?
That’s because “Poles” often have those subhuman negroid genes thru Jewish side (jews are 2-6% nigger) manifested in them.
Wrong, I vote hard Tory any chance I get, fact my self-hatred comes from not being able to reconcile with possibly one of the most self-destructive and destructive countries in the world, our country hates patriotism, A Jap couldn't understand the top down treason our people basically are enabling.
What "treason" is that?
Sure we know that. I always tell younger people "never trust an sasanach"
Whoah hang on there. 23 and me is a Jewish trick didn't you see the most recent expose?
>In 1643 Fiji could have quite easily been subject to European colonisation, with Abel Tasman's Dutch expedition landing just off the coast of the north islands. But it wasn’t to be as the expedition didn’t go ashore due to the tales of cannibalism that they had heard from neighbouring islands, especially Tonga
>early 1800's missionaries began making their way to Fiji from Tonga to convert the natives, this is where they first encountered the cannibal practice which was in full swing at the time. What they learned was that cannibalism was a right reserved for high order of the tribe
I'm sure they are fine. But you are idolising a simpler life and time. All people have made mistakes. I'm sure a lot of us fantasize about running off into the sunset to find a happy existence though.
Kava, I've heard some positive things about that but apparently the stuff we get in Europe fucks with your liver and is banned in some eu countries, maybe even here now.
People can be tamed but not changed without changing of beliefs. It doesn't matter what drugs people are on if they hold fundamental beliefs.
Other companies, Polish own history give us similar results
Our country should have been 70% Brexit. The amount of remoaners I encountered was nauseating to say the least.
English history has been a mistake since you accepted the foreign usurpation of the Hannovarians just because it could further your soy-boy milk-toast joke of a "national" religion. You've been ruled by the merchant ever since in effect (Walpole the first merchant-in-chief, a fat and grubby crypto-jew if i've ever seen one). You're a traitor for supporting and celebrating the things that led to your destruction as a country and organically organized people.
Nonesense. The Pharma Jew and Weed Stoner fears the Kava Rooter. Besides everyone knows about the cannibalism shit they used to do but I can safely say missionary activity put an end to all that, they have Mutton flaps now which I have yet to try.
I hope we leave the Single Market or else immigration won't come down.
I'm British, that's why I said "our"
Stop voting Tory of any flavour.
>We have doomed the world around us
Rubbish. The world is full of other groups that are thriving.
It was not our role to make the whole world do well and yet the British empire, on the whole, treated its subjects a damned sight better than the majority of empires in the history of the world. We preserved a great deal more than other groups would have.
The destructive impulse you're so busy lambasting is inherent in all people. In fact, one of the most remarkable things to come out of the British Empire is that enormous self restraint we possessed. With the power and control we had we could have done enormous damage, and yet we didn't.
Of course if we could go back and rerun the empire we would do it differently but we should never let perceived past wrongs shun the great culture we've been bequeathed.
Everything that is wrong with our country could be remedied and turned in a surprisingly short period of time if only our people weren't shackled to the belief system you espoused in your first post. A people with self belief and a shared set of goals rapidly achieve greatness.
tldr; listen to more Bowden.
>I would be happier in the South Pacific
you mean in the South Pacific where the queen still reigns
>literal fake country that only exists after multiple involuntary resuscitations by foreigners, the post.
This is correct
Ah, so i was completely right: you are that complete sperg who is always shitting up Europeans and European historical achievement with this autistic garbage.
If you can convince yourself that Rome stood for "equality and egalitarianism" then you're too brain-dead to bother debating. Rome's hierarchy was far more rigid and inflexible than. Rome had been expanding for 400-500 years before anyone from a non-noble background attained any kind of power (Marius). People who said, not just "equal rights", but who sought lessen the aristocratic/plebeian distinction in the slightest were usually killed and tossed in the Tiber. Even the slave rebellions didn't seek to abolish slavery, but merely to be masters themselves. Keep up the retarded gibberish though: it's a good laugh to read.
>You know who are a nice bunch, Tongans,
No all coconuts are savages
Oh look, an Austrian obsessed with the Jews.
By your reckoning, if you support or celebrate your nation's history you're celebrating and supporting the events which lead to the archduke being shot in 1914 and the ultimate demise of Austria thereafter.
You also gave the world medical circumcision, never forget that abomination.
Austria is one of the oldest states in European history and is a home to Celtic-South Germanic peoples. But thanks to the US pressure it been filled with Turkish, Italian and Yugoslavian a mongrel scum a long time before all that rapefugee panic started
>multiracial cuckoldry
That's one triggered shitaka
That is a national pastime. Tongans and Samoans have been fighting since 1200 AD it's basically island version of England vs Scotland, besides Maori Iwi should be the mediators here.
The USA is not a country you stupid Mutt. Organic local identities still exist and still thrive here--in your "country" they have been wholly usurped by a leveling and egalitarian government that works against everything local, distinct and diverse.
Genuine Europeans don't obsess about "muh countries" because the modern hyper-centralized nation-state is a plebeian subversion as it is. You, as an American who doesn't even really have a nation state, and who has no organic identity to speak of, are projecting like a typical Mutt.
>Maori Iwi should be the mediators here.
Maoris literally committed a holocaust of their own population once they got access to guns, let alone eating the last race before them in NZ out of existence
>be slav steppe mongrel rapist
>we good boys dindu nuffin is muricas fault
Stop saying "we" like you're a collective hive mind.
You didn't do shit.
Romans allowed the free movement of nearly everyone. The difference is that once that freedom was abused; they'd actually punish it so hard that jews still cry about it today.
If this is how you view history, you're a fucking idiot.
Oh look, a psychotically patriotic Brit ("everything we did was good because we did it, even the things that destroyed us, whoopie!!") living in nip-land because he can't stomach what an intolerable shit-hole he and people like him let his country be turned into, out of pure greed and self-righteous sanctimony.
And I don't celebrate "my nation's history" as a mere nation-state, but as a central component of something far greater. I deplore the plebeian uprising that is called the nation-state and its unending stupidity (not to mention tendencies towards egalitarianism, the consummate stupidity). Modern nationalism as people like you conceive it is little different to African totem-worship.
Exactly, They didn't favour one over the other because no one was spared from the horror, that makes a good mediator. My logic in a nutshell 101.
>hat makes a good mediator.
Maori and Islander gangs fight each other everyday here, they hate each other
Stop focusing on bloody race. Europeans were always going to go off and do different things. If the British hadn't been the global super power, then it would have been the French. The Lord knows the French would have done far worse.
The only group that should matter to you are the British people.
>yfw when the little eurocuck gets triggered and lowers the fedora.
Tldr, glanced at a few words. Adorable. Stay mad achmed
Sometimes I wish I could go back in time to a time when shit moved and be a great guy, not be some leftover Anglo who was there when SHTF. It's more helplessness than guilt on my part.
I could mediate however. Mutton flaps for everyone.
>Stop focusing on race
aaaaaaaaaand dropped
>The only group that should matter to you are the British people
Yeah that's worked so well in the past. Funny how you worship a constructed identity that has existed for barely 300 years as if it were the be-all and end-all of all things. Such a fucking pleb. How do the nips tolerate you?
kys Mutt. It's pretty hilarious watching you retards destroy yourselves and project onto Europe because you're too thick to recognize that all your problems lie at home (and so project constantly).
Americans are so constantly triggered by their being Mutts that they are reporting Mutt threads 24/7 like a bunch of women or fgts.
So what it is this wonderful greater entity that the Austrian people have made their contribution in place of plebeian nation states?
Also, I honestly don't know where you're pulling this "everything we did was good because we did it, even the things that destroyed us, whoopie!!" nonsense from.
It's absolutely fine to be critical of past actions but to loathe yourself and give up on any achievements because mistakes were made is suicidal.
The only people that matter to the nips are the nips. Has worked pretty well for them.
It is happening BECAUSE of America
I just hope that the Warriors of the Prophet and European Radicals send more US Mongrel Forces soldiers to hell where they belong
Occupy Germany to this day
>Force turks, greeks and balkanrocahes into Germany en.wikipedia.org
>Cause wars in the middle east and direct “”””””refugees””””””into Europe belfercenter.org
>take in Marxist Frankfurt School and send them back to Germany to kickstart communist student revolts of 1968 who march through institutions and turn Germany into leftist shithole
>Jewish US-networks control media and government, lobby for mass immigration and anti-racism
>Call said country you destroy "cucks"
Why are Americans constantly trying to turn Europe and the world into the 30-52% face? Every NGO funds migrants, every American foreign policy in Europe and all American interests are to create multiracial market 'democracies'. That is all they've done in Europe for the past 70 years, promote multiculturalism, markets, consumerism, and 'democracy'.
Just change that “Brit” bit for “Italian”, idiot.
>psychotically patriotic Brit ("everything we did was good because we did it, even the things that destroyed us, whoopie!!")
If you truly are British then come home and see how much the 'British' identity is working. Our politics is practically a two party system and everyone hates each other, there is no Unity.
>Be White
Blacks hate you, Muslims hate you, Commies hate themselves (So in turn you)
>Be Catholic
Protestants hate you, Muslims hate you, Atheists hate you, homosexuals hate you
>Be Straight
Feminists and most women can openly hate you and exploit you, gays hate you
>If you're all three like me
God help you. Can barely leave the house without being seen as satan incarnate
>yfw the eurocuck is so butt blasted that a single sentence triggers paragraphs you wont read
U mad achmed?
Why are Americans constantly trying to turn Europe and the world into the 30-52% face? Every NGO funds migrants, every American foreign policy in Europe and all American interests are to create multiracial market 'democracies'. That is all they've done in Europe for the past 70 years, promote multiculturalism, markets, consumerism, and 'democracy'.
Let me enlighten you.
This video is from 1943. Listen to the narrator. There was no great, secret conspiracy. Everything was done in the open. They were going to smash the Old World and supplant it with a unipolar world order with America as the master and everyone its slaves. This is what Americans dreamed, and planned and made happen.
Of course, Americans didn’t expect to be supplanted by Jews and other subhuman minorities, but ultimately they didn’t care because Americans believe anyone can be an American so it’s meaningless who comprises America as long as America swallows up the whole world (See: HWNDU mongrels who showed for that.)
America and it’s people deserve nothing but contempt, and don’t let them off the hook by saying they good bois who dindu nuffin. They knowingly and willingly set up the world to be destroyed on the altar of progressive ideologies and persist to this day in sacrificing everything in the name of universal liberalism. Read Heidegger, read Evola, and you will understand.
America. It is the enemy of all that is European and Natural.
I agree with this guy. I'm no self-hating Englishman, but I do know when I see the fake British construct which we are all supposed to identify with. The Imperial super-culture destroyed our organic true culture especially in England.
Too many Brits here and elsewhere, have a shallow sense of national identity confined to infantile jingoism along with the baubles and trinkets of empire presented as our true nature.
I am really in reality a queer (Guy who grew record breaking tit's and and an ass bigger than Kardashian without the plastic surgery, my ass was natural and tits were natural and became attracted to guys at puberty, tits were removed but hormone levels were normal range and I am def not a soyboy since I am ripped also, I suspect biological hermaphroditism) and white conservative with animist beliefs, I don't know what people think of me.
They are truly the evil child of Britain.
>Imperial super-culture destroyed our organic true culture especially in England.
thanks for hating my culture bud
>Just change that “Brit” bit for “Italian”, idiot.
yeah no pretty sure it says Roman. Last I checked Brits just give them land/states.
Conflating Italians & Romans is just silly btw. Italians don't have a shred of what made Rome great.
Love Russians like you.
Oh look, yet another UK focused defeatist demoralization poster wallowing in its own misery.
I hate blackpilled nihilistic mongs almost as much as I hate leftists. You fuckers actively try to spread blackpills to your comrades and infect them with your whinging defeatist self pity. If it was wartime and you were pushing this shit in the ranks you would rightly be hauled up against the wall and shot.
Just go kill yourself if this is the way you feel instead of posting here. The last thing the lads need at present is more blackpilled shilling. Trying to drag others down to your own pathetic self pitying level of depressive nihilism is unforgivable. You deserve a slap for this shit. Wanker.
Coming home next week. I'm under no illusions that our country is currently fucked. I just don't agree with the OP that we should embrace nihilistic self loathing.
I also don't agree that we should try and form a new identity purely based on being white. (It's obviously a prerequisite for being British) The white race is far too open an identity. White people in France, white people in Italy, white people in Albania, and white people in Estonia all have different identities which transcend their whiteness (Again, not saying that whiteness isn't a part of those identities)
Being British is/was just another form of English identity into which the so called Celtic fringes began to assimilate. Before the second world war "English" and "British" were used almost interchangeably. You will find Scots in old books and novels referring to themselves as "English"
It's is more than jingoism and imperial trinkets. I agree that many people have a shallow appreciation but that is simply because we are taught next to nothing and our entire cultural setup is firmly against national identities beyond football.
Don't return to the west. Oh lord, it's gotten so bad recently.
>hard tory
>literally voting for the multiculti&islamization of Britain
You're voting for pic related and wondering why it isn't helping.
Cromwell did nothing wrong. No, wait, he did. He didn't finish the potato niggers off when he had the chance
>Being British is/was just another form of English identity into which the so called Celtic fringes began to assimilate. Before the second world war "English" and "British" were used almost interchangeably. You will find Scots in old books and novels referring to themselves as "English"
People who were raised in the Dominions and in the other colonies did not see themselves English or Scottish but British Instead.
also said that when Hillary reached the top of Mt Everest that he was "Putting the British race and New Zealand on top of the world"
I'm saying "Britishness" as some kind of ultimate form of self-identification is absurdity (well shown by your blathering PM and her unending calls for "British values" that are as vacuous and idiotic as "American values"--it is a civic form of identity in reality, sorry to say). The people who have a solid sense of identity in the UK are people with local ties--only then does it scale up to english, and in the modern world that is bent on destruction of European people, it should scale up to a sense of European identity too, if you have any world-historical perspective. And the EU is an anti-European organisation so don't let retarded leftists conflate the two and claim said identity as their own, when it is quite the opposite.
Nips do not share the same culture, history and genetics with their neighbors in the same way the English do with, say, the Germans. It isn't comparable really, even though you both do share an island mentality of a sort (but in your case this has been utilised by outsiders to put you into fratricidal wars with people with whom you share common interests).
They were born as anti-thesis of Britain
>made Rome great
Die hard racialism actually you dumb ass pleb. To understand how cancerous the Greek subhuman is and was after the fall of Sparta and reign of Alexander “the Great” one should look at history and the world around. Turning points for Rome downfall were the adoption of greek, degenerate customs, which caused the civil wars of 1st century bc, and the citizenship granted to foreigners by Caracalla (subhuman grekosyrian mutt).
Roman strength, as Cato remarked often, came from the fact that the society was very much traditional, based on community duty and not seeking personal wealth or hedonistic pleasure.
This is what allowed them to become strong and expand by granting only a "social citizenship", not proper real one, to subjects outside of Latium.
As soon as Carthage was destroyed, Romans did not have enemies, they became wealthy, and started to look at foreign customs, like greek, which true Roman people like Cato considered disgusting and degenerate. This different mind set brought the problem of social differences between plebs and patricians, the Gracchi reforms, the civil war between Marius and Sulla, Caesar and Pompey, and Octavian and Mark Anthony in seemingless succession. Ultimately, it lead to the empire, which with time became more and more degenerate (GREEK) and represents the root itself of the Roman demise.
As a matter of fact we are repeating history, we are in the degenerate undecent part of Roman history, and eventually I am conviced this will lead to the demise of Western society and the possibility of starting from scratch once again
you work for the fsb don't you? i think i've seen you before
We need to start re-evaluating everything we have done in the past so we can be patriots without shame. The Blackpill before the Redpill.
>the most arrogant
That would be the yanks. I hate what we became but I'll always hate them more.
>literally siding with Pompey over Caesar
what is wrong with you
I voted UKIP on my second ballot choice.